Session One
Nine sets of:
Banded Bench Press x 3 reps 45% Bar Weight of 1-RM Bench Press + Bands
Rest 90 seconds
Bench = 200 lbs or more, use Doubled Mini Bands
Bench = 199 lbs or less, use Double Micro Mini Bands
*Sets 1-3 – Close Grip
*Sets 4-6 – Middle Grip
*Sets 7-9 – Wide Grip
Followed by…
One set of:
Bench Press x 8 reps @ 70%
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (75/55 lbs)
Two Sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
Session Two
For time:
Run 5k
This will be something we re-test in approximately 12 weeks, so please note time and the course on which you ran.
Session One
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Minute 1 – Toes to Bar x 12-15 reps
Minute 2 – Freestanding Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
Minute 3 – Unbroken Double-Unders x 50 reps
Ten rounds for time of:
10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
10 Handstand Push-Ups
You may kip your handstand push-ups for this workout.
Session Two
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
For time:
50 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (75/55 lbs)
Two Sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows x 6-8 reps each
Rest as needed
Viking Sloth Press x 8-10 alternating reps
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand
Rest 2-3 minutes
Session 1:
A) 9×2 @ #105 and 1×8 @ #185, kept it light to preserve the shoulder. Overall felt strong and pain-free
B) 9:06, Sub 20 Strict Pull Ups instead of C2B but I did try a few and shoulder was solid
2×8 @ #35 for 1 Arm Rows
2×10 @ #20 for Viking Press
#115 & #135
Session 2:
Session One
A. 145# Bar- Green Rogue bands
B. 9:20
C. #50
Two sets of:
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Right Hand -100#
immediately followed by…
100-Foot One-Arm Suitcase Carry with Left Hand-100#
For the Vikings sloth press, I can’t tell if he is seated, or if he is holding the bottom of a squat during?
A. 115 + banded resistance/ 180 x 8
B. 5:08
C. 35lbs DB’s for the row and Press (no viking press)
D. 70lb Kettlebell
Off Season:
A.) Only had blue bands- so dropped the weight to 55# and maintained 3rep sets
A2) 120#
B.) 13:30 didn’t have Dumbbells so did squat snatches with barbell at 95# instead-CTbs feeling good though
C.) done
D.) 55#/ 85#
A) 155 on bar doubled red bands
rowed 75 cals
Raining and the pull-up bar had a ton of moisture from the humidity. Could not grip well
20 alt snatches at 70lbs
10 alt snatches at 85lbs
rows 100
Zpress with 40 lbs KB
D) 100 lbs
assault bike chipper: 8:03
Session 1
A1: 105 with red bands on each side
A2: 165 x 8
B: 9:01 using 80# DB. Felt good throughout
C: 50# DB Row and no weight for Vikings Press
D: Suitcase carry with barbell 105#
Session 2:
22:45. Pretty stoked about this time and looking forward to Pr’ing in 12 weeks.
Session one
A. Like 115 with two blue bands on each side. Set of 8 at 175
B. Will do this evening
C. 100 lb on rows, 5 lbs on the Viking thing
D. 160 loaded on the axel handle things
A. 145lb + Purple Band / 180 X 8
B. 9:47RX (not use to SA Dumbbell Sq. Sn. – last 15 reps were a lot smoother and faster than first 15)
C. 60#X10 / Viking (no weight)
D. 79#
5K = 24:01 (23:24 – 3 mile)
One long session
– OTM done. 14 ttb, getting about 40 sec each time on the hs hold , UB DU
– 10 rounds: 13:12
-bike/c2b/sn: 10:39 really conservative on bike. Was pleased I could do a 55# DB sq snatch 😉
– 3 way shoulder; 4×6 DB row done
– bicep/tricep done
– suitcase carry done
Was able to get everything in today! Still crammed but got it done. A. 15 t2b unbroken every round/ 50 ft handstand walk unbroken every round/50 du unbroken every round did handstand walks because they are a weakness in volume B. This humbled me… I thought I’d fly through this HA!!!! 12:44 rx Rested 30 minutes with a small snack and foam rolling then stated session two Delt warm up:done A.done B. 10:44 (50# DB we don’t have anything larger:( ) this was all new to me first time ever using an assault bike and this week was the first… Read more »
A. First part done at 57#. 88# for set of 8 reps. B. 17:39. ? I know it was slower but in ordering the greatest. DB squat snatches were tough. I power snatched then squatted. I also was distracted in this workout by my kids and had to take care of them in the middle of it. Pullups did feel stronger though. C. 35/30s on rows. On Viking presses I didn’t add weight should I next time? D. Done. I love the 5k, just not 100%. I’ve had a cold or something. Will see how I feel later. I did… Read more »
If you are able to do more weight then it is always a good idea in parts like this
Am session ran 5k first. 22:41. All time best was 20:30 and it was in a race. I was also 10-12 pounds lighter (pre CrossFit).
A) 125lbs + Bands, did these every 90s, then 1×8 @195.
B) 7.02 but with DB snatch not squat snatch.
C) SA Rows with 85Lbs, didn’t have anywhere to set up the viking sloth press so did seated SA DB strict press with 45lbs.
D) with a 100lb DB
5k Run – 22.55, previous best is 19.40 but this was on a different route.
Fridays work today
Session one
A. done
caught 240 3 times and then moved on. hit plenty of reps at lower percentages working up to that
clean and jerks make me sleepy
Session two
A1- 135+2 red bands
A2- 225×10
B. 8:45 (70#)
A1- 135# doubled up on elitefitness red bands.
A2- 210#
Regionals prep
Session 1
15 emom Done
50 cal bike
30 db squat snatch
Time 8.00
I added 20 ring muscle ups
Overall time
My c2b was all over the place. Did 3×10 7+3
Coaches please more gymnastics skill work
B Metcon
10 rounds
Was 13.15 min
Only like 5 min between workout
Session 1
A. All sets done @ 125