Session One
Three sets of:
30-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 3 minutes
40-49: 30-Foot Handstand Walk
50-59: 25-Foot Handstand Walk, 2″ riser
60+: 20-Foot Overhead Walking Lunges (55/35 lbs); 4″ riser
followed by…
For perfect positioning:
5 Wall Walk + 45 seconds of Nose-to-Wall Split Handstand Hold
followed by…
Three sets of:
16-20 Nose-to-Wall Handstand Thigh Taps
Rest 2 minutes
To be completed at 60% effort:
Five sets: (30 Minutes)
60 Seconds Turkish Get-Ups (40-54: 53/35 lbs; 55+: 35/24 lbs)
30 Seconds/side Box Step-Ups (20″)
60 Seconds Farmer Carry (53/35lbs/hand; 35/24 lbs/hand)
60 Seconds Sled Drag Forward (moderate weight)
60 Seconds Sled Drag Backwards (moderate weight)
60 Seconds Row
Session Two
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Wall Slides x 6-8 reps
Squat Rocks x 60 seconds
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Crossover Symmetry 90/90 Drill x 6-8 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat with a 2 second hold at the bottom of the overhead squat
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Pause Snatch x 2 reps
*Pause is at the knee for a strong 2 seconds, tension should be in your hamstrings with lats engaged and weight mid-foot.
*Build to a heavy double.
and then. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Pause Snatch x 2 reps @ 90% of todays heavy double
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Even Minutes – Shoulder to Overhead x 6-10 reps (135/95 lbs)
Odd Minutes – Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Even Minutes – Shoulder to Overhead x 6-10 reps (115/75 lbs)
Odd Minutes – Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes:
Even Minutes – Shoulder to Overhead x 6-10 reps (95/65 lbs)
Odd Minutes – Toes to Bar x 8-10 reps
First Invictus Workout. Had to combine Monday/Tuesday.
4/11 Session 2:
A. Up to 242#
B. Up to 200#
4/12 Session 2:
C. “Amanda” 7:54 Rx’d (4 Missed MUs, 0 Missed Sn)
Session 2
A) Up to 93#
B) Up to 83# then 73#x 5
C) @ 75# 10 STOH/10 T2B UB
*Went surfing for the first time ever…fun! Shoulders done 🙂
Felt very sore after Sunday pickup b-ball. So much for rest & recovery. 🙁
DMA done.
Session 1
A. OH Walking Lunges, 4/4/6 HSPU (not my best), shoulder taps.
B. Skipped.
Session 2
A./B. Snatches only 2 reps @ up to 95 lbs, time restricted. Didn’t time, but around 12-15 mins.
C. Time for 6 rounds of 6 STO reps @ 95 lbs/8 T2B reps.
Session 2
DMA done
A up to 135 and then wrist was giving me trouble so I stopped
B Worked on technique as wrist was still bother me.
C Done 6@135 and 10 TTB
Happy that I was able to complete this
Sesh 1
HSW 30/25/17 UB Max SHS 7/6/7
A. Wall walk split hsh, thigh taps Done
B. Done Turkish GU w/35 & 26#KB, 35# KB Farmer carry, 45# sled
Sesh 2
Mob done
A. 85/105/115/125/135
B. 65/75/85/90/100 then 90#
C. Done 10@75#, 10 TTB
Session 1
A. HSW Done – 5/4/3 on SHSPU. (At times I think there is some cosmic alignment I am not tapped into on these)
Wall walks and HS taps done
B. 5 sets, BW sled drags
Session 2
Mob done
A. 185
B. up to 165(felt heavy today, shoulders not into it) then 145
C. 10 STO and 10 T2B held EMOM thru 7 then just finished it out.
A. 25′, 22/15/12, handstand thigh taps done…ugly
B. 4 sets, 24 min, 55#db, 180# sled, air assault
Kind of a beat down grind…just work!
Session 2, 15 min rest
A. 185, 185, 205. 205, 215
B. Heavy double at 175, Emom 2 at 155 x5
C. 8 sto, 10 ttb 20 min
Just a grind tday…head down and got through it
A. Did 20 feet/ shspu 2 abmats 6/1.5 abmats 5/1.5 abmats 4 couldn’t get to just one abmat
Completed remainder hs work
B. Complete, used 25# for Turkish get ups
Session 2: pressed for time so had to adjust sets and times
A. 85/105/115/125/135
B. 65/85/95/105/110/115
Then 3 sets of doubles every 90 sec at 105
C. 7 rounds only, 14 min
Session 2
Mobility: Complete
A. 185#, 190#, 195# for all remaining sets
B1. 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#, 175#, 185#
B2. 165#
C. EMOM -8 S2OH, 10 T2B for all sets
A. HS Walks, Push-ups at 10, 10, 7
B. Skipped
Session 2:
A. Snatch Balance with OHS –
worked up to 105# (stopped – felt comfortable)
B. Pause snatch up to 95# for 2 reps.
85# Pause Snatch for 2 x 5 reps
C. EMOM G2OH at 85#, TTB all unbroken
*Playing it smart and keeping it light and comfortable with good form. My younger self would keep pushing it. Adding basic knee rehab + e stim to activate this lazy VMO that I have.
session One: I dont have hs walk and no one sto help I tke three steps and I fall 🙁 frustrating… I made it thru that way but Im sure thats not good… I forgot to rest but I need to work up my upper body strnegth only got 4 strict HSPU per round wall walks did in correct LOL I acutally did wall walks then tried to do the h/s balance off the wall and I STRUGGLED!!!!! LOL NSW: I couldnt touch my high, so I did shoulder taps I cant wait to be able to do the thigh… Read more »
A. got one of the three HSW unbroken and SHSPU, flat ground, 10,4,5
B. Done
Sess 2 (5 hrs later)
A. up to 155, shoulders were tight
B. up to 125#, then 115# X 5
C. Done 6-10 reps with 115# and 10 T2B.
session 1: 30 ft unbroken hand stand walk then 25/17/14 SHSPU
then right into:
Session 2:
A. up to 205- it took a while for shoulders to get with the program
B. up to 175 heavy double then 157 x 5 no miss
C. EMOM done 10 reps of S2OH with 10 GHDs subbed for TTB
Session 1 lunchtime
A. HS walks a work in progress/6 SHSPUs X 3/split holds/thigh taps
B. Done (haven’t done a Turkish get up in ages – fun!)
Session 2 dinner time
M&A done
A. Light
B. Skipped (snatched on Sat)
C. 10 S2O @115/10 t2b all unbroken. Kept rhythm throughout 100 t2b which is progress for me!
Session 2:
A. Up to 135#; kept it lighter, back held up well
B1. To 125#
B2. All at 115#
C. Done; T2B UB and felt good, started w 10 then went to 8 reps at 95#
Mobility/activation done.
Part A-Session 1 done. Unbroken HS walk then 17/14/11 max strict hspu.
Session 2
A. 125-135-145-155-165-175#
B1. 105-115-125-135m-135-140-145#(made 1st, missed 2nd)
B2. 130#
C. Done. 10 reps 95# and 10 t2b.
I was really happy that I could do the work today as programmed with no modifications considering the ankle sprain from Friday. It was another good day!
1st sesh
A. 15, 14, 7 fell off. Lame.
B. Done
2nd sesh
A. 135×2, 155×2, 175×2
B. 135×2, 155×2, 175×2
B2. All @ 160
C. 100 of each. Not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Got both full sessions in
1 A.
HS walks went great today. Unbroken and snappy pace. Strict HSPUs 5/6/6
Wall facing Split HS and thigh taps done
1 B.
WOD done. Subbed row for run with weight vest (due to class rowing)
DMA Done
2 A. 40/45/45/50/50/55kg
2. Up to 70kg then 63kg#
2 C. Done: 18 seconds to 20 seconds for 10 T2Bs. 25-30 seconds for 10 S2Os (@115#)
Mobility done.
Handstand walks and HSPU from sesh 1.
A. 115, 125, 135, 145,
B. 115, 125, 135, 145, then 135 and 125.
C. 135# 7 reps each, 10 TTB started breaking them up last 5 rounds.
After sitting on a plane for 10+ hours I decided I needed to get the blood flowing so straight from the airport went to my buddy’s gym in Virginia.
Session 1:
A: 30ft UB and HSPUs were 7, 9, 7
Session 2:
M&A – Done
A: 155; 165; 175; 185; 195(m); 195
B1: 135; 145; 155; 165; 170; 175(m)
B2: 155- felt solid
Called it a day.