Schedule Reminder: Please go by feel today. Some of you may feel great and complete the entire day of training. Others may need some more time to recover. Whatever the case may be, go by feel today.
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Hamstring Floss x 15 reps per side
Shoulder Opener
x 45-60 seconds
Five sets of:
Peek-a-boo Swings
x 5-6 reps
Rest as needed, and then . . .
Four sets of:
Supinated-Grip Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
(initiate the movement with the lats, keep your shoulders away from your ears, and keep your elbows in – if you can do 6 reps with perfect mechanics, then add weight)
Rest as needed, and then . . .
Three sets of:
Walk In & Outs x 5 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 75-80%
(pause for 1-2 seconds in the receiving position)
Goal of this session is fine-tuning technique. Your goal is to assess each of the 15 lifts on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a perfect lift. Note how many of your lifts achieved a score of 9 or higher.
Four sets of:
Dumbell Chinese Rows x 8-10 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
Bent-Over Rear Delt Flyes x 20 reps @ 20X0
Rest 60 seconds
Redid 16.4 and got 6 less. 249. Ug!!!
Still very aware of 16.4…
Did mobility, my Shoulder Openers are realy bad, I need to work on those big time.
A. First part was good, walk in’s & outs not good,
B. Did 70,80,85,90,90,90,90,90kg – last two was probl. a 3, felt heavy,
C. Not done, still very aware of 16.4…;-)
Stoked I redid 16.4 today. Got 7 more reps to 184. Feeling much better after last nights bad showing. Came off rower earlier and with better breathing. Only thing that held me back is HSPUs went away towards the end.
Nice Job!
Redid 16.4, got 6 more reps at 188, tie breaker 9:59. Just couldn’t belt anymore hspu out.
I did a redo on 16.4 and got 209- 12 more reps- I kipped the first time and I did them strict the 2nd time and it worked out better- tells you how crappy my kipping is
That must be some really crappy kipping. Congrats Al!
Haha, Al’s strict are like most people’s kipping.
Nicely done Al!
You are killing it, Barry
Wanted to redo 16.4 but my shoulders and hamstrings told me otherwise. Plus I was not confident I could improve especially being out of town.
Hotel wod today instead: 2 mile run, 4 rounds for quality of: 7 DB rows/arm (35#), 7 seated DB press (30#), 5 strict C2B.
Did 16.4 – 197 reps. I re-did this one since I didn’t feel too taxed the first time and felt like I was just rowing on a river as slow as possible. 197 reps.
A. Supinated Pull-ups with 10# x 5 reps
B. Split Jerks @ 115#
C. Skipped.
16.4 redo. 197, +9 from Friday, 9:27 tiebreak, 5 seconds faster than Friday. Had a better plan for the HSPU, breaking them into smaller sets with short rest intervals.
Mobility – done A. Peek-a-boos – 5 sets of 5, SC2B PU’s – 4 sets of 5, Walk-ins – no partner to spot – 3 sets of 5 B. Split Jerk – 4 @ 75%, 4 @ 80% I would say 6/8 were 9 or better. C. DB Rows – 10 reps using 25lb. db Flyes – 20 reps using 10 lb. db. Decided to not re-do 16.4. Still had some soreness in quads until yesterday. Need to do 16.5 this coming Friday, so not sure it would be wise to re-do and expect another quality effort in just a… Read more »
Good call Barry!
Redid 16.4. 192 (+6 from first try on Friday). Tie break time was 9:30 (-30s). Went too conservative on HSPU sets (5,5,4,3,3,3,2,2) with no fails but too slow. Neck will still not be happy for a few days. I also wish HQ would get the memo and only program strict HSPUs for our health. That’s what we’re doing this for right? ?
Yes, strict hspu for the health of our spines!
Mobility done – my shoulders needed this!
A. Done. Liked these too. First time for walk ins and outs. Fun.
B. Split jerk. Did with a friend while weightlifting coach scored us. Worked to 138 with mostly 8’s!! Also fun!
C. Skipped
Also added 12 min 10 cal row, 10sto, 10 box jumps. Plus back squat 6×3 at 190#
Good training day.
16.4 : 218 on Friday, decided one and done
A. Done
B. 195-205, maybe 4 perfect
C. Class WOD AMRAP 12, 10 cal row, 10 sto 115, 10 bxj: 8 rounds
Then lifting as Rx…
Couldn’t do incline mobility, we don’t have an incline bench, just did bent overs.
The peek-a-boo swings were good for me. Since I haven’t gotten muscle-ups yet it gave me practice on the rings.
Split jerks just felt heavy today. 95# all the way through to concentrate on form.
Did our box’s wod:
10min AMRAP – 10 thrusters 65#/10 pull-ups. 6+15
Haven’t done rows in a long time, so happy to see these. Used 25#/30#
I decided not to redo 16.4 after much thought
A) Done minus the walk in & outs
B) 98×2; 103×6 Felt really solid today
C) Done
Redid 16.4 got 199 tie break 10:14 did 2 extra deadlifts ?
Really impressive Tracy!!
Great improvement Tracy!!
Worked out since Friday-Just lifted yesterday-thought I was going to take today off.
Didn’t happen.
Peekaboo-arms were tired so only did a few
Wall walk stayed with feet on the wall-
Did handstands today
115X6 worked on drop
Still tired from working out this weekend will take it light the next few days.
Third time was not a charm this week. Just wasn’t into it, but had to try. Every place counts considering I’ll only have one go at it next week due to a “recreational” trip to Prague. 212 is what I’ll settle with.
Did the jerks after. 105kg each set. I’d say about half were an 8 or so. No press outs. Just a little unbalanced. in the split today. Used metcons for the first two but the soles are to sticky for my liking for jerks. Switched to WLs and felt fine. Last couple sets felt the best.
M&A – Done
A. Done
B. 148# across
C. Done
In Anahiem for work and the family at the theme parks. (3 days of Disney is a workout all its own). Did 16.4 this morning. Got off the row at 7:49 and spent 5 minutes getting no repped on HSPU. Goodness. Went through CJ’s 3 judging adjustment suggestions and was looking for a fourth. 🙂 Admittedly I am usually set up off the wall for Kipping HSPU. This had me with my hands right up against the wall. So be it. I simply need to practice them that way. Final score 169. Feel good about everything before the HSPU.
Your split time is incredible Art.
Yikes – you were up against the wall? Why was the set up like that?
Exactly. I dropped in to get judged and they were great to accommodate me. I tested the mark after measuring and was mindful to not point my toes. 1st 5 reps got no-repped and After coming down I was told to get closer to clear the mark. Felt like i was on the same page with the judge going in. Lesson learned.
Dang that time off the rower is amazing! Nice work!
Redid yesterday. 8:39 then… 30 HSPUs — 195.