Session One
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Banded Conventional Deadlift x 1 rep of 40% Bar Weight of current 1-RM Deadlift + 30-35% Band tension when measured at lockout
Hold for 2 seconds at the top with glutes contracted as much as possible.
Complete rounds of 27, 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Row (for calories)
Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
At 15:00…
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
Ring Dips
Rest until the running clock reaches 30:00, and then…
At 30:00…
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps for time of:
Dumbbell Snatch (100/70 lbs)
Session Two
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Option 1
Strongman Session
Two sets of:
Harnessed Sled Pull x 100 Feet
(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per length)
Rest 3-4 minutes
followed by…
Sled Push Sprint x 50 Feet Out & 50 Feet Back
Rest 3-4 minutes
followed by…
Two sets of:
Overhead Yoke Carry x 100 feet
(as heavy as possible – no more than one stop per length)
Rest 3-4 minutes
Option 2
Track Session
Two sets of:
Run 200 Meters @ 65-70%
Back Pedal 200 Meters @ 65-70%
3-6 Minutes of Dynamic Range of Motion of Your Choice
followed by…
Three sets of:
Run 400 Meters @ 95% of 1-Mile pace
Rest 2 minutes
Rest 3-4 minutes, and then…
Three sets of:
Run 400 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile pace
Rest 90 seconds
Option 3
Rowing Session
Row 1000 Meters @ ascending intensity
(use this as a warm-up, but get progressively faster until the last 200 meters, and at that point sit at a typical 2k pace)
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
For time:
Row 5000 Meters
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
Row 1000 Meters @ 40-50% effort to flush your leg
A. Skipped DLs. They messed my lower back up last time
B. 9:43, over-paced
C. 4:54
D. 14:33
DB snatches were tough, MUs were 8/4, 9, 6
Session 2
20 rep back squat at 275 (+10)
Sled pull 2×355
Sled sprints 2×165
Farmer carry 2×100
Session one
A. 195 with thick green band?
B. 6:59 ub
C. 6:26 power cleans were ugly. ring dips uglier
D. didn’t have 100 lbs db so did
db snatch left arm
db snatch right arm
muscle up
felt like I sandbagged this one. muscle ups didn’t feel great
Completely different Day. Had a solid day of training, and wanted to push myself with the strength being fatigued so I decided to make up the backsquats and deadlifts for after the metcons.
First WOD:
Second WOD:
Third WOD:
Back Squats
5x 305, 3x 355, 1x 395
3×10 @ 345
Deadlifts 1x 225 with Black Rouge Band
B. 9:32
C. 6:23
Session 1
A) done
B) 6:37 UB
9:30 Didn’t have Dumbbells so subbed in 50 unbroken doubles each round between the muscle ups. Muscle ups went 6/4/2, 4/3/2, 2/2/2 these killed me after the ring dips
Session 1
A. Deadlift @225 with medium band
B. 7:10 UB
C. 3:40 UB on ring dips
D. 5:35
E. 1000 warmup
5000m in 19:40
Glad to hear you managed to get those unbroken
Thanks Hunter!
Fridays work
Multiple aspects of life interfered with my ability to perform today …I’ll leave it at that
Max g2o: misread it and initially did max effort shoulder to overhead…got 29 on that…than did the ground to overhead and only got 18
EMOM: 6 g2o + 6 target burpees: 6+11
tried snatching and squatting this morning and body wasn’t responding at all. might try to hit other stuff tomorrow but tonight I’m giving my rotator cuff some rest
Have to admit. I felt great today so thanks for the concern Hunter. A: 200 + green band B: 7:11 everything unbroken C: 4:14 D: 8:17. These were 100# DB SQUAT SNATCHES, right??? Because that sucked. All muscle ups unbroken. Session 2: after 2 1/2 hours of a gymnastics seminar I gave for my members I decided to do the 5k row just for fun and go nice and easy. Option 3: 18:17. 19 secPR. I have a lot of room here because I started out nice and easy around 1:55-1:58 and pulled hard and long the rest of the… Read more »
Solid job on the PR today.You did not need to squat them. Hey you got a little bonus work in though
Back at my home gym…no more fat oly lifting…non heavy weight lifting people.
Session 1
A) 200+2 green bands (was in a rush so did every 30 seconds for 15 reps
B) 9:15 with my 36lbs Med ball I made…it’s awful (sets of 10 for the wallballs I have a very hard time with these, sets of 10 with 10 seconds rest helps me maintain)
C) (4:32) 19:32 (quick singles/UB dips)
D) (11:15) 41:15 this sucked no failed reps (snatch singles) (MU 7/5,5/4,6)
Mix yesterday and today
A. 1RM clean and jerk
310# for a 10lb PR
B. Back squats from yesterday were hard. Based off of my new 1RM of 435 and had to do just 10lbs less (355) of my 10RM (365) I think being at a globo gym while I did them helped though haha
C. Today’s metcon
All as prescribed
A. 7:29
B. 4:27 grip slowed me down
C. 6:18 muscle ups were hard after those dips
Session 1 combined with yesterday
Snatch max to 240 ( best is 260)
Clean and jerk max up to 300 (best is 315)
B) 5:52
6:27 – only had 70# kettle bell so used that for snatches and performed reps if 15, 12, 9 each round
Hit solid percentages then, especially for the end of the week
A) 205 w two blue bands
B) 6:10 UB felt great.
Subbed muscle ups out for rope climbs because of pec.
Rowing later tonight.
Dude, nice work!!
B. 8:13 all WB UB *wanted to get all WB UB and did. Felt good
C. 6:50 *Was feeling the fatigue from the first part.
D. 8:34 used 75DB had 100’s but I was feeling pretty fatigued and didn’t want to drop and or break it.
Going to do DL and swim this afternoon.
Once again feeling pretty good.
Session 1
A. Done 225
B. 8:11 Rx Biggest weaknesses here especially when paired.
C. 4:12 Rx Was still fatigued from B here. Ring Dips UB
D. 7:18 Subbed 185 OHS All UB
Session 2
Only had time for a 2k 7:40
Session 1
A. 255. Green band. Certain I need more band tension.
B. 8:26. Need to ditch the wall ball no reps.
C. 5:20.
D. 11:19. Didn’t have 100 DB. Used 70 DB. Sandbagged this one. Wasn’t feeling so hot.
What are you getting no repped on?
WB touched the line rather than going over. Had 4 or 5 of them.
Those no reps hurt on wall balls
Yes they do, especially at 30 lbs. Learned from the situation and will overcome.
Session 1
A: 210#+green bands. Maybe need more band tension?
B: 6:36 Rx’d
C: 4:42 Rx’d
D: 8:16 Rx’d. This one snuck up on me. Very surprisingly spicy.
Session 2
Strongman complete
A. 115# w/ green and black Rogue bands- based off of 270#
B. 8:35- Need to push harder on the row and I need to push to get those WB UB
C. 6:38- Ring dips destroy me…
D. 17:20- (I know it’s a terrible time, but some really good things came out of this. I did 65# DB Snatches, but I could only do them on the right side so it slowed me down a bit. My left shoulder is a little tweaked and super weak. I also kept moving on my MU. Better than I have before.)
65# DB way to go!!! 🙂
Haha! Thanks Beth! I didn’t realize that they weren’t squat snatches until about 2 minutes before the third part started… I am super impressed by your daily performances! You are AWESOME!
A. 165 1 Green 2 Blue
WBS ub
Rows 1200-1400 just a little too slow but this is a faster pace than I usually push on a row so happy with the effort
PC: 21-7/4/4-singles
Don’t remember but these are definitely not a strength of mine
DB Snatch 70#
Pushed last two sets of DB Sn
Tried to push my last set of failed but I wanted to take the risk and glad I made the effort
Had very little time today. Ran in the morning. Then
B. 7:49 with 20 WB. All sets unbroken and paced in the rower to use my legs as less as possible. Think this is a great time for me :).
C. 8:37. All cleans singles, first set got me. Hard to breathe on the rings.