Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
4-Position Halting Clean Deadlift + Clean
(mid-shin, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang)
*To be performed with an empty barbell for 2 sets and then 95/65 lbs for 2 sets
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Clean x 1 rep
Build in weight over the course of the 10 sets. If you are feeling good, go for a new PR. We have been working on a clean cycle for the past seven weeks, trust your training and trust the positions we have been hitting every week.
If the bar speed doesn’t feel great today then stick with a weight that you feel technically sound with. The goal for today is to feel confident with your lifts.
For max reps:
2 Minutes of Ground to Overhead
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minutes of Ground to Overhead
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minutes of Ground to Overhead
205/135 lbs; 185/125 lbs; 155/105 lbs
45-49: 185/125 lbs; 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs
50-54: 170/115 lbs; 155/105 lbs; 135/95 lbs
55+: 135/95 lbs; 115/75 lbs; 105/65 lbs
Rest until fully recovered, and then . . .
Four sets of:
GHD Weighted Hip Extensions x 8-10 reps @ 3112
Rest 60 seconds
Dragon Flags x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 reps per arm @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
A1. complete
A2. 135,165,185,205,225,250 old PR,x,260F, 260F, 255 (new pr)
B. 205 – 2,4,5 = 11 (that first rd was rough, as well as the rest)
C. later
A) made these up on thurs..
115/125/135/145/150/155/160/165/170(pr) yay!!
A) 135 PR by 10#
B) 7 (115) 8 (105) 13 (95)
C) done
A. Worked up to 280#. Attempted 285# failed twice. Had to settle for 5# less than my PR.
B. 205# – 9, 185# – 11, 155# – 15
C. GHD done with 35#, Dragon Flags – done, Rows done with 100#
A: Done with power cleans up to 245 and left it there
B 205-10 185-12 155-14
C: GHD done at 26# Dragon flags done modified Rows with 40# DB
ROM wod at home for recovery
Good session today
A. Worked up to 130# (5 or 10# post sx PR). Failed 135#.. These were basically muscle cleans. I’m still chicken to “get under” the bar (this is how my ACL tore), so I should back down and work lighter wts to feel more comfortable getting under the bar. Happy with a PR though.
B. The was a HOT mess!! I was never that great at barbell cycling and this was the first time I went heavier… let’s just say, it was not pretty. On some of my jerks, my bad (and back leg) didn’t even move. I need… Read more »
Great training day Nicky – you learned a lot about what your knee is capable of. Take this a success because you learned so much about yourself today!
I agree, it was a success even with the frustration!
A. Part 1 done, party two hit #251 for a 9 lb PR. Failed #255.
B. Did class wod 15 minute amrap 9 DL #155, 12 hand release push ups, 15 box jumps.
Congrats Mike!
A. 185,205,225,230,245,250,255,260pr,225,225
C. 135#good mornings@3111×8,8 dragon flags,60# db x8
Whoo hoo! Way to go Jay! PR
Nice work Jay!
A. 185/215/225/235/245/255/265/275(f) surprised I missed. I was clicking right along. Back to 245 for 2
B. 185×14, 155×19, 135×23
C. Ext w/ 25# vest, Flagsx8, Row w/70#
A1 done
A2 worked to 160 (2# PR!!) failed 163×2
B. Misread and did 115 (12); 105 (14); 95 (17).
C. GHD w/ 25# (10 each round); 7 dragon flags; 7 row each 40#
Great job on the pr!!!
Congrats on the PR!
Great work Jenny!!
A. 185, 105, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245f, 245, 255f, 225, 225…for form, not feeling hvy tday
B. 185#- 17, 155#- 21, 135#- 26 (kept going for a 2:14 grace) happy w this effort!
C. 25# back ext, 75# db rows
Wow, good Grace Matt!
Solid barbell cycling!!!!! And nice work on Grace!
It was only 4 more reps…why not, lol..thx
Great job Matt. Awesome “Grace.”
A. Done as prescribed
A2. 175, 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275f, 275, 285f, 285f Lame
Work demanded my attention for the rest of the day. I’ll try to hit that S2OH wod tomorrow AM.
A. Done, up to 145, still struggling to go heavy so kept working on technique.
B. 12/17/20
C. 40# DB rows
A. Up to 215 (95%)
B. (50-54) 7/12/21
C. Done. 60# db rows. Dragon flags were fun.
Nice Perry!!
Skipped A.
B. 9, 12, 21 (185,155,135)
C. 53# hip ext., flags done, 50# row,
Dang Kincaid, strong on the G2OH
Thanks, maybe gotta redo Grace sometime…
I never thought about all singles for Grace, bit sub 2 min easily possible (4 sec ea rep)
A1 complex done
A2 135, 155, 185, 195, 205F, 205, 210F, 210, 220x2F
Was trying for new PR @ 220, current 1RM is 215. Felt easy up to 205 then started to
miss. Tending to cave in when I’m over 200, gotta work on receiving and keeping
elbows up. I’ve been at 215 as a PR for awhile now, seems like I’m stuck, technique
Breaking down. Always more to work on!
B G2OH. 9@135/11@115/16@105. This was harder than it looked!
C GHD with 25lb plate
Dragon Flags- that was special!
DB rows @ 35lb
Post video of your cleans!
A1. Done A2. 105/115/125/135/140/145/155/165/170/175 Ties PR Didn’t get my elbows around as fast as I would have liked on last couple. Had to adjust them in the squat position. But was happy to get 175 because it has been a few months since I have cleaned that weight and have only done it once before B. Should have warmed up the jerk before starting this set. I assumed that with the cleans at a heavier weight they would be fine. Felt rusty on them, especially that heavier first set. 135 – 7/ 115 – 11/ 105 – 15 C. GHD… Read more »
Nice Barry! I also needed help with my elbows today! Sure miss having you in Kona as a training partner. Looking forward to seeing you excel in the open!
Thanks Ed! Nice work on your Cleans. 210 looks pretty solid to me. All signed up for the OPEN. Won’t be long now!
A1. Done A2. 100/120/125/130/135/135/140/145/150 (PR Yay!) 155f It was Cheryl B’s inspiration that helped me get that PR today. Thanks Cheryl!
B. This was a mess today… there were so many people crowded in the gym that my focus was lost. I tried to get these reps in but it was a hot mess. 135- 3 125- 4 105- 13 Seriously it was like I forgot how to power clean. People were walking in front of me and barbells everywhere. 5 oclock class was packed…I have never seen it so crowded! It was all due to the ice storm… Read more »
Congrats on your PR Tracy!!!
thanks Nichole! It was such a mental game for me that 150… I am my own worst enemy but not today.
Congrats on the PR!!
Did cleans up to 225 failed twice at 245.
Needed a lung burner so I did 14.5. Thrusters and burpees over the bar. Paced it some and it still SUCKED!
A1. Done
A2. 225/235/245/255/265/275/285/295/300/310F everything felt fast and smooth until 295. I hit 300 kinda ugly and it was the heaviest in a long time…got stuck in my head so when I went for a 310 PR attempt it turned into a fast deadlift, didnt have the confidence!
B. 205-10/185-11/155-14 destroyed, no legs left! Lol
C. Done
You’ve got to approach that bar with overconfidence!