Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Clean Lift-Off with Pause at Knees + Power Clean + Power Jerk
Build to today’s heavy over the course of the eight sets.
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Tempo Clean Deadlift x 1 rep @ 6262
You must mimic your IDEAL positions from the floor to full hip extension of the clean – do not perform this with deadlift mechanics. Keep your pace slow and consistent – 6 seconds up, and 6 seconds down. Use straps if possible so that you are not limited by your ability to hold onto the barbell.
Training Guidance – How To Approach this Re-Test
For time:
Row 500 Meters
100 Double-Unders
50 Pull-Ups
*Compare results to January 5, 2016.
Four sets of:
Weighted Strict Ring Pull-Ups x 5 reps Rest 60 seconds
Incline Bench Ys & Ts x 10 reps/per letter @ 20X0
Rest 60 seconds
Incline DB Bench Press x 12 reps @ 30X0
Rest 60 seconds
Session Two
Band-Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener
10 Rocking Box Bridges
(slow and controlled)
Prone Pectoral Stretch x 2 minutes each arm
Single-Arm Hang from Bar x 30 seconds each arm
Complete as many rounds as possible for 5 minutes of:
1 Ring Muscle-Up
1 Bar Muscle-Up
2 Ring Muscle-Ups
2 Bar Muscle-Ups
3 Ring Muscle-Ups
3 Bar Muscle-Ups
and so on . . .
Tuck Rocks x 100 reps (unbroken).
Rest 30 seconds, and then . . .
Straight body crunches x 40 reps (unbroken).
Rest 30 seconds then . . .
Hollow Body Bounces x 100 reps (unbroken).
Rest 30 seconds then . . .
Elbow Jacks x 50 reps (unbroken).
Rest 30 seconds then . . .
Elbow plank hold x 90 seconds
immediately followed by . . .
Left (or right) elbow plank hold x 45 seconds plus 10 hip-to-ground taps
immediately followed by . . .
Right (or left) elbow plank hold x 45 seconds plus 10 hip-to-ground taps
Option 1
For time:
Row 2000 meters
Option 2
“Power Hungry”
For max calories:
3 Minutes of Assault Bike”
AM Session:
A. 115-125-135-145-155-165-175-180# (10# Push Jerk PR- Plus it feels awesome to be moving 180# in practice! Haven’t been able to do that yet. I have hit it in a comp before)
B. 185#x2- 2 Sets- Clean Pulls
C. 5:20 (Old Time was 5:48- DU were a lot better this time)
PM Session: (Combined the 2 sessions today)
A. ( Completed 20 min. after the rowing, DU, PU WOD- Fresh I believe that I could have gotten further) Finished the 4s- 20 reps
This week is all out of order, but
Session 1:
C) 4:56, 2min faster than last time..
Session 1
A) up to 280 – Cleans easy, but the power jerk is horrible. I push press just as much
B) did these at 280
C) 4:02 today. Tripped 4 times on the DU and fell apart on the Pull-ups (27,10,7,5,1)- 4:24 last time
D) Iron Scap
One Training Session yesterday:
A. Built up to 305 (push jerk PR)
B. 335# Deads
C. 3:46
D. Accessories done
Session 1
A: 205, 225, 235, 245, 255, 260, 265, 270. Felt pretty good. Maybe a bit too conservative.
B: 315
C: 4:17 Rx’d. Tripped a lot on doubles. Not a good double day. 11 seconds slower than last time. Otherwise everything else was fast.
D: Completed
Session 2
A: 31 reps. Not my best effort here. Hands were killing me.
B: Abs complete
C: Power Hungry=76 calories. Very hard, glad to end with a good push.
Completed yesterday 2/16 **Fell on ice on Monday night and bruised the tailbone pretty good. Played it slightly conservative today….had some good and some bad. A. 135-210 (Kept it moderate here and felt really solid) B. Done at 295 C. 4:20 (PR of :02 from Jan) **This one really got under my skin. Felt great coming off rower (1:43) but then had at least 10 trips on my DU (I have never in my life tripped this much on a simple set of 100). I feel like I would have easily been under 4:00 w/ out brain fart on DU.… Read more »
Session 1
A) 100/105/110/115/120/125/130kg
B) 140/145kg
C) 5:13 RX
D) done
Session 2
A) finished the round of 5/5
B) done
C) 6:51 lactic build up was sick, gave a big fan of push for the last 500
A. 105,110,115,115,120kg
B. 140kg
B2. Did some plyometric box jump with 50kg on the back for 8 reps
C. By mistake did 1000m row 7:05 min with rower in the other side of the gym :)(
D. 16kg on ring pull-ups, 4kg on y & t raises, 22kg on incline bench.
Session 2
Gymnastics WU: done
A. Strict got to the set of 5 and did 5 ring and 1 bar
B. Done my abs hurt 😉
7:16 legs burn was alright
A. 275lbs
B. 295lbs
C. 4:13 – 55 second PR
D. Done
Session 2
A. 44 Reps – 2 MU into the set of 7 ring MU
B. Done. This was difficult
C. 3 min airdyne as hard as I could.
Felt “great”
Yesterday’s afternoon metcon
Of assault bike thruster burpee box over
16:05RX UB on thrusters
Slowww on burpee overs, want to push but legs were feelin it
A. Totally spaced out the clean lift off and just did P. Clean and P. Jerk
B. @ 345
C. 4:43
D. Ring and Bar MU wod
-4 complete + 4 ring MU
E. Power hungry
-51 cals
(Saw benched was programmed and one of my old friends wanted to bro out, and I’m cutting weight to help with movement)
Swole session
-Flat bench 4×10@225, 30@135
-Incline hammer press 4 sets
– Shoulder raises front and side 3 sets ea.
-strict upright rows 4×10@95
-30 min stair climber (straight slow cardio pace)
A. 185/205/215/215/225/245(F)/245.
B. 305/325.
C. 6:03. Didn’t do it on January 5, how did I do? Haha.
D. Skipped.
A. 4 ring MU on the 4 reps set.
B. Done.
Monday session one
Muscle 135/145/155
High hang 185/200/210
Hang 215/220/225
Ground 235×1/235×0/235×2 (
Body was a little sore by the time I got to the doubles
Session 1
C. 5:03 (row 1:40, 100UB, 27 Pullup then small sets 3:10 at this point, pullups felt off today)
A2) 5’s missed bar muscle up 2(all bar pulling felt off today) , next set was able to finish but didnt count it
D) done with #50DB
“power hungry ” = 50 cals blahhhhh
Session 2
A1) 235 felt sloppy so stopped here and went for perfect tech throughout
B1) 305 heavier next time
Gymnasty’s done had to break up some sets , abs on fire!
Sounds like it died off a bit at the end for your pull ups. Keep trying to fight through at this point of the workout. Nice job all the way up to this point. You were on a pace for an awesome time.
Thx mane
Will do
A. E2M – 16 min complex 125/145/155/160/165/170/170/175 Trying to work on my “starfish” that happens around and “power” lifts don’t like each other 🙂 B. Clean Complex of Clean+Front Squat+Split Jerk – 175/185/195/195/195/200 C. Tempo Clean DL – 175/205 D. Clean Pulls – 5×2 @ 230# working on staying back on my heels E. Core work – done – baby abs were not happy! —short rest to drive to the gym—— A. For Time 500m row/100DU/ 50 Pull ups 5:08 (1:54 row, DU I tripped like 3 times/ pull ups were 15/15/10/10) B. 2 sets of the accessory work… Read more »
A) 225/235/245/255/265/275/285/290. Felt great.
B) 345 both sets
C) Couldn’t do pull ups bc of pec. Subbed those out for Russian KB swings #35. Finished at 3:58. Feel confident I could have finished sub 3:30 if I did pull ups.
Row: 1:35 DU’s: Finished at 2:40
D) Done
A) Did strict MU’s and Jumping BMU. Got thru six rds.
B) Done
C) 2000 m row: 6:52.9
Killed that 2K, is that a pr?
Thanks bro. I’m actually not sure. I think it might be
A: 195-265. Had more in me which is great because power cleans have felt awful along with the power jerks after front squats and jerks which is what we normally do.
B: 315/365 felt solid.
C: 3:58 came off rower 1:43, dubs 30/70. Messed up in beginning. 2:44. Quick 10’s. My heart rate was jacked so if I did a big set I knew I wouldn’t be able to maintain anything after it.
D complete.
Session 2:
A: 5’s on Muscle ups and BMU’s
B: gymnastics in AM
C: power hungry 83 cals
Nice work on the AB. Painful!
Damn thats a great result for “Power Hungry”!
You are my hero for doing that 3 min bike 🙂
Solid day ! That bike hurt. 83 is impressive
Session 1
A. 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, F285, F285. Failed on the jerk. Shoulders weren’t having it.
B. 285
C. 3:55. Improved by 00:19.
Session 2
“Power Hungry” 55 Calories
Get on that mobility Tyler. 285lb. is there if you spend that extra 10 minutes per day working on those shoulders. Nice work going sub 4 minutes on the conditioning.
Thanks. You’re right. The mobility is necessary for these workloads.
One session today…
A. 70kg,80,85,90,95,100,105,110
B. Done at 130kg
C. 4:17 (41 second PR!)
Row = 1:43, 50 dubs then kept tripping (good amount of time lost), pull-ups were 30/20
D. 5min muscle up amrap
4+5 = 25 total
*grip was pretty toast after part C
E. Weighted ring pull-ups at 45lbs, Y/T raises at 10pbs, DB bench at 45lbs
Great work shaving 41 seconds off of your previous effort!
Session 2:
Started with 2k row.
7:20 ( previous 2k was 7:22 all out back in nov or dec)
Little impingement in pec so skipped muscle ups
Gymnastics core work done
Took two sets on hollow bounces and hollow tucks.
2k row done
8:29.5 this is a PR but not sure by how much. Have to go back and look.
Core done!