Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Pec Mash x 30 seconds per side
Interval 2 – Banded Anterior Pec Stretch x 30-45 seconds per side
Interval 3 – Banded Hip Flexor Stretch x 30-45 seconds per side
and then . . .
Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps holding at the bottom for 3 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat + Behind the Neck Press + Snatch Balance + Tall Snatch
*To be performed with an empty barbell
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Snatch Lift-Off + Snatch @ 75+%
Work on perfecting that first pull. Work up based on feel.
Every 30 seconds, for 7 minutes (14 sets):
Dead-Stop Front Squat x 1 rep @ 90% of your 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat from last week.
Three sets, for times, of:
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Three sets, for times, of:
Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups x 15 reps
Rest 60 seconds
and then . . .
Four sets of:
500 Meter Row
15 Burpees over the erg
Rest 60 seconds
Mobility – Complete
A. 160# x 5, 165# x 2, 170# x 2, 175#
B. 245
C. :22, :22, :23
D. 2:35, 2:48, 2:50, 2:52
Mob done
A1 155×4, 165×3, 175×3
B. 285 – felt good under the bar today. Yea Monday’s.
C. :19, :21, :29. Butterfly on my C2B. UB for me on these have been coming. Whatever. Locked today clicked. I’ll take it. Faded on third set and had to kip the last 3.
D. 2:44 – 2:46 – 2:43 – 2:48
Post rev hyper 7×15 and Iron Scap.
Mob done
A. BB then 85/85/90/90/90/95/95/100/100/105
B. 165
C. :44/:46:/48 (all singles kipping) Today after this I did my very first butterfly CTB!!! About 5 singles. Now need to learn how to put them together!
A – Left shoulder still problematic. Snatched to 125 and stayed there – just not feeling it today. Need to consider taking a step back and fixing my mobility issues overhead. Getting frustrating.
B – 7 @225 and 7 @235. Felt good.
C1 – Supinated grip so kipping was near impossible. Most ended up being strict. :30, :43, :47
C2 – 2:44, 2:48, 2:50, 2:49. Consistent.
A. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135F, 135, 140F (1RM), 140 made it!, 145F, 145F
B. Dead stop 225 X 14
C1 :24, :26, :25
C2 3:01, 3:21, 3:20, 3:22
M&A done
A. Wup complex then 145×2 ,150,155,160,165,170,175,180,185
B. 220
C. C2b in :41,1:02,:58-could not get into any rhythm with these. 4 sets completed in 14:45-2:45,3:01,3:01,2:58 on the rds
A. 155×3, 165, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205F, 205 (100%)
Wasn’t gonns go more than 165, but this drill immensely helped my first pull positioning!!
B. 235
C..:16, :16, :18
Duuuuuuude, you are ready to rumble. Nice work this last week.
Best week I’ve had in a year, I’m sure it’s premature ejaculation
Its the secret weapon! You are forever changed. You should send Cheryl a thank you note
No, Iʻm pretty sure itʻs all him! 🙂
Smoked that row! Good job
Great workout Matt. Holy crap!
Thats some fast rowing, nice work
A) 95/95/100/105/110/110/115f/115f/115/120f
B) done at 130
C1) worked in garage and no space to kip into ctb so did 3 x 8 strict pu’s
C2) 3:05/3:10/3:20/3:25. Bummed I couldn’t keep my times closer.. Each row just felt more awful.
A. Done as prescribed
A2. 155, 165, 175, 185×5, 195, 205f then 205 good.
B. 270×14
C. :20, :20, :27
C2. 2:32, 2:40, 3:07, 3:01
Feels good to be back! Felt so much better to be able to snatch without pain!
A. 120-120-125-125-130-135-140-145-150-155(m)-155#
B. 170#
C. :15, :16, :15, :16
C2. 2:33, 2:39, 2:45, 2:44
Great job today Cheryl! So glad you’re feeling better! ??????
Your numbers show your slowly on the mend, kidding ..wow..impressive
Now that ur better ull be lifting even more and really making me feel,weaker, thanks cheryl. Haha
Yay! I am back! I took a 5 days of no pulling or pushing as Nichole suggested. My shoulder is feeling much better! I had a partner competition on Saturday that I was super nervous about especially since I didn’t work out all week. All went well and we came in 2nd place literally by seconds. Here is a take away I got out of it… when you finish the Championship WOD and you are winning… jump on the box for the final finish… or the other team will win. 🙁 We lost by a fraction of a second! Boy… Read more »
Happy ur shoulder feels better! Congrats to u and Doc on the 2nd place!
Yay!! Congrats on podium finish!!
Great to hear the shoulder is feeling better!
No time today so went straight to C…
:24, :25, :29 pull ups instead
2:51, 2:46, 2:41 2:34 stoked to do better each round. Didn’t feel better though… lol
A. 135
B. EMOM 14 regular FS singles @225
C. 0:23/0:32/0:42, then 2:38/2:41/2:41/2:46
A1. Done
A2. Snatches felt way better than last week. Got completely under my failures. Wasn’t the weight but a lack of finishing. I knew exactly before it happened!
B. Did Back Squats 3 sets 265×10
C. Kipping pullups so I could recycle rapidly rather than stand around. :26/ :25/:33
C2. Air Dyne for 1:40(av.500m row) then 25 Air Squats (saving shoulders!)
2:27/ 2:30/ 2:31/ 2:35 =110 cal
A. Up to 190
B. 260 across
C1 :18/:18/:19
C2 2:30/2:34/2:32/2:33
Good Lord Albert! How do you do pull ups that fast! Dayyyyum!
Very short arms…. :p
Jk, he’s a beast!!!
I was going to say what Kincaid said but honestly Cheryl beat me by a few seconds on each one.
Great job! Super consistent
A. Up to 170. Failed 180 attempt last set.
B. 165 all sets
C1. Consistent pace of around :42 each set. Come a long way on these (still more work to do though).
C2. Again consistent pace each set – around 3:00 per set. That minute rest went too fast the last 2 sets!
A. Up to 165
B. Later
C. Each set just under 20 sec.
D. 2:48/2:55/2:58/2:51
A. Up to 108 and back down to 93 after a couple fails
B. 160 across
C :30 :38 :39
D. 2:50 2:54 2:57 2:54
Nice work on the row/burpee combo!
Thanks! Didn’t feel too nice 😉 but was happy to hang on thru the last one
A. Up to 185 (lift off + power snatch)
B. Up to 315
C. :26/:27/:33
D. 2:30/2:42/2:54/2:49
M/A done
A. built to 100. A few weeks ago I switched my split footwork, coming out with my right foot instead of my left. I split snatch and tried working technique on that today and it felt great.
B. 145 (regular front squats)
C. :37, :35, :37
2:49, 3:12, 3:36, 3:20