Session One
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep @ 90%
(pause for 1-2 seconds in the receiving position)
Goal of this session is fine-tuning technique. Your goal is to assess each of the 8 lifts on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a perfect lift. Note how many of your lifts achieved a score of 9 or higher.
Back Squat
* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%
* Sets 4-8 – 2 reps @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes between sets.
Two sets for times of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
immediately followed by…
200-Foot Sandbag Carry
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets for times of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pull
immediately followed by…
100-Foot Yoke Carry
Rest as needed
Note weights used so that you can repeat and progress from these efforts.
Session Two
“CrossFit Games Open Event 11.6 & 12.5”
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
3 Thrusters (100/65 lbs)
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
12 Thrusters
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
18 Thrusters
18 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
21 Thrusters
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.
Scores to beat:
Josh Bridges = 169 reps in 2011
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet = 173 reps in 2012
Rest 13 minutes until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
40 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
30 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
20 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
Option 1
Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
GHD Supine Straight Body Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
GHD Prone Straight Body Hold x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
Option 2
16 minutes to cover as much distance as possible:
Sled drag with your bodyweight on the sled
Option 3
10-15 minutes of warm-up and running mechanics drills, and then…
Run 3 Miles @ 80-85% of your 1-Mile PR pace
followed by…
10 minutes of Cool Down and Stretching
Coach Hunter’s Advice for Approaching Open Event 11.6/12.5
Mindset: This is a seven minute workout that involves a light barbell and a kipping gymnastics movement. Â This means that is going to be very hard to actually fail a rep. Â I want you to think back to the last time that you attempted a chest to bar and could not physically get your chest all the way to the bar no matter how hard you tried. Â You may have missed the bar accidentally, but when is the last time you went to a point of absolute failure. Â The same goes for a 95/65 lb thruster. Â If you are someone that can think of a time you failed a thruster at this weight, I bet you can also say that it has not been many times and that you went pretty darn hard on that workout.
With that being said, try to fail a rep. I do not mean quit on a rep and stop when it hurts, but in that final portion of the workout when time is running out, hold on to that barbell and pull-up bar until you physically just can not get a legitimate rep. Â It is known that in the pursuit of success in a workout, you might fail. Â Also, in the pursuit of going to failure in a workout, you might succeed. Â Try it on this workout. Â I want you to try to push yourself and hold on to the bar for unbroken sets, pick it up before you think you are ready, go for that extra set without chalking up. Â Take chances on this workout and experiment a little. Â Today this workout does not mean a whole lot like it would if today was the open. Â It is good to take those chances as long as you are always learning from them.
Thrusters: Your pacing should come from the speed of the bar and controlling your breathing between reps with the barbell overhead. Approach the barbell and immediately pick it up, especially on the earlier rounds. Â There is no need to get a perfect grip and set up to clean the bar. It is light and it is better to just get the bar to start moving. Try to cut back on transitions and challenge yourself to go unbroken through the entire seven minutes.
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups: This is going to be a similar conversation as the thrusters. You have to keep moving. Â For more athletes, these are going to be harder to perform unbroken as time goes on. Â If/when you decide to break these up, get your first set started right away. For example, if you are on the round of 15 and know you are going to drop twice. Â Get right after that first set of 5 or so, then you can chalk and take your breaths and get right back up. Â These chest to bar pull-ups are most likely going to come down to time management. Take one less extra breath on those rest periods that you probably do not need and keep moving.
Session 1:
A. Built to 290 on split jerks, did multiple sets between 270 and 285. Felt heavy as I got to 90%.
B. Squats were solid. Many Doubles at 390.
C. Strong Man done.
Session 2:
A. 155
(only 7 minutes rest…this wiped me out)
B. Got 1 Round + 36 calories
C. did two rounds of Holds on GHDs for 60 seconds (SHAKE CITY!)
Session 1
305-315 on jerks – not my best performance.
Strongman stuff done – been enjoying the strong man work. Been having a KC strongmam come to my gym every Saturday. Yokes, keg carries, legit farmers carries, atlas stones and more. Been fun.
Session 2
140 Got through my 12s in sub 2.. Made the rest interesting. Got 14 thrusters on my 21s but my legs were so blown up.
Accidentally only rested 6 mins instead of 13?
1 round + 3 calories
3 mile run – just under 23:00.
Solid work
Session 1
W.U : done
A. @115kg @ 5/8 had trouble jumping with the bar and move my feet fast.
B. 120,130,140 al the way through , hip flexors are tight .still not close to 90% but Getting my strength back..
C. Did a running practice with a trainer .
Went to PT to fix my legs 🙂
Session 2
A. Finished 150 reps , in 2012 when I was 6 months in Crossfit I did 101 reps
B. 1+35 hspu was the hardest , because I’m sore in the shoulders 🙂
C. Felt tired so I did only stretching
Huge PR on the open workout! Nice.
One long workout.
Warm up done.
Split jerk with 240. Failed one rep and 1 other not so good.
BS: 215×4/245×3/275×2/285×2/295×2/295×2/285×2/285×2. Based off 305.
11.6-79 reps
12.5- 65 reps. Got stuck in SHSPU. Could only get 3s.
Didn’t read the approaching before. My strategy was go all in 3s and rest only 5 seconds between sets. Leg burned out on set of 15.
Only time for this today.
Session 1
A. @260lbs 5/8
B. 275/310/345 all the way thru. These were rough for me. Legs felt okay but abs/ hipflexors are so shot it was hard to stay upright. Not too worried as I am loving and seeing a difference doing all that core work.
C. Done and done
Session 2
A. 139 reps Rx
B. 107 reps Rx
C. 3 mile run in 21:50.
Nice work on the metcons today Daniel! It is tough getting after the second one after going hard on the first.
Thanks man! I just pulled as hard as I could for the last min on the rower!
Session One A. 6/8@295 ill take it! 4/8 were pretty. The first few usually feel cake and then it feels like my power goes away! B. Back Squat Hit sets 3-8@90%(325) and failed 1 rep on my second to last set. This was brutal today legs were toast. Had fun though, it was a grind! C. Two sets for times of: 100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull 218lbs 200-Foot Sandbag Carry. Carried a 175lbs human lol no sand bags. 1:24/1:14 Two sets for times of: 100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pull 308lbs 100-Foot Yoke Carry 2 70# kb. 1:00/:55 Session Two A. 113 reps.… Read more »
Nice work Rodrick! Keep drilling those weaknesses
Session 2
A:147 reps. Thrusters were a win, pull-ups were not my best today. My hands need to get tougher.
B: 1 round+40 Cal Row.
C: Tomorrow
Session 1
A: 285 for all.
B: 4@285, 3@330, 2@370, 2@375, 2@380, 2@385, 1@390 I wanted two here bad, but I wussed out. Felt like I moved in slow motion on the first rep.
C: Complete. No access to a yoke so I carried a barbell on my back. Would it be better to do an overhead walking carry?
If you struggle with overhead stability then yes it would be better to carry overhead
Did both Sessions together A. 275, 275, 285,285, 295,295,305,305 * I cant really grade myself on a scale of 1-10 because even if fi hit the lift I will find something I did wrong and If I did something wrong on a scale of 1-10 I will never get above an 8. I think I might use a 0-3 scale next time. 0=miss 1= major mistake ie. Big step forward or chasing the bar 2= minor mistake ie. press out or short step on split 3= no mistakes B. 295×4/ 330×3/375×2/350×2/355×2/360×2/365×2/375×2 *Did the first 375 at 2 and barely made… Read more »
Glad to hear you are going to be pushing the limits again with how you attack workouts!
Yeah man. I need to put up some better numbers if I wanna be a superhero
Had a very bad strength session this morning. Session 1: Split Jerk. Was supposed to do the 8 sets at 235 90% Hit two singles and missed two. So I just stopped. Had no legs to dip and/or receive weight BS- 280,320,360,360,360×1 . failed 2nd rep of 3rd set at 90% . just called it quits after that Strong man Sandbag. Both sets done at 100# sandbag Hand over hand pulls. No counting 100# sled, 45# for the first set. 90# for the second set. OH THE PUMP WAS REAL Sled drag. Didn’t have a harness so used a weight… Read more »
PM Session
A. 126 reps – I wanted to dig into the 21s but didn’t have the drive tonight. I did attack the workout aggressive with limiting my transition and chalk ups as noted in the tips. Good baseline!
B. 1 round + 16 cal = 106reps
C. Complete
Way to get back at to the row on the second metcon and the huge improvement over the years!
AM session:
Did “jerry” with the class waiting for the girls to get to the gym- 1 mile run, 2k row, 1 mile run.
A. Jerks 275-295
B.11.6- only 129 (18+3)
C. 1 round- HSPU took forever
Back squats 375, 375, 385, 395×1, 385, 385
Shoulder accessory work from yesterday
Session 1: Rear Delt Warm Up Done A: Split Jerksx1 @130kg. All were around the 8/9 region except two were my footwork felt off and I had to really hold them over head a little longer than expected. B: Back Squats 4@ 285 3@ 330 2@ 350 Sets 4-8 2 reps @ 360. So happy with this. Best my squats have felt. And man was it a grind today. Keeping putting that work in gentlemen. C. Complete (Yoke Carried 400#). Lots of fun here. Session 2: CFGO 11.6/12.5 Results: 126 Finished Round of 18. I don’t think I’ve ever performed… Read more »
Good job today! It is cool to hear how much you have improved over these past years!
Session 2:
Performed 1-1/2 hours after session one
A) 119 reps (26 rep pr on this workout )
* it really helped to drop off the bar and immediately start the thrusters. The tips were helpful. I pushed harder because of it.
Rested 7min ( super short on time)
Row 40cal – roughly 2min
30 shspus – 13/5/3/3/3/3
Cleans – 5/5/5/3/1/1
Back to row: got 15 cal
105 reps total.
( it was hard to hold the bar for bigger sets. My forearms were fried from the thrusters and c2b. )
Great work! Awesome to see such huge improvements!
session 1:
split jerks: 160#…felt great today
back squat: 180-210-235-245 (95%)..woof!
rope pull: 195
carry: king kong bag filled with 35lb KB, 60lbs worth of med balls
sled drag: 195
yoke carry: yoke + 2 45s
forgot to check times…
session 2:
a) 12.5-108 reps…never did this before, did sets of 3 on C2B, still a weakness, but felt pretty happy with this score
b) this is embarrassing…59reps..SHSPU under any type of fatigue KILL ME. but at least I rode the whole 7min out.
c)will do tomorrow
Lets keep working on that pressing strength. It will come!
Session 1:
Back squats:
100ft rope pull on marpo machine
200ft carry with 130# throw dummy
100ft Sled drag w/ 280# sled on turf
100ft oh carry with 16kg kbs
Session 2:
A. Have never done this one, 118 reps.
PM Session:
A. 5 Rounds + 6 Reps = 96 reps (I know that I have more in the tank. Didn’t get a chance to do this until 7:00 after a long day. Just tried my best to keep pushing through. It was more my mental game that was off than my physical…)
B. 1 Round- 90 Reps (I was excited to get those SHSPU in. They are finally becoming something I can do in a WOD when there’s high reps)
*Going to make up the accessory from tonight, tomorrow. It’s been a long day :o(
Nice work getting in what you could Nicolene
Thanks Tino!
Split my session between what I had to do at the gym and what I could do at home this afternoon. Session 1: I. Glute Activation Exercises: Overhead walking lunge 5x15m w/ 25# plate A. 11.6 and 12.5 125 reps – not overly excited about this. I have a hard time finding that gear when I’m by myself in the gym. That one extra breath just adds up. Row/HSPU/PC – 80 reps Kinda excited about this one! I had 2 goals for this…. 1. get to the power cleans 2. no failed hspu reps. Met both goals! I managed the… Read more »
Lots of good work today Beth!
Session 1:
A) SJ: 300 every set. No misses. 6/8 were 9 or more. Last set felt the best.
B) BS: 280/320/360/365/365/365/365/365. These were tough.
C) Just did Bamboo Walks & Hand over hand rope pulls. Don’t have all equip. necessary
Session 2:
A) 149 reps (21 thrusters + 2 C2B into round of 21’s) Paced a little too much.
40/30/20: 1 round = 10 cals
B)Accessory Done
Backsquats 275×4, 300×3,335×2, 335×2,335×2, 345×2,355×1(failed 2nd rep. All this was beltless. Happy to go this high without belt.
11.6/12.5 = 108 reps. Can definitely get past the 18 c2b’s but didnt have much drive today.
7min AMRAP = 78 reps. SHSPU took a while, about 4 minutes