Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Interval 2 – Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Interval 3 – Pec Smash with LAX ball
x 30 seconds per side
Take 3 minutes to draw out your foot work, then…
Jump & Lands x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes, complete:
Drop to Split x 1 reps
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Jerk @ 80+%
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 6 – 1 rep @ 100+%
*Set 7 – Max Reps @ 90%
Max reps sets terminate with any excessive pausing at the top of the lift. The athlete should take no more than 2 seconds at the top of the lift to breathe, brace and start their descent for the next rep.
CrossFit Games Open Event 14.4
Complete as many rounds and repetitions as possible in 14 minutes of:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-To-Bars
40 Wall-Ball Shots
30 Cleans
20 Muscle-Ups
20 lbs to a 10′ target; 14 lbs to a 9′ target
135/95 lbs
20 lbs to a 9′ target; 10 lbs to a 9′ target
115/65 lbs
M&A complete
A1&A2 complete
A3. Jerk start @ 200 and worked up to last four sets @ 225 (90%)
B. Squat 255,290,310,325,345,375 (New PR!), 345×5
C. ran out of time and no bar for MUs but it is on the way!!
Didnt have time yesterday so did the strength today.
A. Jerks 245/245/245/255/255/245/255/265/265F
B. Not worried about my 1 RM, just need to gain leg strength back so I turned this into a pyramid.
6×280/4×320/2×340/1×365(90%)/2×340/4×320/6×280 it was tough!
C. Will do a conditioning WOD tonight…maybe!?
I’m almost always a day behind due to coaching youth basketball, so I’m doing this workout today.
If you don’t have MU’s for 14.4, would you sub: a) ring dips only, b) ring dips & pullups or CTB, or c) CTB only?
I’m a lurker, but I do enjoy reading everyone’s comments each day and they definitely give me motivation. Please keep them coming! Great programming Nicole. Thank you!
A – Footwork, drop to split 95#. Jerks all at 185#. Staying light because I’m still not aggressively punching up and getting head thru. Need technique work. B – 230-265-280-300-315-335(15# PR!)-295(4). Groin a little sore but held up. Woo hoo! 335 felt solid. First PR attempt in 8 months. Finally. C – Shoulders still sore from hanging. So I modified. 60 cal row, 70 V-ups (not sure why 70), 40 Wall balls. Just under 8:00. Then rest 5 minutes and did class wod: 10 min EMOM – Complex of 3 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats, 3 Push Jerks @135#. Thought… Read more »
Congratulations Mike!!!! That is an incredible PR – 15 lbs is awesome!
A.2 /7580/85/90 kg
B 115/130/140/150/160/165 kg (fail)
C. Up 7 cleans.
DMA Done plus some YTWLs and shoulder stretches A. Footwork and drills done, then from 175 to 210 best jerks at 205# B. 255/270/285/300/310 (less than 95%) 5x 285 (did not go for a 1 RM 310 or maybe 5 or 10 beyond was 1 RM for the day) C. 11:25 through the cleans. Could not get to rings due to regular class. Did some strict pullups: 10 regular and 10 supinated. Way faster pace than 14.4 where I only mustered one MU. Today: row 2:50 (22 strokes/min), just under 6 mins though T2Bs, 8: through Wall balls, mini break,… Read more »
Mobility warmup
A1 footwork and drops done
A2 145, 155, 160, 165, 170×2, 175F, 175, 180, 185 (100%)
B just did 2 reps each @ 185, 225, 245, 275
C 172 reps. First time doing this. Row went well. T2B was too slow, did sets of 4, 3 and 2 towards the end. This is definitely where I lost time! WB in sets of 10. Cleans in singles. Good baseline for me to revisit.
Just want to make sure you guys realize you are doing the Open workouts on your 3rd day of training, after lifting! If you are remotely close to your score from last year then that is a big win. If you beat your score from last year that is HUGE! Be pumped that you can hit an Open workout on your 3rd day of training and crush your results from last year. 🙂
Or 5th day of training! 😉
Well aren’t we the overachiever? ;-p
Thanks Nicole. Very good point!
Thanks for mentioning that Nicole…that realization hit me after doing 15.3 last week…it’s a confidence booster for sure! AND not being afraid to hit the all the training on the day of an Open repeat is also a reminder of how valuable a good warm-up is.
Had a Pt session so squeezed in what I could:
Did jerk @135 (felt good)
B) 155/175/190/200/210/220/200 x 3
C) will possibly do tomorrow
Made up Open Wod today (thurs):
181 Rx. ( 1 rep PR)
Row 3:55/ ttb 7:37/ wb 10:08/cleans 13:48.
Did sets of 10 wb so that needs to be bigger sets for sure, all singles on cleans.. Need to cycle through those quicker!
Mob Done
A. 125-145
B. 225/255/275/285 Then 5 reps at 235. Body pretty tired today could not hit heavy %.
C. Got to 22 cleans. Felt off today, maybe rundown. Will look forward to a rest day and a great Friday!
A. Did split jerks and foot work then jerks: 145/145/150/155/155/160 (5) B. 155/175/190/200/210/220 (happy to get this!) then 200×1 (dead legs!) C. 185 Rx ; 2 more than last year and Oct 2015 Really happy with today; I woke up with vertigo and very nauseous, went to doctor and found I have an ear infection, took antibiotics and vertigo meds and decided to just go slow and by feel for the workout this evening and I think it really paid off as I rowed 30 seconds slower than past times I did 14.3 but did much better as I wasn’t… Read more »
Feel better!
Hope you feel better Teesh! Good job on the PR!
Feel better soon!!
A. 215, 215, 220, 225, 225, 235, 245, 250, 255, 260F
B. 245, 280, 295, 315, 335, 355, 315×3
C. 191 (11 mu), 3 less than 14.4 🙁 should have gone to false grip singles when they started to fail
Mob done
A. 175×2, 180×3, 185, 190, 195, 200, 205(m)
B. Did 6 sets of 5 back squats, kept it lighter (knee and back been sore). 145-205#
C. 189 reps ( a disappointing 3 less than 14.4…pain in left shoulder forced me to do all singles ?). Finished row at 3:47, finished t2b at 6:00, finished WBs at 7:56, finished cleans at 10:30.
Still awesome Cheryl. Hope shoulder and knees calm down for you. Take care ?
Nice work Cheryl!
You too Barry! Nice meeting you today! Looking forward to Monday! 🙂
Did my own version of the Mob
A. 215×6, 225,235,245,255
B. did light 5 second pause squats- just sat in the bottom and stretched 165-205
C. 193 – got no muscles in 2014- got 6 last year before the qualifier- went 3/3/3/2 w a miss/ 2 with a miss on MU- a 7 rep PR
Nice work Al!
Great improvement partner!!!??
Jerks are kinda your thing…. :p
Nice work Al!
M&A done
A. Drop to split-95-155, jerks-185,195,205,210,215,220,225,225,205,205. No jerk blocks so I had to muscle everything back down, kept the weights lower but still felt good with achy shoulders
B. 245×6,280×4,300×2,320,335,345, completely missed the ME@90%
C. Made it to the MU with :40 to go but it was a no go on the MU anyway. T2b were extremely slow tonight. Not sure if I have ever done this before as I was recovering from a shoulder injury that year.
Any invictus friendly boxes in Milwaukee?? Heading there this weekend looking to get my training in Saturday morning
A. drop splits from 40kg to 56 kg, then jerks at 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94 miss (shut it down after that, shoulders are smoked from yesterday)
B. 6×240, 4×275, 2×295, 315, 335, 355 (2#PR), 3×315
C. skipped due to lack of time
Great work Sean!
M/A done
A. drop: 65, 75, 85, 95
jerks: 125,125, 125, 135, 135, 140, 140, 145, 150, 155 (pr), 160 (f)
B. Was alone so built to 200 (90%) and ended there.
C. 183 reps. 3 more than last time.
Good job on PR!!!
Thanks! 🙂
Excellent!! Congrats on the PR!!!
Congrats on the PR!!
Sweet! PR city!?
Nice work Elissa!
A. Up to 245
B. Hopefully later.
C. 196 5 more reps than previous best
Thanks Al. But honestly, the only thing I’m good at here are the MU’s. It took me 12 min just to get to the rings. Fun workout though. You are still my hero!
Thanks Nichole. Really happy to better previous score. Also, made back to gym later and got 5lb. PR on squat (350) so good day all around.
Mob done
A.Drop split 95-135
Jerks 190-215
B. 245, 275, 295, 310, 325, 345(100%) then missed 90%. Knee gave out.
C. 180 reps Finished 12:49 then attempted 2 MU after I dragged myself to my feet.