Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Single Leg Banded Good Mornings x 30 seconds per side
Interval 2 – KB Ankle Mobility
x 30 seconds per side
Interval 3 – Foam Roll Lats x 45 seconds per side
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Muscle Snatch + Overhead Squat + Drop Snatch + Snatch Balance + Tall Snatch
To be performed with an empty barbell.
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Snatch Balance x 1 rep (build in weight over the course of the 3 sets)
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80+%
Go based on feel. I don’t want to see more then one missed repetition. If you miss more then once, take the weight down and work good mechanics for the remainder of the sets.
Every 30 seconds, for 6 minutes (12 sets):
Dead-Stop Front Squat x 1 rep @ 90% of your 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat from last week.
Four sets for times of:
Power Clean x 3 reps
Front Squat x 6 reps
Burpees over the Barbell x 9 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 12 reps
Rest 3 minutes
40-49: 185/135 lbs
50-54: 155/105 lbs;
55+: 135/95 lbs; 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Optional Conditioning Session
Row x 5 minutes @ 70-75% of 500 Meter PR Split
Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 60 seconds
Double Unders x 40 reps
Repeat at a steady pace for 30 minutes.
m&A complete
a1. complete
a2. snatch bal. 115,135,155,175,185 (more next time)
a3, snatch, 145,145,145,165 remainder sets
B. 285 i completed 6 sets could not go any further
Needed one extra day rest. Spent some time on the Airdyne, practiced DU and mobilized LB on Monday. Felt fresher today as usual.
Done on 2.2.16
A. SnB 175/195/205/215/225
A. Sn 195/2, 205/f, 205/2, 210, 215, 225f (85-100%)
B. –
C. 1:18 / 1:31 / 1:27 @ 185#, PC singles, FS ub, C2B ub
(not sure if I did 10 Burpees on set 2 and 3 but ended on the same site …hmm)
For some reason I did just 3 rounds. Shame on me.
Day behind cause ive felt extremely tired last few days and felt a little something coming on. So decided to rest instead. M and a done. Snatch complex with barbell SBalance 40,50,60,60,60 didnt feel so good today wrists aree sore Snatch at 50,54,57x7sets. Missed one at 57. 57 is 82%. B dead fs at 70,74,76 for rest of reps C scaled to 70kg for clean and fs 1:42, 1:36, 1:40, 2:00 front squats on last set were slow, wanted to make sure i had good form instead of speeding through. CTB were bit off too. Should really warm up for… Read more »
A – barbell done. Snatch balance to 185. Moved to full snatch and it was soooo sssslowwww. Oly coach noticed and switched me to No Feet Snatch (triples) to drill speed in the pull and catch. Did triples to 115 and doubles to 130. Anytime I go from Snatch Balance to full Snatch everything just feels sluggish. B – 225#. Didn’t do 1RM last week so this was a guess. Might have been able to squeeze out a little more. This was really cool. Had never done this before. C – No time. Spent all my time fixing snatch. Side… Read more »
Good call Mike!
M/A done
A. bar, 135-155, then 95, 95, 100, 100, 105, 105, 110, 110
B. 135
C. For the first time in a long time I could not do the metcon. So tired. Tried at 115 – got through one round and then just did the chest to bar pull ups for skill.
Hope you got a good nights rest Elissa!
I did and I felt so much better today. Thank you! 🙂
Mobility done
A1 done with bar
A2 65, 75, 85, 95, 105
A3. 110, 115, 125, 135, 135, 140 failed, 140 made it 5lb PR!
B dead stop FS @ 205
C 1:43/2:13/2:05/2:22
Congrats on the PR!!
Mob done
A. bb, then 128/135/145F/145/150F150 then 95 no misses
B. 165
C. 1:58/2:00/2:01/2:03 @ 125
Mob done
A1. Done
A2. Modified today. Did muscle snatch instead, 75-95#, failed at 100#
A3. Modified to power snatch. 95-115#, failed 120#.
B. 165#
C. Modified today to
12-9-6 reps for time:
Power Clean 95#
Strict Ring Dips
Rest 3 mins and Repeat.
2:35 (unbroken), 2:25 (unbroken)
DMA: Done
A1. 45#
A2. up to 105#
A3. 135# and 140# for all sets
B. 205# all sets
C. 15:50
Mob Done
A1 – done
A2 – 135/155/175/195/210 (this one resembled more of a OHS – didn’t catch it very low)
A3 – 160 x 4, 165 x 3, 170 x 1
B. 275 x 12
C. 1:35, 1:34, 1:30, 1:32 – all C2B UB. Feel good about that 🙂
Nice job on those C2B!
A. Snatch Balance – 95, 100, 105, 110, 115 (Happy – this is the first time those numbers have been put OH for me in a year)!
A2. Snatch – all at 85# – no misses.
B. F. Squat Deads @ 135#
C. 1:33, 1:41, 1:38, 1:46 (105#) – played with how I went from one movement to the other. I maybe should go heavier soon, but still building strength and confidence.
Fantastic work Nicky!
Mob. Done
A. Barbell done
Snatch Balance 95-135
Snatch 135-155. missed 3
B. 225 12x
C. 2:00, 1:55, 1:58, 1:55. C2B held me back again.
A. Snatch Balance to 225
Snatch to 195 no miss, missed 200
B. Dead Stops 235
C.. 1:13, 1:14, 1:10, 1:22 lost butterfly last set
Did competition part A on accident then
A. Done
A2. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
A3. 175×6 then 2x fails. My wrist went lame…
B. 275×2, 275f, 265×5, 265f, 245×3
That was so hard at 90%. Maybe my terrible weekend diet has caught up with me.
C. I just didn’t have it in me:(
Mobility – done!
A1 done with bar
A2 95/105/115/125/130
A3. 80% is 100 lb. for me – 4 @ 100/ 2@ 105/2@ 110
B. All @ 165 lb.
C. 2:08/2:06/2:04
Good job today Barry. Thanks for the Lethbridge shirt!!
You’re welcome. I’ve enjoyed being able to work out with everyone at Pohaku.
Mobility done
A1 done wih bar
A2 work to 83
A3 100/105/110/113/118/123 then misses at 128 (would have been pr, next time!)
B. No dice on these front squats. Really aggravates hip which is still recovering from last year. Did light squats at 4×7
C 2:24/2:23/3:18 (dropped bar on 3rd front squat)/2:08
Good job on the snatches. PR coming soon 🙂
I can feel it. I was under each time just need to get confident on the finish (instead of worrying that it’s gonna crush my head. Hahah). Thanks!!!
Nice job on your snatch balance! How is the hip feeling?
Eh. it’s just ok. I can squat with no pain most days but those dead stop front squats put so much pressure on it.
Don’t do the dead stop then, just front squat if that feels better. 🙂
A. Snatch balance up to 155, snatch to 145, failed 155 2x
B. did EMOM 12 regular FS@225
C. 1:53/1:47/1:43/1:46
A. Snatch balance to 225 snatch to 195- missed 3 out of 8
B. dead stop at 260
C.1:02/1:04/1:09/1:13 @185 pushed the burpees on round 4 and the butterfly flew away- kipped the last 6 c2B
Strong dead stop FS
thanks, brother, but I’d trade it for a better snatch day if I could, I was shit today snatching!!!
I could relate to that! Great times though!!!!
Solid day Al!
M&A done
A. Snatch Balance up to 195, snatch up to 185
B. Dead stop at 225
C. 1:54,2:29,2:40,2:50
A. snatch balance up to 155, snatches were shaky today so stayed around 145 80-85%.
B. 108kg for all 12 sets off of 120 kg (these all felt solid)
C. 1:37, 2:01, 2:11, 1:59 @ 185#
Great work on the front squats Sean.