Session One
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
2 Front Squats + Split Jerk
(pause at receiving position of split jerk for 1-2 seconds before recovering)
*Sets 1-2 – 70-75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 – 75-80%
*Sets 5-6 – 80-85%
*Sets 7-8 – 85-90%
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Clean Lift-Off with Pause at Knees + Power Clean + Power Jerk
Build to today’s heavy over the course of the eight sets.
For time:
50 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
40 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
30 Bar Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
Session Two
Five sets of
Peek-A-Boo Swings x 5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Three sets of:
60 Seconds Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes
followed by…
One set of:
9 Unbroken Bar Muscle-Ups
7 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
5 Unbroken Bar Muscle-Ups
Rest as little as possible between unbroken sets.
Three sets of:
Box Bridge Handstand Push-Ups to Deficit x Max Reps
(you choose the deficit, but goal should be a minimum of 10 reps on the opening set)
Rest as needed
followed by…
Three sets of:
Support Hold on Low Rings x Max Time
(press to the top of a ring dip, and hold in support for as long as possible)
Rest 60 seconds
Four sets of:
Dumbell Chinese Rows x 8-10 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
Bent-Over Rear Delt Flyes x 20 reps @ 20X0
Rest 60 seconds
Option 1
Ten sets of:
Row 500 meters @ 2000 meter PR pace -2 seconds.
Rest 60 seconds
Option 2
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (6 sets of each station):
Minute 1: 45 Seconds of AirDyne
Minute 2: 60 seconds of Rowing @ 2000 meter PR Pace
Minute 3: Rest
Minute 4: 45 seconds of Prowler Push (heavy)
Minute 5: Rest
Session 1
A. 215,230, 230, 245, 245, 260, 260, 275
B. 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285 Fail jerk
C. 7:26
Again late post but did this work Tuesday
Session 1
A. Last 2 sets at 255. Felt solid.
B. 255….. Power clean felt weak.
C. 6:23 Rx
Session 2
A. Peek a boos done… Then MU
18/12/11 then
Bar MU total time 4:37
B. Done with 1 45lbs rogue black
plate, 10 reps on all sets
50/35/30 seconds
C. Done with 65lbs and 10lbs rear delt
D. Option 2… Loved it!!
Session 1:
A. Front Squat and Jerk Complex Up to 292
B. Clean complex up to 285 (Had more in the tank, but it was the smoothest 285 I have ever done; can’t remember if this is a PR)
C. 5:57
D. Chinese rows with 80s and Rear Delts with 15s
About and hour later did the option two with a client
used 350+ on the sled, kept the rower to under 1:48 split, and Assault was about 70 rpms (sweaty mess and loved it)
Session two A. Swings done Muscle up sets 14/10/9 Bar muscle ups 2:41 hands fried at this point B. Used 4″ deficit went 10/12/14 think I opened up and adapted as time went on Holds :33/:19/:20 started out trying to externally rotate shoulders and that went pretty quick C. 40s used for rows and 5s for flys D. First time in months that I’ve been able to pull at my 2k pace without pain! Never actually completed any of the rowing workouts Rx’d this cycle so did 20 sets of 250 at a 1:42 pace. Rested 60 seconds instead of… Read more »
Session one A. the good: first time able to do this complex this cycle without pain the bad: wasn’t safe to go with prescribed percentages yet first 4: 225 (70%) last 4: went down to 185 and worked on positioning B. 185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255 last set was a little iffy, but this is the heaviest I’ve been able to clean pain free in a few weeks. for sure since wodapalooza C. warming up thrusters felt slow and out of position. decided to do push press at 115 to maintain intensity and avoid aggravating anything 50 cal row 40 push press 115 30… Read more »
Completed Yesterday (1/26)
AM Session
Up to 235 (88%)
Up to 235
PM Session
3 x 10 UB MU (Tested elbow a little more this week and it held up)
9-7-5 UB Bar MU completed w. about 1:30 between sets
SH on LR: :20-30
DBCR done with 70# DB
BO RDFlyes done w/ 20# DB’s
Option 2
Maintained 65-70 RPM on AB
1:50-1:55 on Row
225 on Sled
(One very long session) A. 205,215,215,235,245,255,265,265 B. 260lbs – 10lbs under. Was not feeling power ready today, but I got good sets in. C. 6:30 26/5/5/4 on thrusters. Went out hot on the row (2:15). Burpees were a real grind. Wanted sub 6. Next time. A. 10/8/7 – silly me, I rested 60 seconds. I so read this wrong. An extra 60secs would have changed my results. ..then… Unbroken all sets with about 10-15 second break between unbroken sets. B. 10 reps every set with 4″ deficit. Back was tight and started to cramp a bit ..then… 40 seconds each… Read more »
Ah you killed the first set of thrusters and then the sets fell off. With a row like that if you were to do the whole 40 unbroken or finish the last 14 in one set that would cut so much time off even with your burpees being such a grind. You put up a good score still and glad you made it through your long session
I sure did fall off. 40 unbroken is possible. I’ll get it next time.
Morning sess:
Peek-a-boos done
MU 5-4-3. Felt horrible today.
Ring holds about 20s each
Evening sess
A. 205-255, fail jerk once @ 255
B. 185-255, fail jerk
C. 7:09, burpees super slow
Push those burpees! Its hard to fail one.
Morning session:
A. 225-285, f jerk at 295
B. Up to 265, f 275
C. 6:22
Evening session:
A. Peak a boos done
Muscle ups: 14, 10, 9
Bar muscle ups: 1:48
B. HSPU: 14, 13, 10
Ring holds: :47, :31, :31
C. Team worm squat/worm clean and jerk workout
D. Accessories done. Rows at 85, rear delts at 15#
Ugh the worm…terrible. Hope you had fun
Session 2:
A) bar mu completed in 2:07
C) Chinese rows done with 55# db’s
Rear delt flies done w/ 15# db’s
D) emom.
Avg 15-17 cals on assault bike
Rows: kept 1:48 pace. Around 275m each time
No prowler, so did sled drags instead 100ft each time
A) ended at 275 85%
B) 255 everything felt heavy
C) 6:02
Session 2
A) peekaboo then skipped shoulders healing
B) done
C) done
Rowing 10 sets all at 1:45
A. 185-200-205-210-215-225-230-235
B. 185-205-215-225-235-245-255(f jerk)-255(f jerk)
C. 6:28 didn’t have the push today in this metcon
D. Max set UB MU 60sec x3 10/9/8
Bar MU complete
E. Chinese rows done at 53lbs
Used 15lb db rear Delt
Pretty consistent on those muscle ups. Nice work!
PM Session:
A. 6/5/5 MU- Just felt dead on these today after yesterdays training…
BMU 5:30 RX- Had to break it up though… But I tried not to stop for too long (I am trying to work through my fear of having a slippery grip…)
B. 11/10/12- Used a 24″ box w/ Rogue Bumper Plates 45#s (THESE.ARE.AWESOME!) – :60-:45-:40 Ring Holds (Holy Shoulders!)
C. 25-30-35# Chi. Row, 5# Flys
D. Avg. 1:57- Total working time: 19:33
Always good to see you consistently getting after it. Good job Nicolene!
Is it just me or is anyone else’s upper body completely demolished from yesterday? My arms and shoulders haven’t been this sore in a long time! Definitely made for a rough day today but I got through it. Session 1 A. Based on 205: 145-155-155-165-170-175-180-180 B. 135-145-155F-155-165-175-180-185F (The clean felt so heavy today!) C. 7:46 RX (25-8-7 on thrusters, burpees felt super slow after yesterday’s stuff and having also added 11.3 to the mix) Session 2 A. 7(5-2-1F), 7(4-3), 8(5-3) …had to do smaller sets on the bar mups cause my hands were killing me so I did 5-3-3-3-3 with… Read more »
Session One
A. 205/220/235/245 No misses but this felt heavy today!
C. 9:04 oh man, fell apart on thrusters. So weak mentally.
Session Two
A. Ring: 12/11/10
Bar: 2:27 all UB
B.Box: 10/20/30 used 4” figured it out after 1st set
C.50lbs rows/10lbs flys
D. 1:57.9avg. Not -2 from my 2k pace but last week I could barely row my lower back was on fire! Definitely will push harder next week!
What kind of sets did you go with on thrusters?
Way too many. I totally was mentally weak. 10-5-5-7-6-4-3. I know I know soo bad ? Time to go read the mindset book again
Got a good session in today 🙂 Session 1: Still having some IT band issues, so had to change up A&B a little bit. Have an appointment on Thursday to get it worked on! A. E2M – 16min Power Clean + Split Jerk x 2 155/155/165/165/165/165/165/165 – stayed around 75% didn’t push too much, worked on posture in the catch B. EMOM 8 min Clean Lift-Off x 2 @ 215# *Added in Heaving Snatch Balance 6×2 @125 C. 7:40 (2:54 row, 20-10-10 thursters, UB Burpees 🙂 ) actually felt pretty good on this one. Pushed myself and didn’t slow down… Read more »
Solid day of work Beth. Get those IT bands healthy!!
Thanks! I can feel the tight spot in there, going to Airrosti on Thursday to get that taken care of. Gas tank felt pretty good today on that metcon….it’s getting better!
Session 1:
C)7:35. It felt like I was moving through mud on the burpees.
Session 2:
A)1/2/1- I had a really tough day on the rings. Shoulders were blown up from the muscle ups yesterday. I am not used to the volume.
Had to scale bar muscle ups. Didn’t track time.
C)Done. 85#/10#
D) option 2. 360#+prowler
Another very good but hard training session. Shoulders and legs were toast from yesterday. Session 1: A. 185, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235. No misses 🙂 . Front Squats felt easy and good on my back B. Worked up to 225. Wish I would’ve recorded that one. It was as power as power ges. C. 7:41. This was fun .Really wanted to get the first 20 thrusters UB and I did. and stayed steady on the burpees. Rowed slow. Wanted to have legs for thrusters. Need to work on that lactic threshold on those two combined. Session 2. A.… Read more »
Sounds like a solid day for fitness on session one. Keep pushing hard!
Session 1:
A) 225/245/245/260/265/275/290/300 failed jerk
B) 205/225/235/245/255/265/270/275
Row (2:06)
Thrusters (30/10)
Session 2:
Starting in 20 mins
Rowing later
Good job today on C Nathaniel!!
Thanks Hunter! Good burn!
30 minute EMOM
Clean Complex up to 315
Bar Muscle-Ups
Total time was 1:40 ish
50 cal
40 thrusters
30 burpees
Accessory done.
Pretty fast for a bigger guy 🙂