Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Inchworm walk + Scap Push Ups x 2 reps + Press Up x 3 reps
Interval 2 – Leg Cross Toe Tap x 10 reps
Interval 3 – Reach Thru’s x 10 reps
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 6 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 4 reps @ 85%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
If you need work on barbell cycling then perform the following:
For times:
Ground to Overhead x 10 reps *
Rest 60 seconds
Ground to Overhead x 10 reps **
Rest 60 seconds
Ground to Overhead x 10 reps ***
Loads to be used per age division:
40-44: *185/125 lbs, **155/105 lbs, ***135/95 lbs
45-49: *175/115 lbs, **155/105 lbs, ***135/95 lbs
50-54: *155/105 lbs, **135/95 lbs, ***115/75 lbs
55+: *135/95 lbs, **115/75 lbs, ***95/65 lbs
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (20 lbs to 10′; 14 lbs to 9′)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (20 lbs to 9′; 10 lbs to 9′)
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
Three sets of:
Incline DB Bench Press x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Strict Supinated Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
DB Z-Press x 5-6 reps
Rest 60 seconds
So a day behind. A: Felt heavy today 105; 125; 145; 152.5; 162.5; 170 Only first two sets were UB but drop and quick reset every time B: Did Battle of Britian Qualifier in its place 3 Rds of :10 Snatch (42.5kg) 5 Burpee Box Jump (24″) 10 C2 B Pull Ups 5 Burpee Box Jumps (24″) 5:52 C: 251 reps- Appoligize for all the data points on this one. It was a 4 rep increase from 13.3 and 6 reps less that 12.4 ( Which also happens to be the year a finishe 35th in Mid Atlantic and qualified… Read more »
DMA Done plus a 30 min Gymnastics class HSPUs and T2B technique A. DL 215//250/290/310/325/350# B. 155# 1:18 (slower than last week) 135# 0:49 (lost right hand on after 9th push jerk i.e. broke at 9) 115# 0:39 C. 244 ( 2 less than in October while my MUs are in much better shape. 6th or 7th time doing this workout. Tried a more aggressive wall ball pace. Was at 75 by 3:30 but had to pay the man with the hammer and completed the WBs in 8 min. In previous higher scores I paced this flat to 20 WBs/minute… Read more »
Mobility done A) 165, 195, 225, 245, 255, 275 B) 135X6 could not finish cycling unbroken. Got 2, 2, 1, 1 115X10 unbroken 95X10 unbroken Didn’t note the times on the above sets. C) 150 wall balls 8:08, 90 dubs ( had a difficult time with this after the wall balls) got to the Muscle ups with only about 10 seconds left, made one attempt but slipped off the rings Total reps 240 Good news, I’m back left ankle swelling almost gone, still feel a little bit on the ankle and was concerned about doing double unders but got them… Read more »
Awesome job!
A. 165, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275
B. 2:38 (155), 1:43 (135), 1:22 (115)
C. 241 – was dead, took a 6 minute break from B, probably should have taken at least 10 minutes. I also only did WB in sets of ten, won’t do that again if I see this work out again. I wasn’t doing Crossfit when 12.4 or when it was repeated in 13, but couldn’t do MU at the time.
D. Firts time I have been able to do supinated C2B!!!! used 30lb DB on others.
Major progress Chris!
Mob Done
A. 255/305/350/375/395/420
B. :54 @ 185, :44 @ 155, :38 @ 135
C. 253 reps
D. Done
Post -Rev Hyper & Iron Scap
A – 230-275-315-335-355-380. Very pleased as heavy deadlifts scare me. That 380 felt solid. B – Dear Barbell, why do you hate me so much? 1:48 @175 (last few powercleans were fugly), 1:20 @155 1:04 @135. This wore me out. Took 60-90 between sets. C – I started CF in 2014 so I never did 12.4 nor had I ever done Karen. I had no clue how to break this up so I ask one of our coaches that I train with for advice. He says “start with one big set of wallballs”. That is the last time I ask… Read more »
Great job Mike! Now you have a benchmark for that workout!
Mobility – done
A. 150/180/205/220/235/245
B. Missed workouts earlier in the week due to travel; didn’t get a chance to snatch. Decided to drop the weights and work on snatching. 10 @ 75, 10 @ 95, and 5 @ 115
C. Finished Karen in 7:59; did two sets of 45 DU’s and then had time to do 6 MU’s – all singles. Nice to be able to do these workouts with Ed Rapoza from Pohaku CF.
D. 10 reps using 25DB’s, 5/7/5 strict C2B’s (felt good today on these!), 6 reps using 25DB’s
Thanks for the push today Barry!
Great work Barry, nice improvement!
A. 225, 275, 315, 345, 385, 415×2
B. :39, :38, :29. ( went on the next minute, so 20 seconds extra rest)
C. 250 reps 7:15 karen (30, 20, 10×10), mu 3, 3, 2, 2, 1
D. 70# db, 50#db
At least it was 4 more reps then 4 less! 😉
Did Dynamic warmup today-
A. 135/165/185/195/210/230
B. Skipped due to straight through no rest day until Thursday for skill day for NorCal Masters comp next weekend.
C. 214- WOW! PR’d by 100 reps… PR’d Karen by 2:21-DU getting so much better and relaxed
D. Did bar for DB bench up to 85
Did 3 strict pull-ups-another PR 3 consecutive!!!
Did military press for the DB Z press.
Great day!!!
Yeah, gotta love improving!
So much!
Great work Cheryl!!!! Lots of PRs today!
Mobility done.
A. 225, 250, 290, 310, 327, 345 felt good today!
B. 1:47, 1:15, :49. Brost no repped me!! :p
C. Only 240. Got through balls in 7 minutes and was wiped out. Spent rest of time recovering and chipping away at DUs.
D. 50# inclines, 6 sup pullups and 35# Zpress
Overall a good day. Have a nice weekend everyone!
A. Done off 450
B. Skipped
C. 246 PR by 5 reps 🙂
D. Done
Awesome job Curt!
Mob done
A. 205-240-275-295-315-335# (every set unbroken…last set was easiest)
B. Skipped, with 150 wallballs decided to give my knee a break and skip this part.
C. 257 reps. Finished wallballs at 6:12 and DUs at 7:39. (WBs went 40-65-80-95-105-116-125-135-142-150, DUs had 1 miss at 18 and then quick rest at 60; MUs went 4/4/3/2/2/1/1….need to still get stronger pressing out on those or be able to catch higher…one or the other to get more reps in).
D. Done. 35# DBS on bench and 30# DBS on Z press.
So impressive.
Great job Cheryl! So strong on those deads and so many MUs!
Fantastic work! How is the knee feeling today?
Hi Nichole! I woke up with knee feeling pretty good today…other than a couple mile run, I did rest both Wednesday and Thursday. Plus, about 7-10 days ago I started taking twice a day the Hammer Tissue Rejuvenator supplement, IÊ»ve taken it before but had run out and hadnÊ»t had it in quite a while…perhaps it is really helping. Knee started to bother me a little bit on the 155# power cleans today but got through it ok and now, just a few hours after training, still feeling fine! I just need to keep it in check, otherwise when it… Read more »
M&A done A. 225,265,315,335,350,370 B. 2:57,1:48,1:06-all power clean and push jerk, this felt painfully slow C. So I thought the proper modification to this one was 150 thrusters @65#-either that’s a little off or I’m really out of shape, I barely finished the thrusters in time to walk to the other room and squeak out 22 dubs…..so my clock reset and I decided to rest 3:00 and do 150 dubs for time-3:28. By far not my best performance. I plan not to miss any optional conditioning session from here on out. Hopefully just typing that in here will instill enough… Read more »
Skipped dead lifts
B. 1:01/:51/:33
C. 9:05 Karen -10:57 finished doubles- grabbed rings at 11:20- 9 MUs unbroken- 249
D. did one round and had to go back to work
Way to finish strong Al!!
9 UB mu’s is incredible after all that.
I have a history of getting too tired to do any MUs so I tried to keep my heart rate down so I could string some together. But thank u, Brent, I am getting better at doing them tired.
Great work Al!
A. 245/295/335/365/385/405
B. skipped
C. 245
D. 50# db bench & standing press instead of z
Solid Perry!
Thanks Nichole!
Did C first – 242
Then B (bad idea) – 2:09, 1:00, :42
That’s all I had time for today.
Mob done
A. 185/225/255/275/290/305
B. :53/:45/:33
C. scaled w/ 10lb wall ball. (my weight for this year 55+ group) also because my quad injury on wed. It is getting better but still pretty sore.
Finished WB @ 7:43 DU @ 10:42 (Was tough today, a lot of misses) and then finished with 6 stationary dips. (shoulder is getting stronger. Progress but still a long way to go!)
D. Done
Yes for dips!!! 🙂
Great times on GTOH!
How is the quad feeling today Litsa?
Mobility done
A. Until 2x115kg
B. Skipped
C. 247 reps – 7’29 Wall Balls /9’39” end of DUs + 7 MUs (all singles). I think I can do better if I can do some MU unbroken …Much better than 2012 🙂
D. Done
This weekend I will participate in the Competitors course with Spealler and Matt Chan who are here in Switzerland.
Have fun this weekend. Sounds like fun.
Have so much fun!!!!!!!
Today’s workout was 9-7-5 Thursters (110lb) / Ring MU – AMRAP 5 Minutes
(I did 28 reps)
Also we did Barbell cycling with Power Snatches and then
3-6-9-12 – Barbell cycling with C&J (110lb) – I did 3-6 and 9 unbroken touch&go and then 3/3/3 with push jerks. Feeling good !
A. 255, 295, 345, 360, 385, 405 the second rep just didn’t want to come off the floor so I left it there:/
B. Done. 1:03, :47, :36 I forgot about the cycling part but actually managed to push jerk the 175 and155. I usually get impatient and end up getting gassed after just push pressing.
C. 260 reps. 6:00 for Karen, 2:49 for dubs (lol!) 3:11 for MU. Really happy with that minus forgetting how to jump rope.
D. No incline. Did kb floor press w/2×1.5 p and 45s for Z press
Damn!! Crushed that one with Karen.
Fantastic work Scott!!!!!
Skipped todays training to do team swim wod at a local pool
Teams of three
400run+12 x100sprints
Then 150snatch cycling between swim snatch and walk to other side of pool to tagteam memebr 3.
150push up same cycle
150overshoulder slam ball same cycle
150sit ups same cycle
Then team must swim together 25m and carry all gear used back to start position through pool. Was alot of fun. Back to it tomoro. May do 12.4 tomoro. Last time got 6 mu , so would love to try beat that