Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Band Distracted Samson Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Minute 2: Hip Circles x 5 circles in one direction/5 circles in opposite direction per leg
Minute 3: IT Band Mash w/a Barbell x 30 seconds per side
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 85% of 1-RM
For time:
Shoulder to Overhead x 30 reps
40-49: 155/115 lbs
50-59: 135/95 lbs
60+: 115/75 lbs
Four rounds for time of:
15′ Rope Climb x 2 ascents
100′ Sprint
Squat Cleans x 4 reps
100′ Sprint
40-49: 225/135 lbs
50-54: 205/115 lbs
55-59: 185/95 lbs
60+: 155/75 lbs
Three sets of:
Single-Arm DB Row x 6-8 reps each @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds
DB Tate Press
x 6-8 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Strict Toes to Bar x 6-8 reps @ 3110
Rest 90 seconds
M and A done
A. 330 across
B. 3:21 Rx
C. 11:21; did 185 power cleans. Legs fried
D. done
Mob done
A. 265/270 x 4
B. 1:42 @ 95 (22/8)
C. 8:34 @ 115
D. Only got to DB rows
A: comlete@ 300#
B: complete, RX- 1:01
C: complete: 9:56
B.1:45. 155lbs
C. 5:45 Did Back squat at 225 cause I cant Clean or hold the Rack position…probably shoulda gone a little heavier!
D. Done
A. 5×3 @ 315
B. 2:34 @ 155
C. 10:24 @ 225
D. Finished with 50# db for Tate and row
A. 275
B. :51 all unbroken. Only used 95# as its all my wrist/hand could handle in the flexed back position. Looking forward to doing it RX when I’m healthy again.
C. 7:39 Did 225# front squats off the rack.
D. Done. t2b are impossible for me for 3 sec. down. Need to work on that.
Mob: Done
A: 5×3 @ 280#
B: 135# just under 4 mins, clock was reset mid workout. About a minute slower than my Grace time during bb4bs event earlier this month… the squats?
C: 11:16 with 165# cleans. Warmed up cleans to 195# but after rope climbs and sprints the 1st few were very ugly, dropped the weight to 165#
D: 8s all around; 50# on the rows, 30#s on the Tates
M&A Done
3 days off to let left knee rest-still sore
A-5 sets 225×5
B-155, 2:11
C-No rope so did 180 sled pulls
135 on cleans
100m row in place of sprints
Did WOD with son home from college
No time kept
D-55 and 75
A. 275,285(85%),285,295.305
B. 1:38 (16,8,6)
C. 9:14
D. Done
B and C done Rx (50-54) fun workout today.
M and a done.
Hatch squat program
Bs 80×8,87.5×8,100×6 & 105×6
Fs 60×5,65×5,75×5 & 80x 5
B sto @65 kg Took 3:41. Felt heavier than normal
C did this at 65kg for squat clean. Never done this with my metcons on so didn’t want to mash potato it. Did shuttles 4x15m instead of 100′ sprint. Took just over 8min.
Funny that we have a comp next week and one of the wods is 1 ropeclimb and 5 squat cleans 3 rounds for time at 60kg. You guys must know something. Haha
Forgot there was a D. oops.
Ha.. I did the wrong workout, did the competition stuff on the main page by mistake, oh well I will figure it out one of these days. Still trying to get used to new workout schedule with this program and still get my swim prep in for wodapalooza..
All mobility done. and a gymnastics cardio warm up as well. 🙂
A. 165# I feel so good with this weight now time to go up!
B. STOH 115# (yikes that was heavy almost my bodyweight just a few pounds shy!) 4:07
C. No RX today on this WOD- 115# (just getting over he stomach bug and my strength wasn’t there) 9:22
D. All done- I like the TTB like that slow and steady. 🙂
Mobility Done
A. 165# x3
B. 2:41 (6/6/5/5/4/4)
C. 6:30 (rope climbs to 12′)
D. Done
A) 270
B) 4:12 RX
C) 8:38 185# Cleans
D) No love on the TTBs. Rows w/ 55# DB, Tate Presses w/ 20# DB
Mob and Act Done(felt good this morning, especially the IT Mash)
A. 315 x 3 all sets
B. 2:11 (15/10/5)
C. 9:17 Rx
D. Done (50# for row and Tate press x8
T2B x8)
Post- light weight Snatch balance Tech work then Iron Scap Rev Hyper and GHDSU
Mobility completed
B)Completed the 12 Days of Thankfulness. Only one class today and was very crowded so I joined in on the fun. Ha. 54:41 rx.
D)Completed. DB Row @45#. DB Tate Press @25#/ST2B that 3 second tempo is very difficult to achieve. It is more like 2 seconds.
A. 185# x 3
B. 2:15 Rx (135#) (10/7/5/4/4)
C. 9:40 Rx
D. Done though the tempo on toes to bar was not happening! 2×30# on Tate press; 35# on row
M and A done
A) 225
B) 5:14
C) did power cleans @ 205 (I know it said squat cleans… ) ran 100 meters (not intentionally) in the rain,and only after the rope climbs (not sure why, just how it happened). 14:37
D)50,70,70 on the DB rows, 30,40,40 Tate press, struggle city on the TTB
Oh no, I forget that other people have rain!
Haha, Did you all just get record rain fall a month or so ago? I was just trying to make sound like suffered more, cause running 300 meters in the rain is WAY harder than when it is not raining
Yeah but our record rain fall was it raining for 2 days in a row, then dry!
Rest day today-Did 6 days straight this week. Going out of town this weekend will be back strong on Tuesday. Body needs a little break…
Have a great rest day and enjoy your holiday!
M and A DONE.
A. 275,305,305,315,315
B. 1:14 Rx (15,10,5)
C. Got through 1 round and my ankle locked up on the squat cleans. so I stopped. 🙁
D. DONE TTBS were not completely strict but I did focus on slow tempo.
Mental Note: Day after Thanksgiving is hard :O
Solid work on B!!! How is the knee?
Everything is feeling better. Thanks for asking. ankle quit locking up too. wahoo!!