Workout of the Day
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Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Interval 1 – Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus *Add weight if this is easy
Interval 2 – Bear Crawl + Wrist Stretch x 60 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes, complete:
Jerk Balance x 1 rep
immediately followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete (5 sets):
Pause Jerk x 1 rep + Jerk @ 85-90%
Three sets of:
3″ Deficit Deadlift x 6-8 reps
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Power Cleans x 5 reps + Burpees x 5 reps
Minute 2 – Front Rack Alt. Reverse Lunges x 10 reps
Minute 3 – Double Unders x 20 reps + Pull-Ups x 10 reps
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135/95 lbs
50-54: 115/75 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
A. complete
B. Jerk Bal: 135,135,155,175, 175; Pause Jerk+Jerk 175,185,205,205,205
C. 225×8, 275×8, 325×6
D. Clean @ 135; reverse lunge (30 lb bar only – these need work); pulp 5-7 each round; completed 21 mins
A. Complete
B. Jerk Balance: 185#, 205#, 215#, 215#, 225#. Then Pause Jerk + Jerk @ 235#
C. 6 Reps @ 325#, 345#, 345#
D. This went well! Completed Rx averaged 30 sec work to rest ratio throughout.
A. Done
B. Worked from 105 to 145 on the balances. 185 first 4 and 195 last one. Focused on widening grip and wider, solid catch.
C. Skipped due to time.
D. Started 135 for a few rounds then dropped to 115 for lunges. Never really got back my breathing and struggled doing 8 reps for most of remainder of sets.
B. worked to 165
C. 125/155/205 x 8reps
D. used 95#, 5 PU each round
Still on bus. Hit the local box. Be back on Friday
Barry E. A. Done – never done pass troughs in prone position before B. 75, 95, 105, 110, 115 Jerk Balance – feeling a bit better on these but still not that smooth B. 135, 135, 135, 140, 145 Pause Jerk and Jerks C. 185, 205, 215 D. Surprised myself on this EMOM. Have done long EMOM’s as part of Competition Programming before. It was difficult but managed to complete pretty well as prescribed. Only had a couple of rounds where I only completed 9 pull-ups or 8 pull-ups but never less than 8. Ended up with 93 pull-ups instead… Read more »
B-Oops did Tall jerks to 135 then Jerks at 215
Boy do I need to invest in blocks!
C-275, 305, 325
D-First 5 Rounds within minute than last 5 rounds struggled to finish, ouch. Decided to ingest a little pre-workout caffeine before WOD-BAD Mistake as heart rate was through the roof and very hard to catch breath after round 4. Learning experience.
A. Done
B. 105-115-125-135-145# jerk balance
182-185-190-195-197# pause/jerk
C. 215-225-245# 3″ deficit deads for 8 reps each.
D. Went up in weight to 105#. All movements unbroken except a miss or 2 on Dubs.
A. Done
B. 115; 185, 185, 195, 195, 205. No blocks so back to shoulders for second rep. Pause new to me
C. Done. 225, 235, 245 X 8. Too light
D. This gassed me. I could not recover in the time allotted. 115 for cleans and lunges. Did all reps 1st 3 rounds (9 min) then crapped out after that, dropped sets to 3 burpees, 8 lunges and 6-8 on pull-ups. Breathing too heavy and HR jacked. Had to finish early at 24 min bc class.
A. Done. Had never done either one of those. Felt good
B. 185, 205, 205, 215, 225. then… 225, 235, 235, 235, 235.
C. 3×8 @315
D. Rx. Like to try this with C2B or maybe up the weight. It was tough for sure, but not demoralizing.
A) Done
B) Jerk Balance (63) 83-83-93-93 then Pause Jerk + Jerk 93-93-93-93-98
C) Def. D.L. 135(6)-155(6)-135(8)
D) @75# Unbroken on kipping pull-ups except Rd.9 5/5 Knee was better on lunges today. 10 Rds is a good mental challenge for sure!!
A – done B – I screwed this up. I did behind the neck jerks and went too heavy. Went to 215. Had nothing left for the jerk complex – shoulders were shot and i crapped out at 175. These last few days my shoulders have felt it. C – 3×6 @325 D – This was a burner. Scaled reverse lunges to 95 (groin) but did the rest Rx. I made it through. Broke up pullups in later rounds. My butterfly goes to sh!t when I get tired. My hips lose their snap (I think). Other than that, I was… Read more »
A. Done
B. 95/95/115/115/135 Then 225/225/225/235/235
D. Rx. Held the EMOM for the most part. Total time 32:29. Good one. Used the lunges as more of a big breather and high speed thru the other 2 pieces.
A. Done
B. Jerk Balance – 75#, 80#, 80#, 85#, 85#. Skipped Jerks for time…
C. DL Deficit. 155#, 155#, 160#
D. Used 85# for Power Cleans, 45# for Front Rack Reverse Lunges, Single Unders. Good one!!
A. Done
B. 105-115-125-135-145# jerk balance
182-185-190-195-197# pause/jerk
C. 215-225-245# 3″ deficit deads 8 reps
D. Done at 105#- all movements unbroken
B. 115 120 120 120 120 need to drop faster
115 105 115 120 120
C. 115 135 155
D. Did what I could 1 st round was good. Used 95 for Power Cleans 45 for 2 rounds of the lunger. Only did about 5 rounds of 5 pull-ups.
This was definitely hard. Still recovering from 4 hours ago.
A. Done
B. 65, 85, 85 then 115, 125, 125, 130, 130
C. 145 for all
D. Done with 75#. Reverse lunges the worst. DU and PU felt great. Serious mental game. I had to recruit outside help – an unwilling partner to suffer through with me. Not sure I would have finished this alone.
A. Done
B. Worked up to about 175/185. Trying to work on hand positioning and catch.
C. Did 30 EMOM first and had to get back to work. Will makeup at home.
D. Started RX. After 3rd round was struggling with lunges and had to drop to 115. Never caught my breathe after that and was lucky to get 8 reps each min. Next time starting lighter…
A. Done
B. Jerk Balance ( 80/100/80/80/80
Pause Jerk & Jerk 100/120/120/125/125
c. Deficit DL @ 205#
D. RX all rounds-each set done in 28-30 seconds I was thankful for the rest.
A. Done
B. Jerk balance 45kg / Jerk 60kg (85%)
C. Deadlift 90kg (6 reps)
D. Did a bit less reverse lunges in the end