Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Prone PVC Pipe Pass Throughs x 10 reps (add weight if this is easy)
Minute 2 – Roll to Candlestick x 8-10 reps
Minute 3 – Crossover Symmetry Victory Drill x 8 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Muscle Ups x 2-4 reps; 60+ women ring dips x 2-4 reps
Minute 2 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 6-10 reps
55-59: Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 2″ riser
60+:Â Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″ riser
Choose a rep scheme that will allow you to be consistent every minute
Twelve Sets of:
Banded Deadlift x 1 rep @ 50% of 1-RM Deadlift on the Barbell + 35% Band Tension of 1-RM Deadlift at Lockout
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets), complete:
Row 500 meters
Toes to Bar x 14 reps
Power Cleans x 7 reps
40-49: 155/135 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 115/75 lbs
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Roll Back Extensions
x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Heavy Farmers Carry x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Seated Dumbbell Press x 6-8 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
Mob Done
A. MU sub false grip PU /transitions
B. 170
C. 3:59/3:45/4:00/4:18 used 105 instead of 95
D. Did all but FC
Mobility done.
A. 3 & 5 for all rounds.
B. Deadlifts done, but not banded.
C. 3:44, 3:27, 3:32, 3:23
D. 55# dumbbells for carry, 30# for press.
M&A done: 2# on PPVC
A) 2/3 all rounds but clock got away. sHSPU back to 1 AbMat today. MU’s more of a jumping MU:high rings not accessible.
B) 110# with green band: did 1 every :30 (still unsure how to select which band to use?)
C) 103# 4:42/4:55/5:13/5:35
D) 2×15#DB extensions/53#KBS farmer carry/2×25#seated shoulder press
M&A Done
A. Rnd 1-4&8 then Rnds 2-6 at 3&6
B.225# with Black bands (Superset 245# Bench Press single after each DL)
C. 3:23, 324, 3:33, 3:28
D. DB rollback 40#DB, Farmers with 70# KBs, DBPress w/ 40#DB
Fun mobility!
A. took a different approach/separated the EMOMs. Getting closer to strict…got 2 strict to a 1/2″ foam mat and 2 to 1 abmat. MUs off today; used RX smart rings/did EMOM 6 min/missed 3/got 3
B. (310) 155 + blue band
C. tried the 135; could have done some ugly ones-opted for 125; done at 3:35/3:30/3:27/3:40
A. SHSPU’s 4/4/4 then 4/4/4 with one abmat
MU’s 2/2/2/2/2/2 but failed on the dip in two of the 12 MU’s
B. 210# deadlift 12 minute EMOM
C: Rx 4:27/4/15/4:00/3:58
D. Ran out of time
Mob done
A. 4/4/4/4/4/3 and 10/10/10/10/8/8
B. 180# and (2) green bands
C. 3:00, 2:56, 2:58, 2:56 Rx (chasing the boys today)
Yay, so happy the elbow is feeling good!
Mob and activation done.
A. 2/10 for all sets.
B. Deadlifts- 145 and green band
C. Did with 110 # power cleans- 3:31.3L58/3:53/4:12
D. 20 lb DB/ 75# on the walks
Mob and Act done, plus Crossover Activation series
A. Did my first no false grip MU’s today. Usually I have a big, long set up stepping on a box to set my false grip and then go. NOT TODAY!! 🙂 All those swings and transitions have really helped, thank you!
B. Deadlifts @ 145
C. 6:30 (was so slow on cleans), 5:00, 4:58, 4:59
D. Will do tomorrow
So Awesome Elissa! 🙂
thanks 🙂
That is fantastic Elissa, congratulations!
Thank you Nichole!
Little band rehab on shoulder blade/pec
5k row-19:35:10
10 min ab tabata
Get well soon Joe.
Thanks Perry, much appreciated.
Mobility done
A. 2MU / 6 strict HSPU – 4 rounds 1/4 last 2 rounds
B. 65kg + Green band
C. RX – around 40 sec rest
D. Done
A. MUs 4/3/2/3/3/2, sHSPU 6 across
B. EMOM 9, regular DLx1 @375
C. 3:13/3:09/3:07/3:05 @155
D. FC 2x48kg carries @160′
A. 4 mu/6 strict hspu
B. 225# + green
C. 2:45/2:45/3:00/3:05 had to break up toe 2 bar last 2 sets
D. 35#/70#/45#
A. Completed 4 MU and 10 strict HSPU
B. #225 with a green and red band
C. 3:10, 3:09, 3:07, 3:05 RX.
D. DB roll backs #30 X 10
Heavy farmer carry #70 KB
Seated DB press #45 DB X 8
Nice work!
We had running test today at work with colleagues so skipped training today. I’ll do this one tomorrow morning.
Today 1,6km (1mile) – time 6:10 with solid pace. Quite happy that didn’t feel tension at hamstring.
A. Mu 2-2-2 & hspu 8-8-8
B. normal deadlift in every 30sek 12 sets
C. 3:25, 3:37, 3:36, 3:28
D. skipped
M and a done
A did MU 3,3,4,3,3,3, hspu 10,10,10,9,8,7
B did 70kg 2 reps one with band and one without???
C did 4:16, 4:03, 3:58, 3:44. The first set of cleans was off.
D did two sets. 10kg extension, 2x 24kb walk and 10kg shoulder press. Should have gone heavier for shoulder press.
Worked with Oly coach so only time for A & C
A. Shoulders still a mess from team series 200s on Sunday , mu were hit and miss, hspu were to 1-2 a mats
C. Used 115….135 would have buried me today
Mobility done
A. Done – 2 MU’s and 6 HSPU’s. Getting better at both of these.
B. 225# with green + blue bands
C. Done – all rounds right around 4 minutes
D. Done
Really looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!!
M&A done
A: shoulders and triceps still sore so these were very difficult.
3/8; 3/8; 2/8; 3/8; 2/7; 2/7
B: 100kg+ Purple Monster Band (approx 60kg)- Felt easy
C: Needed a mental break from working out by myself so skipped and workout out with the class. Just what I needed and had fun.
10 Slam Balls #45
20 Burppe BJs 24″
30 Split Jumps
40 Plate Push Press 20kg
50 Shoulder Touches
40 ABMAT Sit Ups
30 Step Ups 24″
20 T2B
D: Skipped
Hey Nichole, do you have a work e-mail at which you can be contacted?
Yes! You can send me an email to