Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 15 seconds
Assisted Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Face Up Chinese Plank Holds x 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2″” riser x Max Reps
Rest 15 seconds
Assisted Strict Handstand Push-Ups (NO RISER) x 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Face Up Chinese Plank Holds x 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 4″” riser x Max Reps
Rest 15 seconds
Assisted Strict Handstand Push-Ups (NO RISER) x 8-10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Face Up Chinese Plank Holds x 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes
For Time:
Row 40 Calories
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
40 Sandbag Ground-To-Shoulder (100 lbs/70 lbs)
30 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
Row 40 Calories
Time cap: 10 minutes
For Time:
Row 30 Calories
20 Burpee Box Jumps, (24/20″)*
40 Sandbag Ground-To-Shoulder (70 lbs/50 lbs)
20 Burpee Box Jumps, (24/20″)
Row 30 Calories
*Step Ups are allowed
Optional Conditioning Session
45 minutes @ 80% of your tempo from the 5K time trial from last Saturday
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held October 23-25 at Behemoth CrossFit in Houston, TX. Please click here for more information and to register.
Had some series of lubrication shots in my knees Friday…. Had a bad reaction and couldn’t walk today…. Will try to do something (perhaps upper body) on Sunday…
A) I’ve been using an ABMAT on these and today I went down to a skull mat, yay!
2/5, 2/4, 2/3 My assist was with a band.
B) Used a 50# sandbag (only one available) Finished the 40 G to S.
A: max rep SHSPUs 12/13/11. Other movements done
B: 10:56 with 80# sandbag ( no time cap posted for 50 + )
Optional conditioning:
Modified to a 5K run and then the gym closed (didn’t do optional 5K last week).
A.13,9,7 with 5x:05 negatives
B.8 burpee on the down side
Did yesterday’s:
A. Wrist still tender so I did seated strict press 8 reps and then 6 reps at 65# plus planks
B. Done; got 7 BBJs in 2nd round of BBJ in the 10 minute cap
C. Mile run/jog
and… I used 50# sandbags for the WOD that was the heaviest we had.
A. 15/12/8 I was at the gym solo so I had to do the free standing HSPU unassisted. 8/8/6
B.Got through all the BBJumps- did not get to the last row.
C. Ran 2 miles … I would have done the 5K but I had to travel to do a coaching seminar. So that was 5 hours of coaching and demonstrating. busy day. 🙂
A. Skipped (resting shoulder)
B. 12:11 (no 50#bag so used 50#db)
C. 45:00min run, 3 miles plus 800 M (did not think I could do this, pace was very slow!)
Great job Litsa!
A. subbed MU work, and max kipping hspu; got 6/6/7 which is good for me I am a taller/heavier athlete
B. 100 reps; stoked to use my new Rogue CF Games sandbag-put three 20# slam balls in it-sand is wet around here; finished all reps for OCD sake
Pre- IronScap, 7 Rnds of 12 Rev Hyper and GHD Sit-ups.
A. Set 1 10/10 & 60 sec plank, Set 2 9/8 & 60 sec plank, Set 3 8/9 & 60 Sec plank
B. No Sandbag, so I subbed in 130# Axel bar GtoS. Got through16 reps on the second set of Burpee Box jumps.
4 hours later got in 30 min extra conditioning run at a 1:55 lap pace.
Is there an option for assisted hand stand push up without a partner?
You can do HSPU Negatives x 5 reps @ 50A1
I’ve been doing this:
A. HS holds, taps
B. (50+) 11:53 sandbag tossed over the shoulders
C. Jumped in with our comp team: Row 1000m, 20 pushups, row 750m, 30 pushups, row 500m, 40 pushups, row 250m, 50 pushups 16:24
A. strict no assis – 1, 2, 2
with assis – 6, 6, 6 (only because I had a hulk like assister)
B. Modified because of knees – 3 rounds of 20 cal row, 20 stone to shoulder – 13:15
Also did a modified version of the comp wod – 10 rounds of 3 power cleans @ 135, 5 GHD sit ups. 13:15 – weird that it was exactly the same as the other one.
– 15 min airdyne
Happy Weekend!! 🙂
Oh my! Dejavu from the Granite Games Over the HIll event! I got 23 Sandbags last weekend at the GG. At the event, they changed the movement to “over the shoulder” instead of ground to shoulder. I don’t know if I have it in me to do it again!
Thanks for the update Kim! I am not sure what the movement standard is for over the shoulder since they did not update the workouts on their website. If you can let us know what that movement standard consists of that would be great!
They changed the BBJ to BBJO and it had to be facing the box. The sandbag had to be clearly over the shoulder with a full hip extension at the top.
“Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.” Did a two day weightlifting seminar on Wednesday/Thursday, so took Friday off. Wanted to do Friday’s session today, but perhaps hadn’t completely recovered after going heavy prior to sessions (did end up +5kg PRing my snatch to 85 kg, which was really fun). A. Kept light and focused on form and consistency. Have some work to do inorder to stay coordinated and do multiple reps like this touch and go. 40 kg B. Skipped C. Started at 92% but couldn’t maintain so switched to 90% first then 85%/120kg after round three.… Read more »
Great job Jem!!