Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Muscle-Ups x 2-5 unbroken reps OR Muscle-Up Swing x 3 reps + Roll to candlestick x 5 reps
Handstand Walk x 15-25 meters*
Alternating Pistols x 12-16 reps**
*If you can’t do handstand walks, then use assistance for your walks
**If you don’t have pistols yet, try this substitution:
Single Leg Box Squat x 8 reps per leg
For time:
60 Double-Unders
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
60 Double-Unders
For time:
60 Double-Unders
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
60 Double-Unders
For time:
60 Double-Unders
30 Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
30 Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
60 Double-Unders
Rest 5 minutes and then . . .
For time:
Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 Meters
15 Hang Squat Cleans (95/65 lbs)
95 lbs/65 lbs
55+: 65 lbs/45 lbs
*Please compare score to August 8th.
Optional Conditioning Session
Run a 5K for time.
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held October 23-25 at Behemoth CrossFit in Houston, TX. Please click here for more information and to register.
A) Done
B) for time – had a ripped hand so I subbed CTB with HSPU
And subbed out burpee box jump overs with burpee to a 6in target
10:34 rest 5 min then…
C) did hang squat power cleans – 9:33
A. Done. Some progression with hs walks
B. 11.36 subbed pullups not c2b.
C. 14.16 rx.
A: Muscle ups in sets of 3.
Accumulating handstand walk distance. 15m still out of range for 1 set.
Pistols (with holding onto foot)
B: 6:11 (50-54)
then… 11:45
Joined August 9 or 10, no comparison score
A) Swings + Candlesticks; HSWalks not so much; one leg box squats (really struggle with left leg both a knee and weakness issue.)
B) Rx’d @ 9:40 C2B were good for about 15 then took longer than I would have liked. (Did not do last time so no comparison.)
C) Rx’d @ 12:40 (Did not do last time so no comparison)
So today was one of those days I had to just get through. Super sore and tired.
A. No Mu today shoulders sore. Did HS walks, and pistols with 10# plate under my heel.
B. 11:46 moving super slow today. Did not do as RX first time around So I can’t compare my time.
C. 10:16 (First time I did this in 11:30)
D. 3.4 miles 26.12
Ready for a rest day.
M and a done before doing MU . did MU swings to practise the open shoulders and hollow position, held something between my feet when I did MU, just did couple of doubles to see how it felt. Thanks Nicole and Tracy Hsw is getting better, have to say I’m better at free handstand holds than walking, pistols done on box. Don’t have ankle range to do yet. Wod times were 7;57 , 35 secs faster than last time and 12:12 which was 1min 23 secs faster than last time. Think having someone training with me helped with that and… Read more »
Sounds like you are doing awesome! 🙂
Thanks Tracy, I have to say every now and then I feel like I have problem after problem, I.e. Ankle problem. Knees are sore neck. Lol.
I totally agree! Shoulder, wrist knee… and just plain sore! Seems as the youngsters recover in just a few hours, and it takes me a week. LOL oh the struggles. 🙂
A. Done
B. (50-54) 6:00 vs. 6:26 last time
A. did 2 x 2 UB, then 1 MU (RX Smart Rings)
B. scaled number to 30/15/30/15/30 (same as previous); flip flopped scores on these two from previous. Got the 1st 30 dubs UB…then fought them in the end. 11:48 (+2 min); 13:32 barbell cycling better this go round (-60 sec)
A. Wrist is still tender and triceps are super sore so just one MU per round (could not link today), no HS walks, 12 pistols/rnd, 10 candlesticks/round
B. 9:38 and 10:14. :44 and 1:31 improvement, respectively, from 8/8/15 🙂
A. 5,3,3/ 15 meters/ 12 pistols Ll rx
B. Part1, 12:40, part 2 skipped
MU 5/5/4+1, HSW 3-10 meter efforts per, pistols 3x 16 UB
B. 9:04
C. 10:16
A. Done
B1. 7:20
B2. 10:15
Hero Wod with class today to honor a local fire fighter (and former Marine) who was fatally injured in what is being called a deliberate hit and run while he was participating in a fund raiser, fill the boot campaign.
100 back Squats for time
Every time you break do 9 DB bench press, 9 box jumps, 15 cal row.
Still not doing high rep, high weight (Rx was 225!) so I did sets of 20 at 65. 30# db, 20″ box. Finished in 22:00
A. MUs 4/4/5 UB, HSW 5xME each rnd, pistols 12×3
B. 10:54 then 11:41 subbed row for 400m run/plod!!
A)Completed with 3MU/20M HSW/12 Pistols
Did some mobility work
A) 5 mu unbroken, HSW are getting better, although was only getting these off in about 5m chunks, pistols.. I am terrible at these. At a certain point, right below parallel, I lose my balance, my hip hurts, I come up off my heel…. Anyway did single leg candlesticks.
B) First section
12:21 (burpee box jumpovers suck, smashed my knee on the box, was mentally weak, etc)
Second section 11:45
“If everything seems under control, you‘re not going fast enough.”
Had been mostly working out myself, so joined box session instead:
1. Build up to squat clean+squat+jerk (102.5kg)
2. Always Remebered (partner wod)
2001 row buy in then 4 rds
9 rope climbs
11 bear complex (70kg)
2977m row buyout
40 min time cap, which we hit halfway through rowing.
Took one hour break
Then completed A (excited on handstand walks, although was more like 10-15m)
Then only did beginning part of B (11:20)
A. Skipped
B. Subbed bjo to normal burbee because was training outdoors. C2b were terrible slow today. It seems to be one of the weaknesses right now… Time 8:50. The bright side was that first set of du was ub and second split at two sets (39-21)
C. I’ll do this at afternoon