September 11, 2015 – Masters Off-Season

Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
One set of:
Roll out TFL x 45 seconds per side
Barbell mash to IT Band + Quads x 60 seconds per side

and then . . .

One set of:
Banded Forward/Backward Walks x 10 reps forward/backward
and then . . .

One set of:

Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction

Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Snatch x 1

Build over the course of the 10 sets.

For time:
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 30 seconds
10 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 30 seconds
15 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 30 seconds
20 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 30 seconds

205/155 lbs
185/135 lbs
155/105 lbs
135/95 lbs

185/135 lbs
155/105 lbs
135/95 lbs
115/75 lbs

155/105 lbs
135/95 lbs
115/75 lbs
95/65 lbs

Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets) complete:
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 88-90%

Six sets for times of:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Push-Ups x 15/10 reps
Rest 2 minutes


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20/15 calories, 15/10 reps
55+: 15/12 calories, 12/8 reps

*Try to keep all of your times consistent. These are sprint sets so they should be 95+% effort.

Compare results to August 7th, 2015.

We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held October 23-25 at Behemoth CrossFit in Houston, TX. 
Please click here for more information and to register.

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Peter Mohamed/45/
Peter Mohamed/45/
October 7, 2015 9:52 am

A. Snatch – 50kg – 70 kg, 72,5 kg – fail
B. 8:13- scaled weights 80kg,70kg,60kg,50kg. Shoulder to overhead
C. Back squat – 123 kg
D. Run out of time

September 14, 2015 12:59 am

A. 45,45,50, 50,55,55,55,60 not as heavy as I’d hoped. We’re fast but
B. done @ 50kg. 4.49.
C. 110,115,115,117,117,117 =88%
D. 133,129,129,130,130,131

Anthony Stokes (40-44)
Anthony Stokes (40-44)
September 13, 2015 4:02 pm

A. #230 PR
C. #355
D. 1:02 / 1:01 / 1:01 / 1:04 / 1:03 / 1:06.
Late post. Sick a couple days last week, trying to catch up.

Dutch Orange
Dutch Orange
September 12, 2015 5:29 pm

A: From 105# up to 150# (53 increase each round)
B: 8:27 @50 yrs (185# in singles the rest in 5s)
C: 295# all sets
D: 16:58

Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
September 11, 2015 9:58 pm

MOB Done
A. 105-145# ( attempted 150 4x but didn’t hit it today…still suffering from the red eye flight)
B. 3:59 (unbroken)
C. 220-230#
D. 1:11, 1:13, 1:18, 1:14, 1:16, 1:20

Karen Boerman
Karen Boerman
September 11, 2015 9:19 pm

skipped A&B due to left shoulder/neck pain when overhead…
C. (185); 166
D. probably did well on these because I skipped A/B. .45, .36, .40, .44, .45, .46 better than last attempt but was on different airdyne
*Of note…foot feels great after a day off and some athletic tape; post wod recovering is the name of my constant game

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 12, 2015 6:30 am
Reply to  Karen Boerman


Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
September 11, 2015 8:53 pm

Mobility/Activation done
A. 135# to 180# (up 5# a set.)
B. 5:12 (205-185-155-135)
C. 295# all sets
D. Rowed 20 cal instead of Bike
1- 1:02, 2- :58, 3- :56, 4- :56, 5- :57, 6-1:01

Loretta Scott (45-49 So Cal)
Loretta Scott (45-49 So Cal)
September 11, 2015 7:32 pm

M/A done
A. 80×2; 85×2, 90×2, 95, 100,105, 110Fx2 🙁
B. This really showed my weakness in lifting. I have a major mental block about cleans over 115#. They just scare me. So I dropped the weight to 115, 105, 95, 75 and it took 6:59, mostly because I freaked out at the 115 and it took me nearly half the time just to finish those 5! Big area for me to work on…
C. Skipped
D. row 15 cal + 10 push ups. Kept each round between 1:15-1:30 about same as 8/7.

Joe L M48
Joe L M48
September 11, 2015 7:02 pm

A-Up to 175 with no misses than 2×185 both missed. The elusive 185, maybe I should try 180?
B-Comp on Sunday so did class wod for some cardio.
Partner WOD 20 Min amrap
12 cal AD
6 burpee over l-sit
12 WB
12 rounds complete

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 12, 2015 6:31 am
Reply to  Joe L M48

Yes, try 180 lbs!!

Perry Siplon (50 5'9" 163)
Perry Siplon (50 5'9" 163)
September 11, 2015 5:58 pm

A. 95-140
B. skipped
C. 255/265/275/285/295/305f
D. Airdyne 0:58/0:59/1:06/1:00/1:05/1:15 16:23 total vs. 16:25 on 8/7/15

Tracy OConnell (40-44)
Tracy OConnell (40-44)
September 11, 2015 5:16 pm

M & A done!
A. I did 95# full snatch. I just missed 100. Good day.
B. I did this and it was so hard for me. I had to modify the weights so I did
125# for 5 115 for 10 105 for 15 and 85 for 20… it took me… total 6:05
29/53/ 1:53/2:00 (not RX)
C. 165# (this felt easy so I will need to check my 1 rep max)
d. I hope I did this correctly (we have an aerodyne bike.. is that close enough to the Assault bike?) :46/:48/1:02/ :58/ :59/ :56
Happy Friday everyone!

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 12, 2015 6:31 am

It is calibrated differently but still the same effect

Quinn Longman
Quinn Longman
September 11, 2015 5:11 pm

M and a done.
A worked up to 60kg and stayed there for 5 reps. To get under the bar instead of catching in half squat.
B started at 77kg 70,60,50 took just over 10min
C did sets at 110 x 2 reps not quite 90%.
D managed 5 sets, 1:15,1:08,1:08,1:07,last one in 1:00

Willie V. - (41 yo)
Willie V. - (41 yo)
September 11, 2015 5:11 pm

Mobility done
A. Up to 210#
B. 3:29 unbroken all sets
C. 440# x 6 sets
D. All sets less than 1:01, finished in 16:15

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 12, 2015 6:32 am

So strong!!!!!

Larry Silber NW 55
Larry Silber NW 55
September 11, 2015 4:42 pm

M&A done
A. failed at 145#, ugh
B. done but unsure of the time. around 9 mins
C. skipped today
D. done, all sets around 1:08

Matt Worsley (40-NE)
Matt Worsley (40-NE)
September 11, 2015 1:54 pm

Mobility: Done
A. worked up to 190#
B. Worked at 185# today. Wrist was tender at 205#
C. All sets at 325#
D. On Rower 1:06, 1:13, 1:08, 1:11, 1:15, 1:09

Joe Catarineau (40-44)
Joe Catarineau (40-44)
September 11, 2015 1:09 pm

Mobility done
A. Worked up to 170#, which is a PR. Felt real good today – no misses. Probably could have tried more, but I’ll save it for another day!

Planned on doing B through D after doing a partner 9/11 wod at my box. Not happening after that wod (hour long). Felt great during the wod though!

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 12, 2015 6:32 am

Awesome job Joe!!!

Corey Perry
Corey Perry
September 11, 2015 12:34 pm

M&A plus some done
A: 40,50,60,70,75,80,85,87.5,90(m), 90(m)- although 4 kg underPR it’s the heaviest I hit since the Games Masters Qualifier. Should of had 90kg but developed a bad habit of my right foot not moving and my left foot goes to squat position which puts me on my right toe in the bottom of the squat

B: 5:44 RX (40-49)
C: 6×2@122.5kg
D: did Wod Wars Europe Qualifier
7 min AMRAP of
7 Burpees over the bar
7 Cleans 50kg
7rds+ 13 reps

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
September 11, 2015 12:49 pm
Reply to  Corey Perry

Awesome work Corey!! That qualifier looks fun!

Corey Perry
Corey Perry
September 11, 2015 1:53 pm
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Haha thanks! Simple couplet with no reason to stop on. Fun was not one of the words I was thinking of.

Jamie Damgar (soon to be 40)
Jamie Damgar (soon to be 40)
September 11, 2015 12:23 pm

A. #135/145/155/165/175/185/190/195/205f/205f
B. 3:35 rx
C. 6 x 2 @ 370#
D. 1:00/1:00/1:00/1:07/1:10/1:10 16:20 total time

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
September 11, 2015 11:02 am

A. 105 to 125 then failed 130#
B. 5:37 from the ground; I did the 50-54 weights as 155# is 5# under my C&J PR
C. 190#
D. 1:02/1:00/1:00/1:04/1:06/1:14 on rower…improvement from Aug 7th 🙂

Loretta Scott (45-49 So Cal)
Loretta Scott (45-49 So Cal)
September 11, 2015 7:34 pm

Awesome job on part B! 🙂

Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
Leticia Ficek (F, NW, 45)
September 11, 2015 9:16 pm

Thanks Loretta!

Dean Plummer (45/5'8"/157)
Dean Plummer (45/5'8"/157)
September 11, 2015 9:03 am

Mobility completed
B)Completed class Hero wod “Bulger”
10 Rounds For Time
Run 150M
x7 C2BPU
x7 Front Squats @135#
40:08 HSPU disappeared about half way through. It has been a while since I have done so many HSPU.
C)235#(6) This was interesting to complete after the wod
D)Skipped. Nothing left in the tank.

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