Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
T-Spine Stretch with Partner x 5 inhale/exhales
Ankle Mobility Drill w/Kettlebell
x 60 seconds per side
Ring Pec Stretch x 30 seconds
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Reverse Snow Angels x 15 reps
Band Pull Aparts x 10 reps
Five sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat x 2 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Mid Thigh Snatch x 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Snatch High Pull x 1 @ 100-105% of 1-RM (use straps)
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 reps each leg @ 30X1; rest 45 seconds between legs
Rest 60-90 seconds
Strict Pronated-Grip Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 30 seconds
*Strict Pronated-Grip Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
*Coaches are looking to see how athletes’ strength endurance compares over the course of the three sets. All athletes should expect drop off with only 30 seconds of rest, an athlete’s training and muscle fiber type will determine there ability to maintain those numbers at a high percentage.
Three sets of:
Banded March x 2 minutes – no anterior load
Rest as needed
Reverse Flys x 60 seconds @ 3131
Rest as needed
A.52,5 kg , 57,5kg, 62,5 kg, 67,5kg , 72,5 kg narrow grip overhead squat
B. 56 kg mid thigh snatch
C. Bulgarian Squats @ 24kg
Pull ups :
13, 5
9, 4
M and A done
A. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
B. 140 all sets. 185 for pulls. I can hardly believe the progress I’m making on my snatch since starting the masters programming. This felt tough but doable. Snatch is by far my worst lift and I feel more confident walking up to the bar than anytime in the past 3-4 years. Thanks Nichole.
C. 45 lb Dumbbells. 10/5. 8/4. 4/3. Not my best.
D. Done
M&A done
A. 95,115,135,155,175
B. Snatch@135×2,140,145,150,155×3-Pulls@195
C. 40# db, 14/4,10/4,8/4
D. Done
Mob done
A. 20 kg bar. Getting better slowly
B. 40,40,45,45,50,50,50,50 (80%). Felt fast
Then pulls at 70kg
C. Squats at 40kg
Pull-ups 8/6,7/5, 8/5
D. Just did banded march in warm down -time
Mobility done
A, OHS narrow grip- 60/65/70/75/80
B. 70# than 80/90/95/95/95
C. 12/7 12/6 10/6
D. Done! with a 14# med ball
E Reverse Flys with 10 # dumbells
M and a done
A at 30kg. Feeling better every time I do it, but takes few sets to get almost jerk grip ohs
Bmid thigh at 54kg high pull at 70kg
C did BSS with 8kg kb each side and knee felt good , so feeling good bout right knee at mo
Pull ups did 9/4,8/4,8/4
D did banded run and 5kg reverse flyes no rest between
Mobility- Done
A. 5 sets @ 205#
B1. 8 sets @ 170#
B2. 5 sets @ 225#
C. Done- BSS@ 65# BB, 10/10, 10/7, 10/7
D. Done
A. OHS Wendler #70×5, #90×5, #105×3, #125×3, #140×3, #160×3
B. #120 then 120,125,135,140,145 PR for high @145
C. 8/5 8/5 4/5
D. did not do
Mobility done
A. Narrow grip still difficult, very tight across the shoulders. No weight, just working on staying upright. Need more mobility work here.
B. Done at 60% then 100%
C. 15/5, 13/4, 11/3
Mobility and activations done (KEG drill instead of partner T-spine)
A: Up to 90# (PR for narrow grip OHS, small steps)
B: 4 sets 125# & 4 sets @ 130#
then High Pulls @ 160# & 165#
C: Split squats w. 2×53# KBs
Strict Pull ups 11/7, 8/5, 8/5
D: Blue band and 2.5KG weights (walking back felt like flying after the banded march sets)
A. Worked up to 115lb
B. 110lb / 145lb (performed EMOM)
C. 2x8kg Kettlebells. Pullups 11/5, 10/4, 10/4
D. 2x10lb DB on Flys
A. 110-120-130-140-150#
B1. 125-125-125-127-127-130-130-130#
B2. 155-155-155-160-160#
Ran out of time for C and D. will try to do tomorrow morning!
Really good on those OHS Cheryl!
Catched a cold, so backing off for a few days.
Hope you get better soon!
thanks! the three kids just back in school/daycare, after summer holidays, might have had something to do with it…
A. groundhog day; squat therapy with 35# bb, against wall to medball
B. (125); 102.6…started rough, got better
C. 15# DBs, 6/3, 5/3, 5/2
D. done w/blue band; crossover symmetry
A. Mob done
A. 85/95/105/115/120
B. 85 then 115
C. 2 26# KB / PU 8-5/8-5/5-4
Did group wo. 36-23-10 Front squat, push up, front rack lunges 55#
A – 95 to 115. Hands just barely inside the outer knurl mark.
B – 125 to 115. That second rep got hard each round so I dropped down. Pulls at 175.
C – Bulgarian w/ 35# KBs in each hand. Felt great. No issues from groin injury 6 months ago. Pullups 21/7, 12/6, 10/5. This went south in a hurry. Whatever muscle fiber types I need for this I must not have a lot of them!
D – Complete.
Mobility and Activation Done
A. 135/135/145/155/165 (hands on the outside finger gauge, feeling comfortable there)
B. 155# (all doubles, felt good) then 205# for pulls
C. 32kg KB and 11/7, 10/6, 10/5
D. Done
Today I had to make a decision if I was going to continue with Invictus or not. I finished the trial. Of course since I am posting this I am doing it! I am both nervous and excited. I didn’t do today’s workout because I was still on the fence this morning and wanted to talk it over with my coach. We both agreed it would be best for me to give it a go. So today I did the following and I will complete today’s workout tomorrow. A. 2000 meter row for warm up B. 250 meter sprint- 53… Read more »
Welcome Tracy!! Happy to have you!
You will be glad you did! Welcome!!!
A. #110, 121, 130, 141, 152
B. Part 1 #135, part 2. #175
C. 14/10, 14/8, 12/7
D complete
Mob and Act done, except no partner for t-spine so did on floor with barbell and roller.
A. 35, 55, 65, 75, 65, 70
B. 95, felt good today 125 for pulls
C. no weight for split squats, knees sore from long drives this weekend (rolled out IT bands and quads – was helpful!)
pull ups – 9/3, 6/4, 5/5
D. Done