Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Rope Climb x 2 ascents (try to complete your climb with as little pulls as possible)
Nose-to-wall Handstand Hold x 45 seconds (get as close to the wall as possible)
Single Arm DB Snatch x 8 reps per arm (experiment with weight, see how heavy you can go without a decrease in turnover speed)
For time:
10 Hang Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 Push Presses (115/75 lbs)
40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg, just to eye level)
50 Row for calories
40 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg, just to eye level)
30 Push Presses (115/75 lbs)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Hang Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)
For time:
10 Hang Squat Snatches (115/75 lbs)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
30 Push Presses (95/65 lbs)
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg, just to eye level)
50 Row for calories
40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg, just to eye level)
30 Push Presses (95/65 lbs)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Hang Squat Snatches (115/75 lbs)
For time:
10 Hang Squat Snatches (95/65 lbs)*
20 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull Ups
30 Push Presses (65/45 lbs)
40 Kettlebell Swings (16/12 kg, just to eye level)
50 Row for calories
40 Kettlebell Swings (16/12 kg, just to eye level)
30 Push Presses (65/45 lbs)
20 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull Ups
10 Hang Squat Snatches (95/65 lbs)
*Athlete is allowed to receive the snatch in a power position, then squat.
Optional Additional Conditioning Session
(This session is best performed 3-4 hours prior to or following today’s primary session.)
Run 3 miles
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 6:50 mile pace
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7:50 mile pace
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8:50 mile pace
A. Went up to 22,5 kg on dumbell Snatch
B. 37 min / press 52,5 kg, Snatch 55kg/- incomplete Workout decreased last set of CTB/ 10 instead of 20/ The class started.
Last Snatch had to go down from 55kg to 50kg
This felt damn hard. Wanted to stop on the row.
A. Done. 55 lb DB
B. 2947. Whew
A. Done. Only had 20 kg db for snatch
B. 31.06. 50 kg snatch and push press.
Trained pm yesterday and am today. Shoulders feeling it from snatches yesterday.
A – Done. Need to work J-hook on rope climbs. Still a little clunky. 70# DB was heaviest we have at gym.
B – Did class workout.
25min AMRAP Teams of 2:
50 KB swings (53#)
25 Front Squats (135#)
200m run (both)
Partnered with some visiting coaches from another gym and completed:
9 KBS 35#
9 burpees
9 BJ
4+3 reps
And then modified Games WOD for team of 2…
116 snatches 55#
16 rope climbs
76 thrusters 75#
14:06; realized halfway through only had 65# on the thrusters (other team dorked up too); partner kept us alive on rope climb…did 1 to his 2…near failure and catastrophe! 🙂
*womens weight noted
Two days off as extremely strained bicep tendons playing with false grip MU. Could barely extend arm out on Friday but much better today.
Cascade games WOD 4: 10 min amrap, 10 reps each, 25m shuttle run, #205 DL, and 24″ BJ. 214 reps
Three hours later 3 mile run average 8:10 mile pace. Achilles on fire after run!
A: Done, Rope climbs to 15 foot in 2 “pulls” ( a crunch and an extension, with minimal pull :), 50# DBs. Our next DBs are 100# which is too much for me, B: 21:09 50-54Rx Splits on the way up: 1:19 (through 10 Sn), 2:34 ( thr. 20 C2B), 4;38 (thr. 30 PP), 6,21 (thr 40KB), 9:27 (thr. 50 cal row). Things start to slow down in the 2nd set of PPs and went south in the last set of snatches, 6 misses. Made last 4 with focus on staying connected to the bar. Last 10 snatches took at… Read more »
Rope climbs etc done
Wod did in 29:47, pretty slow. Wish I hadn’t done so many snatch yesterday now haha. All good. Very challenging as weights were little higher than normal. Only did snatch at 52kg. Same weight for push press. KBS were heavier , so m happy I finished it. The first set of snatch and c2b always seems harder. Nicole, I’m having an issue with running and to some extent du. Afterwards my Achilles on left side just hurts for about 4-5 days. Any suggestions before, I stretch it before them and doesn’t seem to matter.
Hmmm interesting about your achilles – do you stretch right after? You will effect more change if you can stretch right after. I would have someone, like an ART specialist, work on your calf and foot to make sure those aren’t super bound up, creating pain in the achilles.
Thanks Nicole, try to stretch right after but not always. Had massage last week and felt better next day. That wod was hard if I hadn’t mentioned that. Loving the training.
Did b on Sunday. Struggling to find the right balance of activity for my mind along with the right moves and weights for my semi broken body.
B) 18:19 w 55# hang squat snatch and push press, 35# kbs, and ring rows.
Did b on Sunday. Struggling to find the right balance of activity for my mind along with the right moves and weights for my semi broken body.
B) 18:19 w 55# hang squat snatch and push press, 35# kbs, and ring rows.
A. Done – DB SNATCH 35 nice form – max 45
B. 21:05
Squat cleans instead of snatches
Chin over the bar instead of C2B
A. Done – DB SNATCH 35 nice form – max 45
B. 21:05
Squat cleans instead of snatches
Chin over the bar instead of C2B
A. 50lb DB; 9:25
B. Only 1 bar so used 75lb for both bar mvmts; 18:50
Day One of Oregon CrossFit Summer Games and I’m doing 2 Women Team RX. -Workout 1 was a run of an undisclosed distance. Turned out to be about 30 minutes (we weren’t allowed clocks or phones and there was no official clock just a timing chip on our bibs) -Workout 2 was a max complex of clean, front squat, back squat and finally OHS. I was happy with my 155# especially with tired legs. -Workout 3 was 5 different 2 minutes (per station) of consecutive max reps; movements were 70# medicine ball over the shoulder, lateral box jump overs, DUs,… Read more »
Way to go Teesh!!!
Sounds fun!!!
I am beat from Fridays 120 Goblet squats got me:)
A. D.B Bench 5sets
B. Chinese row 5sets
C. D.B curls 5 sets
Globo gym, run on Sunday!
Don’t have a 2-pood KB… should I do 50 swings with 1.5-pood, instead?
Sorry, am just seeing this – you can do that Patrick!
A. 45 seconds – free standing no wall needed 🙂 2 sets
35# dumbell
rope climbs done
B. 18:10 65# snatch and PP The KB Row KB was challenging.
c. 3.2 miles 22.36
Awesome job Tracy!!
Thanks Nichole! I feel like wimp with the weights, but I am trying to keep in in perspective and know it is a work in progress. Right now I am working on developing my technique with the olympic lifts. I feel that is key to hitting those heavier lifts. It’s just a little discouraging when I know others are kicking my booty in that department. LOL
Don’t get discouraged – remember that this is your journey so focus on what you need to do not the distractions around you. 🙂
A. 19:25 (Oops! messed up and did wallballs instead of KB But that was hard! 🙂 )
Will run tomorrow!
A. Completed #85 on the DB snatch
B. 21:23 RX the middle was spicy!
A) Done (25-30-35# on single arm DB snatch)
B) Modified H.Snatch to H.P. Snatch (65# was plenty for me today and gave my knees a break) Stayed with one bar so P.P @ 65# – Rx on other movements (23:50)