Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Banded Hamstring Curls x 12-15 reps
Minute 2 – Banded Hamstring Pulses x 10 reps per side
Minute 3 – Banded Lat Stretch x 30 seconds per side
and then . . .
Cat/Cows x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Minute 1 – Bar Muscle-Up Swing
x 5 reps
Minute 2 – Weighted V-Ups x 12-15 reps
Minute 3 – Double Unders x 30 unbroken reps
Every 45 Seconds for 6 Minutes (8 sets):
Banded Deadlift x 1 rep @ 45% of 1-RM Deadlift on the Barbell + 25-30% Band Tension of 1-RM Deadlift at Lockout
Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes.
Watch this video to ensure your mechanics and loading are correct.
Three sets for max reps of:
In 2 minutes . . .
Row 300/250 Meters
24″/20″ Burpee Box Jump-Overs x Max Reps
Then rest 2 minutes, and then perform…
As many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
50-Yard Prowler Push (30-40 second effort)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for max reps of:
In 2 minutes . . .
Row 300/250 Meters
20″/24″ Burpee Box Jump-Overs/Step-Overs x Max Reps
Then rest 2 minutes, and then perform…
As many rounds as possible in 2 minutes:
50-Yard Prowler Push (30-40 second effort)
10 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Tate Press to Skull Crushers x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Sling-Shot or Banded Push-Ups @ 1111 x Max Reps
Rest as needed
Front-Leaning Rest on Rings x 45 seconds
Rest as needed
M&A done
B.185+ Green band
C. Box jump over-22,21,17&1.5 Rds each time
D. Done, 20# db,15,11,10with blu band
M and A done
A. Done
C. 185 with red band
D did some battle rope and kettlebell work and one legged burpees
Mobility Done
A: Swings went, great, 16# medball, DUs went poorly not unbroken
B: 185# plus blue band
C: 10,10, 7 burpees over the box. 2 prowler & 1 round C2B each time. Prowler in the parking lot was at least a 10-second hobble from pull-up bar.
D: 2×30# Red band 15, 20, 13.
M&A. Done
A. Mostly done. Swings, but no MU
B. 205lb + 2xred bands
C. 5,6,5 BJOver / 1Rd + ~1Push each set
D. 2x30lbs / 15,12,9 with Blueband / no rings, did plank on BosuBall
A. Done
B. 135
C. 7, 6, 9…….45# plate on sled
D. 25# D.B, green band
M and a done
Bar muscle up x 5s, v ups at 10lb, du x 30 done
Deadlift banded @ 70kg with blue band
C did 11,11,10 BBJ
2nd part I sandbag carry @30kgdid only one round first with CTB then did it properly. 2nd round got through 2 runs and 5 chin to bar, 3rd round got 2complete rounds, oops just realised I have completely balls this wod up. Did it but not right.
A. BMU swings 4, 8# Dbal, DU 25, 18/12, 3/13
B. (310); 140 on bar/blue band lengthwise on bar
C. 6/8/7 burpees; no prowler subbed 45 sec airdyne for cal 16/7 C2B, 19/8 C2B, 13/10 C2B
D. one set 15# dbs, 1/2″ red band/6, 30 sec
What’s your recommendation for prowler weight? male/49yrs
Mobility Done
A) Done, V-ups with #6 MB, DU’s unbroken
B) Banded DL 98# + green band
C) 16/18/17 (Row + Box Jump Overs)/(180#) Prowler 1 rd + 1 prowler + 6/4/5 C2b (legs loved that second prowler push)
D) 15/15/17.5# dbs (the internal rotation part of the press my right shoulder did not like); 9/7/5 banded pu with red band; front leaning ring rest all :45
Mob done
A. Done…used 14# med ball on v sit ups.
B. 160# + green band
C. 16/16/15 reps on burpee box jump overs.
Didn’t have access to a prowler today so we did banded running for 30 seconds. Strapped band to rig and stepped in it with band around low hip.
2 rounds + 20 secs run, 2 rounds + 18 secs run, 2 rounds + 18 secs run
D. 15# DBs/6-8-7 reps/done
Fun training day!
Oh love that sub!
Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44 Cheryl Brost Hawaii 40-44
a few seconds ago
When I get home I’ll post a short fun little video of it! Some clothing malfunctions included by the boys!
It says it is private!
Oops…I fixed it! Should be able to see it now!
When I get home I’ll post a short fun little video of it! Some clothing malfunctions included by the boys!
Amazing job as usual Cheryl!! And welcome back 🙂
Thanks Teesh! Good luck this weekend!
Thanks Cheryl!!
This looks SOOOOO FUN!!!!
Mobility done.
A – Done. I liked the weighted V-ups.
B – 185# + green band
C – Set 1: 14 BBJO/2rds
Set 2: 12 BBJO/1+sled+7C2B
Set 3: 12 BBJO/1+sled+7. (50-yd Prowler w/ 90# added)
D – Tate @30# DB; 15/15/15 PUs with green band; 3x:45
Mob Done
A. Done
B. 145
C. 11/9/9 & 3+50+8
D. 20#/ 5/4/6(went to small band still was so hard!)/ 45sec
Knee felt ok but definitely tweaked it. Mashed above knee and rolled IT band. How did you know it was so tight??? Thank you Nicole!!! 🙂
Mobility done
A. Done – this was fun.
B. Done
C. Done + 12/12/14 burpee box jump-overs, 1 round on second part for each of the three rounds. Did not have access to Prowler, so did high-speed decline mountainclimbers.
D. Done with 11/10/8 band push-ups
Mobility and activation done
A. BMU work done, V-ups with med Ball and DU unbroken
B. 205# with green band
C. BJo’s rnds 15/17/18, box push and 10 C2B- 2 Rnds/1+ push &7C2B/1+push&7C2B
D.Done TP w/30#- 10/10/10 with green bands for PU- rest on rings done
Mobility- Done
A. Done
B. 225# DL w/30% band tension (Love these!)
C. 18/15/16 Box Jump-Overs
2 Rds/2 Rds/2 Rds
D. Done/25# Tate–20/20/15 Pushups–45 sec. x 3
Really tight false grip lift myself up to elbow bend than slight swing and kip over. I will post a video when I get back to house.
Added video, hopefully will help you.
Mobility/Activation Done
A-Done to max reps requested and DU unbroken
FINALLY-since I Only have MU rings hanging from PU Bar at 7′. For past year I have been attempting MU from knees and finally today I got one then two then three and couldn’t stop doing as I was ecstatic.
B-195 and green band
C-10,10,10 BBJ and #225 50+yard sled pull + 10 C2b
D-no DB’s so did 2 rounds of banded PU and leaning rest then shut it down.
Congrats Joe!! Mine aren’t consistent yet….what clicked for you???
See above
That is so awesome Joe!!!! Congratulations!!!
Nice job!!
Mobility done
A) done
B) did sets of 3 at 85+ 1 small band
C and D) didn’t do. I felt like some comradarie today so I did the wod with the class
15:00 cap 10-8-6-4-2 clean and jerk at 65. 2 rounds Cindy after each set. I subbed ring rows for the cranky shoulder and got cap +55
All Mobility & Stretching: Done
A: Done. I’ve lost my DU Mojo. If you find it, please return it.
B: 185#, 205#, 225#, 225#, 245# + Green Band for all.
C. 10 BBJO each of the 3 rounds + 4 x 100m Prowler push @ 165#. No C2B
D: Done with 20# dumbells, Green Band and rings.
Tates are new for me. interesting…..
Start carrying your rope around with you everywhere and practice all the time!
My DU mojo was gone too…just recently got it back. I did what Nichole suggested for a few weeks and took that darn rope around everywhere. Sending positive DU vibes your way! 🙂
A. Done. Was able to do 30 unbroken du on the 2nd rd.
B. 145# 2 bands
C. 8/6/5 burpee box jump overs, 1 rd + box push 50 yds/ 1 rd + box push 50yds/ 1 rd + box push 40 yds
D. 20# Tate presses, 8/8/8 med band, ring holds done
Nice work Jeff!