Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Throughs x 10 reps (add weight to make this more challenging)
Hanging Partner T-Spine Stretch x 15-20 seconds
Banded Samson Stretch x 30 seconds per leg
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Sotts Press x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Five sets of:
Narrow-Grip Overhead Squat x 2-3 reps @ 3311
Rest 2 minutes between sets
The goal is to set your hands in your jerk-grip position or even narrower, slowly descend and hold the bottom position for 3 full seconds – the priority should be on mobility and movement mechanics, not load used.
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
High Hang Snatch + Mid Thigh Snatch @ 70-75% of 1-RM
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets), complete:
Snatch High Pull x 1.1 @ 95-100% of 1-RM (use straps)
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 reps each leg @ 30X1; rest 45 seconds between legs
Rest 60-90 seconds
Chinese Rows x 6-8 reps (video)
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Walking with Anterior Loading x 2 minutes
Rest as needed
Banded Lat Pull Downs
x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed
A-155,175, 185,195,215… 3 reps (3311) narrow grip , B – @135 ,B1 @176 ; C and D ..DONE ….ohs felt good , snatches a lil weak the first sets .
A. 50 kg, 55kg, 60 kg, 65 kg, 70kg – narrow grip overheadsquat
B. 52,5kg
C. 24 kg kettlebells
60 kg barbell
M&A-done,45,95,95 on Sotts
M and A done
Did HSPU from part A on sat: 21, 14, 11 and 45 sec hold. No partner.
A. 65, 85, 105
B. 125 1st 3 rounds then 135 remainder.
C. Done with 35 lb DBs each hand. Did DB row instead of Chinese row 35.
D. Done
E. Did WOD from the other day with running and CTB. Got 230-245 per round and rested a minute between rounds.
M + A done
A. Done
Hung out with friends and did
1hr of Bouldering instead.
M and a done. Sotts press as always very difficult even at 15lbs, seems I push forward instead of up when even a Small weight is on. A did at 30 kg again, is feeling easier and very close to jerk grip. B hhs and mid thigh. First 4 @50kg last 4 @ 53kg. Which is bit more than 75% but felt good snatch high pull 2 @70, 2@73, once again slightly more than 1rm but felt good. C Bulgarian squat did no weight because of right kneecap sore. Had stick behind back to keep good form also. Did pendlay… Read more »
Sots w. 35#, this has been a challenge for years
A: working sets of 75# slowly built up to from 35#
B: 115# & 155# & 165#
C: 2×53# KBs & 145# (standing bent over rows. No space given class to setup full rig)
D: Walking w. 2 blue bands. Lat pull downs w. red band.
A) OHS Wendler 70×5, 80×5, 95×5, 115×5, 130×5, 150×6 max reps
B) 105 then 185
C) had to stack 3 45s under bench for chinese row at 115lbs, did split squat at body weight.
D) Done
I am doing the Wendler program for squats, deadlift, press, and bench is that ok while still doing this?
M&A. Done, but no partner. Sotts: 45,70,80lb
A. Work up to 3x105lb
B. 2-Pos Snatches @105lb / HiPull 2sets@145, 2sets@150lb
C. BSS done w 20lb vest and 10lb plate overhead / no bench, did Bent Rowing w 135lbs
D. Done w 20lbs and Green Rogue Band
M&A done after my warmup of DUs, GHDs, C2Bs
A. 105-135#
B. 110-120# then 155-135# (didn’t feel as though high pull was high enough so dropped weight)
C. BSS 45#/CR 105#
D. Done
Mob done
A. 65/85/105/115/120
B. 75/75/75/85/85 then 115
C. BSS 26/CR 105
D. Done
A) 35lb BB…feeling better, did 3 reps, still not clean grip.
B2) 85lb
C)Bulgarian split squats done without added weight, Chinese Rows done with 25lb-30lb-35, these felt great, could have gone heavier but 1st time.
Mobility and Sotts (empty barbell) done.
A – 95#. Moved hands in another inch from last week, more progress. Kept it light.
B – 115#. More than half of these reps were fantastic, which overshadowed the clunky ones. Starting to put the pieces together with the snatch. 170# high pull.
C – Bulgarian with 18# KB in each arm. Big step for me because this movement was what re-tore my groin tendon 6 months ago. Finally healing. Chinese rows 165#.
D – Complete. Liked using the PVC on the floor for lat pull downs. Hadn’t tried that before.
Awesome job Mike – my hope is to break down the snatch positions to rebuild it and your positioning will feel so much better!
Mobility done!
A. inside jerk grip by ~1″ on each hand, using 55# bar
B. w./95# and then 125#
C. Had to combine C & D due to lack of equipment. Instead did Bulgarian Split squats paired with banded lat pull-downs.
a. did 35# bar squat therapy against wall to medball
b. (125); done at 87.2#…took the 70% since it was a complex and shorter time; pulls at 125#
c. 15# DBs/76# rows
d. managed 2 sets; marched (missed #walking) used blue band w/20# Dball; pulldowns with red band/PVC laying down
Mob/Activation Done
A. 115/115/125/135/145#
C.53# KB each hand & 145# for rows
D. Done
Post – Iron Scap, Rev Hyper and GHD Sit ups
Mobility/Activation Done
A-Right at clean grip, #75 each set, shoulder burner today.
B-135 and 185 each set
C-#35 and #100
D-Pulls only and practiced MU’s
Mobility done
A) with pvc
B) 55 #
C) skipped this due to time
D) done
A. 65-95-105-110-115
B. 95-95-100-105-105-110-110-115…I struggled with the mid-thigh snatch today
C. Split Squats @95, did bent over rows at 155×8
Didn’t get to D