Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
One set of:
Position One Couch Stretch x 60 seconds per side
and then . . .
One set of:
Banded Monster Walks x 10 reps forward/backward
and then . . .
One set of:
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Every two minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Snatch from Blocks x 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM
If you don’t have blocks available to you, work from the hang just above the knee and pause 2 seconds in the position before snatching.
Five sets of:
Push Press x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 4-5 reps @ 75-80%
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes (5 sets) for times:
Run 200 Meters
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Run 200 Meters
Try to keep all of your times consistent.
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes (5 sets)
Run 200 Meters
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Run 200 Meters
Try to keep all of your times consistent.
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes (5 sets)
Run 200 Meters
15 Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Run 200 Meters
Try to keep all of your times consistent.
M and A done
A. 135
B. 155, 165, 175, 185×4, 185×4. Failed on 5th twice
C. 290, 295, 300, 305, 305.
D. No time
Mobility Done
A. 145
C. 265,270,275,280×5,285×4
D. 1st 2 sets complete, next 3 without last run
A) skip
B) 85/85/85/90/95
C) 165×4 (3 sets), 170×4 (2 sets)
D) really wanted to get all the work in as I need to improve runs and ctb so just went over time.. Ranged 2:45- 3:30.
M&A done
A. skip
B. 65kg 3 sets
C. 92.5kg 3 sets
D. skip
Very short on time this weekend.
M and A done
Did some close grip ohs and snatch drops, 3 sets of 3 each
A. No blocks so 2 sec pause at just above knee.
2 sets at 50kg, rest at 53kg slightly more than 75%.
B push press at 60, 63,67,70,70×4 reps 1st four sets at 5 reps
C back squats at 100kg x 5 reps for 5 sets
Skipped d today as running kills my Achilles and I also have swimming to do after lunch. Learning to swim for comp in 3 months. Thanks to crossfit.
I am a day behind – a. 60
b. 60,65,75,80,85
C. 100 – low weight – hammies did not work as usual
D. 2.40 all the way
Completed Aug 15
M&A Done
A. 85,95,105,110,110,110,110,110#
B. 115,125,135,135(4),125
C. 80(5),84(5),90(5),95(5),100(4)Kgs
D. 2:23,2:41,2:32,2,49,2:39. Note: on 3 of the sets did the 15pullups unbroken (that’s a PR by 1 rep)
Awesome work Hugh!
a. (125); done at 95#
b. stayed at 95# on these; tried to work on a fast dip
c. (185); 5s at 145#
d. halved this; did 200M RUN & 8 c2b…2:20, 3:01 (think I missed some), 2:33, 2:35, 2:26
*foot destroyed-what cortisone shot? I looked like a wounded animal hobbling around the track. It’s changing my gait and I’m losing ankle mobility as evidenced by track hobble. Am very very frustrated.
Message me Karen with what is going on with your foot!
Will do this weekend Nicole!
Twisted my ankle yesterday so I just did some shoulder mobility and light weight
A. 65# power snatch from blocks
B. 55#
Hope your ankle gets better!
Thanks Nichole!
A – 120#. Felt easy, which is rare for me.
B – 165# 5×5
C – 265# 5×5
D – 2:20/2:37/2:43/3:04/2:36 (took an extra 60 after rd 4). My C2Bs have gone to hell. Have done very little kipping the past 6 months while rehabbing minor groin tear and it shows. Need to just set aside the time and figure out how to butterfly them.
A. 115 from the hang
B. 95,105,115,125,135
C. 215#, 4 reps
D. did 10 chest 2 bar! Had 30 sec left over each rd
Having trouble with strict c2b & strict muscle up. What can I do to strengthen that last 3inches to the bar?
Use assistance to work that rom. It feels weak because it hasn’t been strengthened in that position yet so having someone spot you ever so lightly so that you can get into that new rom will help.
Will doing negative C2B help? Getting on a box that allows me to get my chest up on the bar? I can do 4-5 kipping muscle ups but just can’t get that range on a strict! So are you saying have someone assist me by pushing me up through the rings?
Correct, have someone push you thru the rings. Same with the chest to bar, have someone push you the last few inches that you are missing.
Thanks Nichole:)
A) 70# off blocks just above knee. Full squat.
B) 80#
C) 135#
D) Not able to stay under 3 min each round so I decided to track my time for each round…became a 20+ min wod…4:14, 3:50, 4:10, 4:05, 3:47
(had my inspirational hubby with me on the last round)
A: 125# off blocks with bar just below the knee. Felt good.
B: 135#, 145#, 3×155#
C: 5×5 255# (of 330# 1rm)
D: round 1 @ 1:45 (10 C2B unbroken), round 2-5 @ 2:00 w. C2Bs 7-1-1-1)
90 mins for the whole thing with warm up and working up to working sets. This meant working at very steady pace. I normally take closer to 2 hours.
Awesome job!! That is my goal, to get you guys done in 90 min but you are moving quickly between this. It is kinda nice though, not too much time to let your head get in the way!
Mobility/Activation Done
Started with Cascade Games WOD: 7min amrap of 7 #145 squat cleans and 40 DU-237 reps
A-135 each round no blocks-feeling pretty good
B-Up to 165×5
C-Box Class:
10min emom 2 power snatch #135
7min amrap of 3’s ladder
#135 DL and HR PU
round of 21 + 18
A. 115# +1 shot to the forehead…
B. 115, 120,125,130, 135
C. 5×5 @265#
D. 2:39, 2:51, 2:49, 2:48, 2:47 Rounds 4 & 5 with pull ups
Mob and Act done
A. 85, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 95
B. 90, 95, 105, 110, 115
C. 145×5 (should have been 160 but knees sore so stayed lighter)
D. Done with one 300m run and 15 C2B each round. About 30-45 sec rest each round. C2B felt great today! 🙂
A. 140#
B. 135/155/175/185/190
C. All at 265#
D. 2:41, 2:52, the last 3 rounds completed but each took over 3:00
A) All at 63# (75%)
B) All sets at 85#
C) 135-145(4)-145(4)…knees super tender, weren’t feeling good at all…bailed last two sets.
D) Rx R1-2:45 (rested 1 min.) Then…did 10 C2B/rd. 2:17-2:22-2:22-2:36…a real struggle with this…fourth day in row trying to catch up…not a good idea! Will take tomorrow and Sunday as recovery and start fresh on Monday,
A. 155
B. upto 195
C. 305/315/315/315/325
D. did B,D with some of the guys that follow the competition blog
I could only work on my snatch with 75% (37.5kg) today.
Business day…regards !