Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Tall Clean x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
High Hang Clean x 2 reps @ 75% + Jerk Dip
and then . . .
Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
2-Stop Halting Clean Deadlift @ 95-105% of 1-RM Clean
(Pause for 3 seconds at each of the following positions: mid-patella + mid-thigh. USE STRAPS!)
Three sets of:
Drop to Split Jerk
x 3 reps (light, focus on foot work)
Rest as needed
and then . . .
Five sets of
Jerk x 3 reps 75-80%
Rest as needed
Please use blocks.
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 6 reps @ 75%
Rest 2-3 minutes
In three minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Burpees
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps (20″/24″)
Rest 3 minutes, and complete a total of three sets.
Box Step-Ups are allowed.
A. 55kg, 60kg, 65kg
B. 70 kg then 72,5 kg
Halting Clean Deadlift – 100kg
C. 40kg,50kg,60kg
Jerk – 72,5kg, 72,5kg, 75kg, 75kg, 77,5 kg
D. 85 kg, 4th set 5 reps/failed 6th rep/, 5th set 4 reps/failed 5th rep/
Front Squat drained my energy out. Legs have power. I keep loosing at the front. The front rack fails at some point.
E. Run out of time – will try to make it tomorrow
B. 190,255
C. 95,135×2 then 185,190,195×3
D. 210
E. Did not do
A. 95, 115 x 2
B. 185/275
C. 134, 145, 155
D. 225. Ouch
E. 2 + 3, 1+ 16, 1+ 19. TTB rate limiting part
A. 65#/75#/75#
B. 85# then 125#
C. 65#/75#/85# then 90#
D. 125#. Went a bit light as my back was sore
E. No time. I’ll get it done sometime in the next couple days
I’m running a couple days behind this week.
A. Done up to 50kg
B. 85kg then 107/112/117kg
C. 80kg
D. 105kg
E. Ran out of time so did 3hrs later
2rnds/1rnd +20/1rnd+22 (t2b were slow!)
A: 65# focused on “solving it” with speed
B: 155# then 215#
C: 95# then 155#
D: 205# midline more tired then expected. Racked after 4 reps in the first round w.o belt. Made all sets with belt
E: 2 rounds each time. Steady pace. Jumped up and stepped down, T2B 10 & 2x 6-1-1-1-1 steady pace.
A) Tall Clean (53-63-73)
B) HH Clean + Jerk Dip 83-93-93-88-88-88/Halting Clean DL (113-123-123)
C) Missed the Drop to Split Jerk/Split Jerk x 3 (83-93-93-88-88)
D) F. Squat x 6 (all sets 113)
E) R1=2rds+2reps, R2=2rds+5reps, R3=2rds
Day behind also. But that’s going to be me from now.
Mobility 10min
Tall clean @40kg x 3
H hang clean. 60,65,65,65,65
Halting clean deadlift. 3x 90kg
C . Drop to split jerk at 60, 70,70
split jerk. 65kg all three sets
D. Front squat 5 sets of 6 @ 70kg
E. 2 rounds and 15, 2+6,2+5
One day behind.
A. 65,85,100#
B. 115,130,140,140,143,143# (75%) / 185,205,205#
C. 45# / 95,115,135,140,140# (76%)
D. 115,135,155,155,160,160# (76%); sore knees lately
E. 1Rd+26reps; 1Rd+25reps; 1Rd+21reps;
Just checking in Hugh – have you been mashing your IT bands and quads?
Yes (2 or 3 times per week) as well as the TFL and the Hip Flexor muscles. Thank you for checking in.
A. 85
B. 120 – high hang cleans, 165 – clean deadlifts
C. 65 – drop to split jerk, 120 – jerks
D. 140
E. 2, 1+10, 1+14
Did banded work from yesterday. Fun day!!
A. never done these before-very odd/stayed light; 65#
B. couldn’t start at actual 75%; worked up to it, 85, 95, 105, 105, 115, 115 (75%)
C. 165#
D. 4 ea set/140# (75%)
QUESTION: Should I have done the reps and less weight or kept appropriate % and done less reps?
E. 1+22; 52 total…stepped up…because…
Got steroid injection in heel yesterday-doc said no explosive stuff yesterday and today. Tomorrow its game on. Not sure if it is helping yet-still sore from injection. Hope this helps.
***just noticed I was supposed to do 3 rounds of 3 min…missed that. #sorry
I would suggest doing the reps and less weight – it is totally okay if you can’t hit the percentages for the day. There are lots of factors that can play in, like getting a steroid injection 😉
A – 115/125/115
B – 175/270
C – 175
D – 200
E – Ran out of time. Damn jerk blocks took forever to move…
Ugh I understand the feeling Mike! We need a gym where jerk blocks have permanent homes – if only we had unlimited space 😉
A) 65, 85, 95
B) 85. Didn’t do pause deadlifts as these aren’t a favorite of my back
C) 85
D) 85
E) only did one 3:00 AMRAP – 1+18 (24″ box)
Globo office gym again. Mirrors, chrome, gnarly bar, TVs on Anderson Cooper. I like AC as much as anyone but loud? At the gym? And BTW, those treadmills that have a ‘mosey’ setting – got ’em.
A) 105# all sets
B1) 125#
B2) 225, 230, 235# (no straps, no dropping weights, no bueno)
C1) 95# all sets
C2) 165# all sets (no blocks)
D) 175# all sets
E) 2rds plus 2 burpees, 2rds plus 2, 2rds flat. No boxes, used an adjustable seat on one of their silly machines.
Happy to see you were still able to get your workout in!
A. 65/95/115
B.1. 135/135/155/155/155/155
B.2. 205
C.1. 95
C.2. 125/125/125/125/135
D. 155 across
E. 2+6; 2+5; 2
A. 95# x 3
B.1 120#
B.2 160#
C.1 95# x 3
C.2 120# x 5 (no access to blocks)
D. 140# (still favoring R hip flexor)
E. Set#1: 2 rounds, Set #2: 2 rounds + 4 burpees, Set #3: 2 rounds + 2 burpees.
A-up to 115
B-195 and 275
C-135 and 185
D-4 sets at 225 then felt a small pop in same lower back area I strained a couple weeks ago so shut front squats down.
E-Sorry Nicole but I have done 140 plus over bar burpees since sat so worked in MU and Airodyne bike.
21 MU no time kept
3 rounds 20 cal every 2 min. 41, 38, 41
A. 65/75/85
B. 115
C. 65/ 130 from blocks
Did Helen Group workout 10:58 Still gotta run faster!
A.M. Swim 20-50 yard efforts
A. 155# all sets
B. 205# then 285#
C. 65# then 205#
D. All sets at 235#
E. 1+28, 2+1, 2+2
A. 65/85/105
B. 125, I did 75% of 1rm high hang clean
Halting dead 175/195/215
C. Jerks 85/105/115/125/125
Short on time skipped D&E
Did MU work
Evening: sprint work at track