August 11, 2015 – Masters Off-Season

Workout of the Day

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Three sets of:
Tall Clean x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
High Hang Clean x 2 reps @ 75% + Jerk Dip

and then . . .

Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets), complete:
2-Stop Halting Clean Deadlift @ 95-105% of 1-RM Clean

(Pause for 3 seconds at each of the following positions: mid-patella + mid-thigh. USE STRAPS!)

Three sets of:
Drop to Split Jerk

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x 3 reps (light, focus on foot work)
Rest as needed

and then . . .

Five sets of
Jerk x 3 reps 75-80%
Rest as needed

Please use blocks.

Five sets of:
Front Squat x 6 reps @ 75%
Rest 2-3 minutes

In three minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Burpees
10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps (20″/24″)

Rest 3 minutes, and complete a total of three sets.

Box Step-Ups are allowed.

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Peter Mohamed/45/
Peter Mohamed/45/
August 20, 2015 9:08 am

A. 55kg, 60kg, 65kg
B. 70 kg then 72,5 kg
Halting Clean Deadlift – 100kg
C. 40kg,50kg,60kg
Jerk – 72,5kg, 72,5kg, 75kg, 75kg, 77,5 kg
D. 85 kg, 4th set 5 reps/failed 6th rep/, 5th set 4 reps/failed 5th rep/
Front Squat drained my energy out. Legs have power. I keep loosing at the front. The front rack fails at some point.
E. Run out of time – will try to make it tomorrow

Jay Werstler
Jay Werstler
August 19, 2015 7:44 am

B. 190,255
C. 95,135×2 then 185,190,195×3
D. 210
E. Did not do

Matt L 43
Matt L 43
August 19, 2015 3:48 am

A. 95, 115 x 2
B. 185/275
C. 134, 145, 155
D. 225. Ouch
E. 2 + 3, 1+ 16, 1+ 19. TTB rate limiting part

Marilyn Wuest
Marilyn Wuest
August 13, 2015 12:53 pm

A. 65#/75#/75#
B. 85# then 125#
C. 65#/75#/85# then 90#
D. 125#. Went a bit light as my back was sore
E. No time. I’ll get it done sometime in the next couple days

Paul Farthing (45/5'7"/175)
Paul Farthing (45/5'7"/175)
August 13, 2015 10:20 am

I’m running a couple days behind this week.
A. Done up to 50kg
B. 85kg then 107/112/117kg
C. 80kg
D. 105kg
E. Ran out of time so did 3hrs later
2rnds/1rnd +20/1rnd+22 (t2b were slow!)

Dutch Orange
Dutch Orange
August 12, 2015 5:51 pm

A: 65# focused on “solving it” with speed
B: 155# then 215#
C: 95# then 155#
D: 205# midline more tired then expected. Racked after 4 reps in the first round w.o belt. Made all sets with belt
E: 2 rounds each time. Steady pace. Jumped up and stepped down, T2B 10 & 2x 6-1-1-1-1 steady pace.

August 12, 2015 4:08 pm

A) Tall Clean (53-63-73)
B) HH Clean + Jerk Dip 83-93-93-88-88-88/Halting Clean DL (113-123-123)
C) Missed the Drop to Split Jerk/Split Jerk x 3 (83-93-93-88-88)
D) F. Squat x 6 (all sets 113)
E) R1=2rds+2reps, R2=2rds+5reps, R3=2rds

Quinn Longman
Quinn Longman
August 12, 2015 12:15 pm

Day behind also. But that’s going to be me from now.
Mobility 10min
Tall clean @40kg x 3
H hang clean. 60,65,65,65,65
Halting clean deadlift. 3x 90kg
C . Drop to split jerk at 60, 70,70
split jerk. 65kg all three sets
D. Front squat 5 sets of 6 @ 70kg
E. 2 rounds and 15, 2+6,2+5

Hugh Atkin (57yrs)
Hugh Atkin (57yrs)
August 12, 2015 3:00 am

One day behind.
A. 65,85,100#
B. 115,130,140,140,143,143# (75%) / 185,205,205#
C. 45# / 95,115,135,140,140# (76%)
D. 115,135,155,155,160,160# (76%); sore knees lately
E. 1Rd+26reps; 1Rd+25reps; 1Rd+21reps;

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
August 12, 2015 5:11 am

Just checking in Hugh – have you been mashing your IT bands and quads?

Hugh Atkin (57yrs)
Hugh Atkin (57yrs)
August 12, 2015 5:20 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Yes (2 or 3 times per week) as well as the TFL and the Hip Flexor muscles. Thank you for checking in.

August 12, 2015 1:59 am

A. 85
B. 120 – high hang cleans, 165 – clean deadlifts
C. 65 – drop to split jerk, 120 – jerks
D. 140
E. 2, 1+10, 1+14
Did banded work from yesterday. Fun day!!

Karen Boerman
Karen Boerman
August 11, 2015 9:09 pm

A. never done these before-very odd/stayed light; 65#
B. couldn’t start at actual 75%; worked up to it, 85, 95, 105, 105, 115, 115 (75%)
C. 165#
D. 4 ea set/140# (75%)
QUESTION: Should I have done the reps and less weight or kept appropriate % and done less reps?
E. 1+22; 52 total…stepped up…because…
Got steroid injection in heel yesterday-doc said no explosive stuff yesterday and today. Tomorrow its game on. Not sure if it is helping yet-still sore from injection. Hope this helps.
***just noticed I was supposed to do 3 rounds of 3 min…missed that. #sorry

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
August 12, 2015 5:12 am
Reply to  Karen Boerman

I would suggest doing the reps and less weight – it is totally okay if you can’t hit the percentages for the day. There are lots of factors that can play in, like getting a steroid injection 😉

Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
Mike C, (45, 5'10" 160)
August 11, 2015 8:22 pm

A – 115/125/115
B – 175/270
C – 175
D – 200
E – Ran out of time. Damn jerk blocks took forever to move…

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
August 12, 2015 5:13 am

Ugh I understand the feeling Mike! We need a gym where jerk blocks have permanent homes – if only we had unlimited space 😉

August 11, 2015 7:51 pm

A) 65, 85, 95
B) 85. Didn’t do pause deadlifts as these aren’t a favorite of my back
C) 85
D) 85
E) only did one 3:00 AMRAP – 1+18 (24″ box)

William Poteat (SE 55-59)
William Poteat (SE 55-59)
August 11, 2015 7:49 pm

Globo office gym again. Mirrors, chrome, gnarly bar, TVs on Anderson Cooper. I like AC as much as anyone but loud? At the gym? And BTW, those treadmills that have a ‘mosey’ setting – got ’em.
A) 105# all sets
B1) 125#
B2) 225, 230, 235# (no straps, no dropping weights, no bueno)
C1) 95# all sets
C2) 165# all sets (no blocks)
D) 175# all sets
E) 2rds plus 2 burpees, 2rds plus 2, 2rds flat. No boxes, used an adjustable seat on one of their silly machines.

Nichole DeHart
Nichole DeHart
August 12, 2015 5:13 am

Happy to see you were still able to get your workout in!

Doug Naquin (60+, Mid-Atl)
Doug Naquin (60+, Mid-Atl)
August 11, 2015 7:41 pm

A. 65/95/115
B.1. 135/135/155/155/155/155
B.2. 205
C.1. 95
C.2. 125/125/125/125/135
D. 155 across
E. 2+6; 2+5; 2

Patrick Gelinas
Patrick Gelinas
August 11, 2015 7:16 pm

A. 95# x 3
B.1 120#
B.2 160#
C.1 95# x 3
C.2 120# x 5 (no access to blocks)
D. 140# (still favoring R hip flexor)
E. Set#1: 2 rounds, Set #2: 2 rounds + 4 burpees, Set #3: 2 rounds + 2 burpees.

Joe L M48
Joe L M48
August 11, 2015 7:16 pm

A-up to 115
B-195 and 275
C-135 and 185
D-4 sets at 225 then felt a small pop in same lower back area I strained a couple weeks ago so shut front squats down.
E-Sorry Nicole but I have done 140 plus over bar burpees since sat so worked in MU and Airodyne bike.
21 MU no time kept
3 rounds 20 cal every 2 min. 41, 38, 41

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
August 11, 2015 7:03 pm

A. 65/75/85
B. 115
C. 65/ 130 from blocks
Did Helen Group workout 10:58 Still gotta run faster!

Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
Art Erickson (48/6'/195/SWest)
August 11, 2015 6:59 pm

A.M. Swim 20-50 yard efforts
A. 155# all sets
B. 205# then 285#
C. 65# then 205#
D. All sets at 235#
E. 1+28, 2+1, 2+2

karen wilson 48 north central
karen wilson 48 north central
August 11, 2015 6:36 pm

A. 65/85/105
B. 125, I did 75% of 1rm high hang clean
Halting dead 175/195/215
C. Jerks 85/105/115/125/125
Short on time skipped D&E
Did MU work
Evening: sprint work at track

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