Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets, not for time, of:
K-Star’s Wrist Stretch x 8-10 reps
(demo begins at 4:20 of the video)
K-Star’s Keg Drill Overhead Stretch x 60-90 seconds
(demo starts at 3:15 of the video)
Squat Snatch Press
x 5 reps @ 2113
Against a running clock, complete the following gymnastics skills:
0:00 to 3:00
Establish a 2-RM Weighted Pull-Up
3:00 to 6:00
Establish a Max Effort L-Sit
(as many attempts as you’d like, but only score your best attempt)
6:00 to 9:00
Establish a Max Effort Handstand Walk
(as many attempts as you’d like, but only score your longest walk)
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets), complete:
Overhead Squat x 1 rep
Build over the course of the 8 sets to a possible new 1-RM.
For time:
12 Deadlifts
40 Wall Ball Shots
9 Deadlifts
30 Wall Ball Shots
6 Deadlifts
20 Wall Ball Shots
3 Deadlifts
10 Wall Ball Shots
40-49: 315/215 lbs; 20 lbs to a 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target
50-54: 275/185 lbs; 20 lbs to a 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target
225/155 lbs; 20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target
A: 24kg 2RM Pull Up
22s L Sit hold- I’m horrible at this
C. 8:40rx
A. 28kg kettlebell, 53 seconds, 3 meters (still learning hwalks)
B. Skipped, as did Squats and Snatches yesterday (from earlier day in the week program)
C. Used 130KG. 13:13
A. #100, 31sec. 50 feet.
B. #260 PR.
C. 8:16 RX
Mob and Act done
A. 40, :26, holds
B. 105, 115, 125, 135, 140, 145 f x 3 – nothing left in shoulders/tri’s from dips and piston pushdowns. So hard today!
C. 12:49
Mob done
A. 23#/ .47 sec/41 feet
B. 85/105/115/125/135/145/155PR/165PR
C. 7:22
YES!! Double PR 🙂
Mobility completed.
B)105/115/125/135(2)/145/155/160 failed. Matched previous PR.
C)11:07 DL@275#
Out in Carson watching the amazing athletes! Will be motivated on Monday!
A-#60, 3m, 37sec. Feeling much more confident on HSW, I believe 5,10,15 meter walks coming soon.
B-Up to 220, missed 230. My behind neck push jerk needs to get better.
C-skipped do to time and let back recover a bit more. However did 3 sets of 5 #185 ohs to finish.
Took it easy, starting back up after a injury.
B: worked up to 215#
C: scaled to 275#, 6:45
Then some core work to finish up. All felt good
All week I’ve been super tired and a loss of appetite…definitely need some extra rest. Wasn’t sure I even wanted to workout today.
A) 25# prone; 30# supine; 35 sec. L-sit hold; hsw laughable
B) 93#; failed even getting 103# overhead…103# is my previous 1RM
C) 9:40 (165# D.L.) was a minute slower than last time…I’m just tired.
A. 42.5 pull-up…read wrong and only did 1, 25 sec L-Sit, 5 feet hsw
B. 170!!!! 5# pr!!
C. Did Diane instead, 5:07
A. 40# for weighted pull up, HS walk 30ft, skipped l sit
B. up to 175# (5lb PR!)
C. 12:19RX 40-44 10ft target <– I didn't do this on the 19th, think I was doing or redoing a Granite Games event. My deadlifts were slow, one at a time, wall balls were controlled but with quick recovery.
P.S. Great meeting you Nichole!
A) 63lbs on Pullups, about 20 sec on L-Sits (seems I could go longer but my quads cramped up every time around the 16-18 sec mark), HS Walk about 6 feet
B) worked up to 165lb. failed at 170.
C) 8:01
Mobility done
A) Strict weighted pull up – 22.5kg (PR)
L-sit – 17seg
Handstand walk – 2.5m
B) until 50kg
C) 14’18” – RX 40-49
Did also 3×2000 row
Solid work Renata!!
Mobility done
A1 Skipped pullups. Did yesterday around 150 pullups and some muscleups so my ‘wings’ are sore from yesterday
A2. 35sek. Pr is 52sekband today I wasn’t even close of it
B. I’m @summer cottage and have weights only up to 70kg. Did couple of ohs with 5sek pause at bottom
C. Reason above I doubled deadlifts reps at metcon (24-18-12-9)
Time: 8:40. Felt lack of intensity today. I think reason for this is quite brutal training sessions in last three days.