Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Double Lacrosse Ball to T-Spine x 45 seconds
Ring Pec Stretch x 45 seconds
Internal Rotation Drill x 5-6 reps per side
Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle Ups x 3-6 reps*
Handstand Wall Runs x 12 reps
L-Sit Leg Lifts x 5 reps + 10 second hold
*If you do not have muscle ups, please perform 10 low ring transitions instead.
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press x 3-4 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 5 – 3-5 reps @ 85%
For time:
12 Deadlifts
40 Wall Ball Shots
9 Deadlifts
30 Wall Ball Shots
6 Deadlifts
20 Wall Ball Shots
3 Deadlifts
10 Wall Ball Shots
40-49: 315/215 lbs; 20 lbs to a 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target
50-54: 275/185 lbs; 20 lbs to a 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target
225/155 lbs; 20 lbs to 9″ target/10 lbs to 9″ target
“Kill Cliff Granite Games Masters Qualifier Event 1”
(Click here to register.)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans
7 Bar-Facing Burpees
40-44: 155/105 lbs
45-49: 135/95 lbs
50+: 115/75 lbs
A. Done
B. up to 145
C. 195/215/225/245/225
D. 14:27 rx – ugh…this was frustrating. 315 seemed heavier than it should have. Will we be doing more deadlifting in the future?
Just had time for Granite Games wod, 9+2, RX, 45-49
A. Done with mu progressions
B. 95-105-115-125-135-145 all x4
D. Granite Games 15.1 61 reps 115#
C. 6×185-4×215 -2×245-DNF
Mob and Act done
A. 2 MU each round. Felt like the mobility today really helped here.
B. 105
C. 140, 160, 180,190, 180×5
D. came back later – DL, WB. Was not expecting 215 to feel so heavy! Wall balls ok. Time about 12:30, timer stopped 🙁
A. 3 Mu, the rest Done
B. 95,115,115,125,135,145. Need advice on how to better receive the bar. i don’t like going to heavy with this because at least seems to land on my T-spine when it comes down.
C. 185,210, 235 255, 235
D.8:48 at 275
A. Did 6 C2B (@home) and L-hang as replacements
B. Built up to 67.5kg
C. Used 135kg
D. Did second WoD. 4+1 rx
A. 3 sets MU Progression x 10, wall runs x 9, Lsit leg lifts x 5 + 10sec hold
B. 75,80,80,85,85,85
C. videoed technique up to 65% (205)on the 5 sets, revealed poor form which probably cause of low back pain, so backing off weight until form is correct.
D. Granite Games Qualifier 66 reps (115#)
Send that video over and I can take a look at it:
Also have low back pain squatting so interested in suggestions.
Makes sense. The compression on the low back can be rough, especially if hip flexors are tight.
Thanks Nichole, I sent it over to you.
A. 4 muscle ups, hs runs and 5 second Leg lift/l sits
B. 85-95-100-105-110-115 X 4 reps across
C. 145-200
D. Granite Games Qualifier 86 reps/ 40-44
B. 65, 75, 85, 95…should have went heavier…
C. staying light; 135, 145, 155, 165, 155 (5)
D. WB & DL; 11:10
Were the DL okay on your back?
Nichole, feeling a little wreck after, but blame the squats, even though I stayed light. Back felt ok for deads, did them in threes.
Totally. Actually squats are what used to wreck my back – it was a combination of poor lumbar stabilization and tight hip flexors. Add in the couch stretch to your warm up every day plus some bird dogs to work stabilization and hopefully start to see some improvements!
A. Done
B. Needed to rest shoulders today
C. BS: 195-225-255-270-255 for 5 reps
D. Deads @ 275; Back was a little achy today after squats and I haven’t done Deads in awhile, so I was conservative in this metcon. 11:20
A. Completed with low ring transitions…however I got 1 muscle up in the second set! Progress!
D. Granit Games Qualifier: 51 reps , 105#
Awesome work Aimee!!
Mob done
A. Mu scaled w/transitions x10
B. 65/85/95/105/115/120
C. 205/235/265/280/265
Sad I ran out of time and missed the wod
On the push-press I used our jerk blocks. No way I feel comfortable re-racking a weight I can PP. What is the intent? I understand that the negatives in re-racking is a strength move, but I don’t want to risk my hurting my neck. Or I could just go a lot lighter.
Oh I always encourage people to use blocks if they have access to them. I much prefer people dropping to blocks.
B 165×4, 185×4, 205×4, 215×4, 215×4 215×4
C. 240,275,315,335,315×5
D. GG qualifier 80 reps
Mobility done.
A. Done; did MU progression work.
B. First time doing these; all reps X4: 95/105/115/115/125/135
C. worked off 300#
D. Granite Games Q1 scaled: 8 rounds + 2 (but I didn’t video so I may have to repeat!!)
Mobility done
A) done
B) 35,45,55,65,75,85. Snatched them all to start. Heaviest snatch I’ve done post PT.
C) 80,95,105,115,105(3)
D) 8:18. 105 for deadlift for my back (but all unbroken and they felt good!) wbs all sets of 10- which I’m really happy about.
E) pushed the mower up and down and across hills for 30:00. Tomorrow should be interesting if I have to use my legs… Or my shoulders! 🙂
Great work Candace! And solid work at the mower ha!
M&A done
A. MUs 6/4/3, the rest done
B. worked up to 125, shoulders a little weak after MUs
C. 225, 245, 275, 295, 275 x 3
D. 9:39 with 225# DL and 20# ball to 10′
A. Done
B. 75/95/105/125/135/145
C. 160/195/215/230/5 reps @215
Did partner wod with class. Will redo the deadlift and wall ball wod tomorrow. Want to see if I can improve my time from last time.
A. Skipped, cortisone injection yesterday in shoulder doc said go easy on overhead
B. Light 15/35/55/65
C. 190/220/245/260/245
D. Dl/wb 7:53 Rx
Granite Games Qualifier: 101 reps at 115lbs
Nice work Greg!