Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Scap Pull Ups x 8-10 reps
Bridge Up x 1 rep with a 5 second hold
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes complete:
Minute 1 – Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps @ 2011
Minute 2 – Nose-to-Wall Handstand Wall Runs x 20 reps (10 per side)
Minute 3 – Superman Rocks x 30 seconds
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6-8 reps per leg @ 3011
(Rest 30 seconds between legs)
Rest 60 seconds
Every 6 minutes, for 24 minutes (4 sets) of:
Row 500 Meters
10 Burpees Over the Erg
30 Double-Unders
8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
40-44: Strict Handstand Push Ups with a 4″/2″ deficit
45-49: Strict Handstand Push Ups
Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 2″ riser
60+: Strict Handstand Push-Ups to a 4″ riser
Mob Done
A. Done CTB w/band to hold at top
B. Done w/26lb KB
C. 4:04/4:08/4:19/4/32 Start w/ 1ab mat went to 2
A. Done – 6 C2B
C. 3:47, 3:48, 4:03, 3:59 – a bit tired today
A. Done
B. 26# KBs, balance was such a struggle with these I don’t feel like I got much out of it.
C. 4:45/5:00/5:10/5:50 No riser on HSPU but could not do them unbroken (not even the first round), arm/shoulders were to fatigued from Monday and Tuesday WOD.
M&A Done
A: Done
B: Done
C: 4:15/4:40/5:38/547reps Grrrr @10cm deficit
A- Did 6 c2b instead of 8
B- Used 30 pound dumbells
C- Did not keep times, started with ~1:30 break. Finished last round at 6min mark. Trouble became the HSPUs (no deficit)
A) Supine grip: 6-6-6-5-4; NtWHSwr 6/side just lifting hand from ground; :30 Superman Rocks
B) 8/leg with BW only…need to see how knee will respond before loading
C) 8/6/6/6 sHSPU with 1 Abmat (5:30, 5:35, 5:40, 5:55) huge time spent on HSPU portion…but I’m getting them!
Good call with doing them unloaded!
Men 40-44
A. Done
B. In kilos 30/35/40/45, barbell behind neck
C. 10 rounds – 4 rounds RX from 5 cm deficit, then 6 rounds with 4 sHSPU from 5 cm deficit
D. Evening ride with xc mtb route about hour
I know, crazy Finn. That’s what happens when you never see a sun. Thought that 10 rounds is a good idea – it was a super idea, felt so good!
Crazy or Sisu? 🙂
I think both 🙂
A. Done.
B. Bulgarian Split Squats: 2 x 44# KBs and 2 x 53# KBs for last 2 sets
C. Done with 8 strict HSPU (no deficit) / Could do 15-25 DUs in each set before needing to move on to HSPUs to get under the 6 min time cap. Need to practice them more.
Could definitely be a mobility issue, can you do it with a supine grip?
Thanks, I think supine is great idea to diversify back and pulling strength. I think I need to work on lat mobility so I can pull elbows down more easily and get bar to chest with less opposite tension.
C. unable to complete in time allotted; 3 kipping hspu (no deficit), 1 khspu, 3 khspu, and only got into 15 DU last round
Nice times Tom, you were flying!
Busy day today had to squeeze in workout.
A-Done 6 C2B
B-25/25/54/54 kettlebell for BSS
C-4:10, 4:15, 4:29 three rounds only out of time
B. 18/18/26/26 (kettlebells)
C. Completed each set up to 7/4/4/2 Strict HSPU w/2 abmats. So…I need to work on rowing with more intensity AND strict HSPU strength!!!
Noted! 🙂
Ok!! Is there a magical “turbo boost” button that I can work with? 🙂
Combined part of yesterday with today
Strict press 145×1 for 3 sets
PC&jerk up to 225
C. 3:50/3:44/3:48/4:00. Last round had to push hard
M and A done
A. Done
B. Done with 95 lb barbell “Finnish style”
C. About 4:30 per round. Went to negatives on the SHSP after the first round. I usually am ok with them but off today.
A) done. C2b with a big ol band. Did superman holds instead of rocks
B) done w 2 20# db’s
C) I really thought there was no way I’d finish all that in 6:00 once let alone 4x. Did regular burpees, but everything else Rx. First round about 4:45, 2nd about 5:00, 3rd 5:10, 4th 5:30. Tell Shane I took about :05 off my 500m in a wod row time!
A. Done – 6 c2b
B. Yesterdays Clean & Jerk – up to 185
C. 3:42, 3:27, 3:34, 3:58
I have spent the last two months adjusting my diet. I think I finally have it dialed in.
A. Completed w/ 6 c2b
B. Completed with 25# KB. Balancing was a challenge. First time for me.
C. 4:02, 3:45, 4:05, 4:30 I think the wall runs caught up to me here
Looking forward to rest day.
Good work on the DUs!
Mobility complete
A. 6 pull ups first 3 rounds then 5
B. 53’s
C. Strict with no deficit approx 1:20-1:30 rest/round
6 suicide sprints with evening class
Mobility completed
A) Completed with 8 C2B
B) Completed with 45# DB in each hand
C) 3:49/3:58/4:08/4:13 Curse those SHSPU
Hi Nicole,
Just signed up, is it better to jump into the current day or rewind to day 1.
Hey Howie – you can pick up with this week! Looking forward to having you!