Workout of the Day
Three rounds for time of:
Row 1500 Meters
30 Overhead Walking Lunges
15 GHD Sit-Ups
40-54: 155/105 lbs
55+: 135/83 lbs
Three sets of:
Cat/Cows x 10 reps
Hip Flexor Stretch x 90 seconds per side
Optional Additional Session
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At a track if possible…
Two sets of:
400 meter run @ 85-90%
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets for times of:
1 mile run
Rest 6 minutes
*Compare to Week 1
A. 34.30. Used 45kg. 3×10 each rd.
Did this one today and with same method than Mikael but used 50kg as OHS lunges
A: Three rounds for time of:
Running 1200 Meters
30 Overhead Walking lunges with 50kg
50 Sit-Ups
Time: 31:53
I assume that legs are feeling this one tomorrow:)
Well I finally listened to CJ and others on scaling some if these.
Lunges and pistols are my weakness
Did this in 36 minutes. Lunges at 75 lbs.
I will need to get stronger at this movement.
Glad to see some times that made me not feel so bad about mine!
Over 40 min and did the lunges with 95, 3 sets of 10. Nothing left for running today
A. 34:01
Went on a 1:40 min mountain bike ride – needed some cardio!
I had every intention of working out yesterday and got home and crashed on the couch instead. So I did an amalgam of today and yesterday.
From yesterday
M and A done
A. Done
B. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 and felt good so did 185
C. 245, 275, 315 then 335, 345, 345, 355, 355
From today:
A. Less than an hour. More than 45 min. Sweet. Used 115 for OH lunges. And accidentally did 20 GHD sit-ups per round.
Might run in the AM.
A. 37:11 105 first round 85 2nd & 3rd.
Hope to do running tomorrow!
A-2 rounds only #135 and 30 sit-ups-promised better half would be done in 30 min-ouch wrong guestimate – sons prom today I have a 18 year old must mean I’m getting old?
Nicole I scaled to #135 but still had to drop bar 4 times each round to complete 30 walking lunges. Should I be scaling even lower to have less drops=rest periods?
A. 32:48. OHL@45# bar (since I needed to finish today some time).
B. Done, happily.
32:57 Rx 40-44
This hurt my soul.
A) 36:55 *Modified to 20 OHL@65#*
A. 39m 115# for first round, 95# for last two rounds.
Had to get outside…too nice
25 min amrap
400 m run
50 m farmer carry 35# kb went too light here
15 hspu
10 power cleans 105
Got 4 rounds and almost completed 400
question…. #155 is programed for OHL… If we can not do RX, what % of OHL should we do?
A. 34:49 75# for OH Lunges
B. Done
A. 38:45 rx
B. Done
A) 36:33. Used 20 DB’s and abmat to protect back.
B) done
Optional: don’t know how I’d possibly run on these stumps right now! My optional will be pushing the mower around for 30-45 min. Woo hoo!
A: Three rounds for time of:
Running 1200 Meters
30 Overhead Walking Lunges@42,5kg
50 Sit-Ups
A: 31:44
B: Done