Workout of the Day
For time:
15 Muscle-Ups
If you’re not performing these unbroken, work on determining your best strategy of sets and reps to get these done as quickly as possible.
At competition pace:
21 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
12 Rope Climbs (15′)
Focus on your pacing and aggressively returning to the rope between ascents.
For time:
Run 1 Mile (on True Form if possible)
25 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)
25 GHD Sit-Ups
100 Double-Unders
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135/95 lbs)
25 Box Jump-Overs
Use this session as your opportunity to visualize your performance and feel how you’re going to approach each portion – how you will breathe, where you will take strategic breaks, etc…. I don’t care about your time, I only care that you learn from it.
A: 51 secs. First time getting these unbroken. CJ – in general, what would you prefer as to be able to do the most unbroken MUs – to be efficient but moderate in the kip, and receive the MU in the bottom of the dip and kip up the dip or do as Amanda Goodman for instance, kip with all you’ve got and receive the MU near the top of the dip? And then go back to a deeper receiving position when fatigue sets in. 15 is about max for me, so gotta get that last one unbroken. What do… Read more »
A. 45 secs
B. 3:40
C. 15:10
Feel good going into this week. Can’t thank you enough CJ
Looking forward to meeting you up there Mack. Best of luck!
Did Randy at 11am to try breaking up the snatches from the beginning. Slightly faster. 15/10, 15/10, 8/7/5/5 3:47 without runs.
A. :44
B. 4:24 (wayyy faster for me, hopefully i can maintain on rounds 2/3)
C.17 and change. run was average but i think too much could kill me here, ohs felt good at 15/10, ghd slow and methodical 25, du 49/1/50 intentional move at 50, sdhp singles the 2-3’s and then 5’s, box jump overs tried standing tall and using more of a rebounding. might be easier with the box width (if i make it there…)
A) Last time we did muscle ups I became a head case so in order to end things on a positive note I did my sets working on perfect form not for time and I feel much more confident and am ready to not freak out and just take them at my own speed in sets of 3-3-3-2-2-2 and not let pride rush me. B) 3:40 on our brand new Rogue rope which is super sticky/grippy and I’m praying the ropes this weekend feel like that! C) 17:17 with a run/pathetic shuffle to the other room and back for GHDs.… Read more »
A. did 3 MU before shoulders called it quits. they were super achy/tight/painful after this past weekend. decided not to do anything else involving shoulders today, didnt wanna risk it.
B. did the following, not for time, just to get some blood flowing
800m run, 30 box jump overs 18in.
600m run, 30 box jump overs
400m run, 20 box jump overs
200m run, 20 box jump overs
800m run
C. 90 min massage
D. got engaged 🙂 this technically happened sunday night but we’re slowly getting the word out!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! And good job!
So exciting! Congratulations! Way to save your shoulder, you’re going to need them this weekend when you dominate the West Regional!
Yay Laura! What a week! Good luck bebe!!!
Wow, congratulations Laura! Let your shoulders rest up…you’ll need them this weekend! 🙂
Thanks everyone 🙂