Workout of the Day
For time:
15 Muscle-Ups
If you’re not performing these unbroken, work on determining your best strategy of sets and reps to get these done as quickly as possible.
Three sets for times of:
30 Calories of Assault Bike
30 GHD Sit-Ups
100 Double-Unders
30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (135/95 lbs)
30 Box Jump-Overs (24″/18″)
Rest 8 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes (5 sets):
Minute 1 – Row 20/15 Calories
Minute 2 – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 12 reps
Minute 3 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 4.5″/3″ Deficit x 6-10 reps
Minute 4 – 245/155 lb Squat Clean x 3 reps
Optional Additional Session
Four sets of:
Run 800 Meters @ 5-10% faster than your ideal 1600 meter pace
12 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)
Rest 5 minutes
Perform this session on a True Form treadmill if possible.
Better late than never?
A. 3:15 – did worse than last time, larger sets with too long a break. Not sure how I should game this. 5-4-3-3
B. 7:50, 7:47, 7:50
C. I could only manage 3 DSHSPU (that’s a mouth full) per round. My nemesis
Had no time for additional conditioning.
C.C2B 12reps-SHSPU 6reps-245lbs 3reps (Do not row)
A. 2:57 (5/3/2/2/1/1/1) felt super heavy but got faster by 13 seconds than last time
B. Bike -> Ran 400m / 10 SDHP (the right shoulder hurt!) / 20″ BJO
9:03 / 9:43 only did 2 sets.. jumping around so much with flat feet is not that pleasing.. 🙁
C. Will do it later
A. 44secs
B. 7:20/7:25/7:15
C. Finished everything in time frame. Stuck to 8-9 HSPUs
Session 1
A. Done but no clue on the time, class accidentally took the clock haha.. Will have to break this into 2 sets, possibly 6/5/4.. Just not a great acrobat yet.
B. 7:00/7:20/7:50
Bike- 1:05/1:10/1:12
GHD- UB all 3
Dubs- UB-UB-92/8 (trip)
SDHP- 10/10/5/5 for all 3, I like the big numbers better
Box- 10/10/10 for all three (thought we had to move the box every 10 at regionals but I see it’s every 20 so I’ll do that from now on)
C. Done
Straight up tired today!
A. 1:49 with 86″ height rings for the first time yaaa that’s high for a 5’2 gal! Didn’t let it shake me too much I think this is faster than last week!
B. No airdyne so opted to run since I couldn’t get in the extra conditioning 8:41/8:56(du trip due to peeing my pants… Yaaaaa no excuse!) 8:37
C. This was rough right after B so tired got it done right at 19:59:) everything else well under the minute except my last two sets of strict deficit did 6 each round only failed one
still super speedy on those MU! did you jump up to the rings or did you have a box near by? i gotta start practicing jumping up to the rings, lately ive put a box near by so i can step up. soo happy for that rest day tomorrow, hope you’re able to rest up!
I took a big jump to get up there… No box! Practice coming down and keeping rings from flying! It didn’t mess me up too much!! Girl I wish I could do deficits like you!!
aw man i was hoping you werent gonna say you jumped 😉 gahhh guess i gotta practice that now.
I hear you on the DUs – the struggle is real!
A. Unbroken
B. 8:42, 8:24, 8:35
C. Complete, pu ub, 6hspu each round, cleans quick singles… tough, ready for rest day
A. :43
Session I: A. 3:56. well, this didnt exactly go as planned. over a minute slower than when i did this on sunday. Goal was to go 5/3/3/2/2. Ended up going 5/3/2+1 fail/1 fail/1/2/2. dont think i gave myself enough rest between sets. also broke down mentally, too, after a double fail. im so tempted to start out with a bigger set on my first one since i feel fine after 5 but not sure if that will burn me out for the remaining reps. B. 9:10/8:29/8:28. no assault bike so did a 30 cal row instead. rows were around 1:48;… Read more »
honey! so sorry you had a rough session 🙁 rest up, eat up, and feel better soon! enjoy your rest day tomorrow and you’ll be back fresh for friday!
thanks shannon, appreciate it 🙂
B) 8:53; 9:03; 8:44. First Airdyne/Assault Bike WOD for me too! Bike times were 2:10-2:15. GHDs, BJOs UB, one miss on each set of DUs, SDHP 10/5/5/5/5. Finally finding a rhythm on these. Third set of everything felt the best.
Will there be any programming for the teams?
A: This is a dealbreaker for me. The fixed height of the rings makes my MUs go from 16 UB to 11 UB. Which loses the workout for me. My legs are completely bent at this height, but trying my best to accomodate. Wrote HQ for the reason for this, and they answered that they might change it and if they do, they’ll post it on the Games site. Would make or break the workout for me. B: 7.35, 7.38 and then I fell and hit my knee hard on the 28th box jump over of the last set 🙁… Read more »
Morning Session
B) first workout ever using an Assault bike! Wasn’t sure how to pace it haha. 8:41/9:14/9:20. Bike times were about 3:25/4:10/4:00 kinda all over the place. GHD, double unders and BJO all UB, SDHP in 5s working on shorter breaks. Felt like I could move faster on everything today besides bike.
It was my first assault/airdyne bike workout too! I had no clue!
OMG based on your bike times i’m as slow as molasses!!! hahaha oops!
Airdyne! Clearly I’m not the expert. That may be the difference – either way, our overall times are similar which means I need to pick the pace up or dawdle/rest less between movements! Great work!
haha ok well i think i was still slow either way since i took double the time. looks like you did good sets though on everything! 🙂
Ok wait did you do Airdyne or Assault? Because I think that could make a difference but I’m positive I was still extremely slow!
my shoulder pain started coming back today, too, after a few freaky misses on MU and all those SHSPU. hope yours feels better soon!
Oh no! 🙁 mine is still not great so i’m avoiding things that hurt. how is yours feeling?
eh its feelin OK after a rest day. mine seems to bother me the most when i catch my MU really low or when i miss my MU and fall through the rings. gotta be careful these next two weeks!