Workout of the Day
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Strict Shoulder Press x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+
Once you have found your 1-RM (which you will use for this entire cycle), then perform the following:
Two sets of:
Strict Shoulder Press x Max Reps @ 75% of today’s 1-RM
Rest 3 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Halting Clean Deadlift + High Hang Clean
+ Hang Clean + Jerk
*Build over the course of the six sets, but let mechanics dictate load
For max reps:
2 Minutes of Rope Climbs (15′)
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Alternating Pistols
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Double-Unders
55+ – Overhead Walking Lunges with a 45/35 lbs plate
Three sets of:
Weighted Pronated-Grip Pull-Ups x 4-6 reps @ 2011
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Pronated Grip Pull-Ups x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 90 seconds
A. Up to 185, 2 sets on 145 x 6
B. worked up to 235
C. No rope climbs. 39 pistols, 142 DU’s
D. Done
A. Up to 150
B. Up to 195
C. 11/33/107
D. Done
A. Based off 180 failed 170 so todays max was 160 ….2xmax @ 120 = 12,11
B.stayed at 185
C. 1mile run + 15 muscle ups 10:55
60 – Canada West
A. 85 up to 155 lb (new PR)
Then two sets of 9 at 115
B. 95, 115, 125, 135, 140, 145
C. 45 sec hold on rope (no climb due to knee issues)
15 walking lunges with 35 lb plate (knee limitations)
A few DU’s successfully (big goat, kept me from top 200 in open)
D. 7 then 5
6 then 5
6 then 5
A. 80kg (Failed 82.5kg twice) and then 7, 8 reps of 60kg
B. Built up to 82.5kg
C. 5, 36, 130
D. 10kg kettlebell, rd1: 4 +6, rd2: 4 +3,1,1, r3: 2,2+ 3,1,1,1
A. 75/95/105/115/125/130/140/145/150 – 8/7 115
B. 115/135/145/155/165/170 5# PR
C. 5 rc / 29 pistols / 103 DU
D. 6 PU 25 # all sets
A) 75/95/100/105/115/120/125/130/135/140/145/F@150. 110# x 14/13.
B) 115/135/140/145/150/155. Thought I’d be going heavier but legs were toast from yesterday.
D) Had to do D first as regular class was in the ropes area. 3 w/10#, then unweighted rest of the way – 6/4/3/2/2. Need to work on these obviously.
C) 3 rope climbs (should have had 4th, but missed footing & ran out of time before making it all the way up.) Pistol progressions to box. D/U challenged, did singles instead 101.
A) up to 76kg / 6 reps / 8 reps @ 75% @ 57kg
B) all at 60kg still getting fluent
C) 6 RC / 130 DU / scaled banded pistols ( these are my aim this year)!!
D) weighted @ 10kg 4 reps / unweighted 5/6/4 reps
A. Shoulder Press to 155 Max / 75% 116# 9reps; 7reps
B. Hang Clean Jerk Complex: 135/140/140/140/140/145 (worked on mechanics)
C. 5 RC (not quite legless, but mostly arm), 19 Pistols quick touch to 14″ box (below parallel) Yeah! first time breaking parallel on pistols. Next time I’ll ditch the box
49 DUs
D. 6 PU with 25lb / 3.5 regular pullups
5PU with 25lb / 3.5 regular pullups
3.5PU with 15lb/ 3.5 regular pullups
Arms and pulling strength smoked from rope climbs
Solid work on progressing with those pistols!
A. 50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85Fx3, then 11/10 reps @ 60 lbs
B. 65/75/85/95/105/115 lbs
C. 0 (no ropes)/18/115
D. 4@10#, then 4 w/o weight/4@5#, then 1/2@5#, then 1…my arms are tired!
Good night! Zzzzzzzzz
A. Worked up to 150
B. Worked up to 170
C. Running out of time so chose to do D
D. 2 sets at 26# 4 reps, 1 set at 35# 4 reps; 8 strict each set.
A. 55/65/70/75/80/85/90/95F/95/100F 13/8 @75#
B. 85/95/105/115/125/130/135
C. 6/34/91 struggled with DU today.
D. 3×8 strict @2011
Good work today Litsa!
Thank you Nicole!
A. Up to 195 (unexpected 5lb PR with shoulder not 100%)
B. 155/165/175/195/215/225 all high hang, timing is horrible from regular hang on both cleans and snatches
C. Did part A from comp page, no clock, but moved good thru all movements except pistols on left leg.
Nice work on the press David!
A. 55-95 – failed at 100 which was my old PR – thought i’d make 105. 2 sets @75# x 7 both sets
C. Max DU – 155 (no rope and dealing with patella tendentious so limiting squatting etc.)
D. 3 sets strict pull-ups x 8
Limited in time & equipment (traveling).
A) 45-90 … Could have added a little more, but these were perfectly straight back. No extension. Really happy with this as over extension is a huge issue for me. ME @65…11,12
B) used men’s bar for a change. 65,65,70,70,75,80
C) ah gymnastics. The bane of my existence. I was very happy with my rope climbs (4) and pistols (23), but disappointed with my double unders (80). Need more cardio work
D) did assisted muscle ups (35#) – 5 in 3:30 and strict pull ups 6,6,5
A-185, matched PR from 11/14, 9 & 6 at 140
B-Up to 205 and missed 215 HHC.
C-No rope exchanged for weakness of C2B. 33/51/143
D-#45 4/8, #25 4/5 arms shot.
M 53 North Central
A. 85,100,105,115,120,130,135,145, 150,150 then 8 & 7 reps @ 115
B. 135 all 6 sets and focused on form
C. 4 rope climbs, 20 pistols, 64 DU’s
D. 4,4,4 w/35#, and 8, 8, 8 all unbroken
A. 95,107,115,125,130,140,148,155,155,157
then 10, 9 reps at 117
B. 117,117,117, 135,145,155 worked on form.
C. 6 climbs, 35, 88
D. 4,4, 4 16KG 8,8, 8 broken
A) worked up to 135#, good for bum shoulder
75% @101# for 2×5
B/C skipped till this evening due to strength class and CF class
D) 25#/5 30#/4 30#/4
BW 5/5/5
A. worked up to 135, failed at 140, then 7/5 at 105#
B. worked up to 135
C. 4 legless to 10 feet, 35 lunges w 45#, 110 DUs
D. 15# pullups 4-4-3/4-3-3
Nice job on those DUs!