May 8, 2015 – Regionals Program


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…This weekend is your opportunity to hit a run-through of the events to learn what you can improve over the course of the next couple of weeks. Starting Tuesday, the three weekend groups will be broken out to better help you peak for your regionals weekend. Hit it hard this weekend and take good notes so that you know where to focus efforts moving forward.**

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Workout of the Day
Warm-up exactly as you would for this event at Regionals. You need to be hot and sweaty before this event starts.

For time:
75 Power Snatches (75/55 lbs)

*Move the barbell 15 feet forward every 25 reps.
**Mark off a 42″ width on your bar with tape and keep your hands inside those marks to simulate the short barbells you will be using at Regionals.

10 Minutes of Cool Down Pace on Assault Bike

Practice consuming whatever kind of post-workout nutrition you plan to consume after this event at Regionals.

Ideally your second session will be 2-3 hours after your initial session.
Warm-up exactly as you would for this event at Regionals. You need to be hot and sweaty before this event starts.

“Tommy V”
For time:
21 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
12 Rope Climbs (15′)
15 Thrusters
9 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters
6 Rope Climbs

Mark 9-feet on your rope and practice the fastest possible descent while still stopping completely and showing control on the rope until your hands are below that mark.

10 Minutes of Cool Down Pace on Assault Bike

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Michael Mikaere
Michael Mikaere
May 9, 2015 2:34 am

A) 3:20 – 3:41 the other day.
B) 12:31 – 13:02 “”

Dylan Weller (Canada West)
Dylan Weller (Canada West)
May 8, 2015 9:05 pm

Randy – 3:21 (4 min other day)

Tommy v – 11:04 (12:25 before)

Shane McBride (North Central)
Shane McBride (North Central)
May 8, 2015 7:12 pm

Session 1
Randy- 2:46 3×25 (UB)…..Tuesday 3:37
That hurt a lot!!!!
Session 2
Tommy V-11:29…..Tuesday-13:48
*I have more in the tank
That is the difference between training by myself (Tuesday) and training with my team (today)! They push me everyday!

Andi Turner
Andi Turner
May 8, 2015 4:16 pm

Does anyone know the rule on gloves for the rope climbs??

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 8, 2015 7:29 pm
Reply to  Andi Turner

this is what it says in the rule book: “Subject to CrossFit Inc.’s prior approval, non-branded belts, non-tacky gloves, hand tape, neoprene joint sleeves and common fitness
wear may be allowed during competition. However, no grip assistance or weight support may be derived from any device worn. In
general, gear is allowed that improves safety and/or comfort, but does not confer advantage.”

So as long as they’re “non-tacky” I think we can use them?

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 11, 2015 9:04 am

I’ve been using a pair of Harbingers I got at Dick’s Sporting Goods. They just have a leather palm and work great. However, I have to take them off about midway through the 9’s to have a little more grip once I get tired. I think they are safe?

Lauren Gravatt
Lauren Gravatt
May 8, 2015 1:40 pm

Wellllll, followed footage and sprint to beginning and end. Same exact time….3:39
Guess that means I know what exactly I am capable of? (I couldn’t see the clock because it was behind me, so needless to say I was a bit shocked when I turned around at the end)

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 8, 2015 6:32 pm
Reply to  Lauren Gravatt

teach me your ways! so speedy on those rope climbs!

Lindsay Siolka (North Central)
Lindsay Siolka (North Central)
May 8, 2015 12:44 pm

Randy: 4:00 (down from 4:20) this time included run up and run back. Still feel like there’s room for improvement. Tommy V in a few hours.

Andy Rosenbaum
Andy Rosenbaum
May 8, 2015 12:40 pm

B. 4:06 (down from 4:38) (25-15/10-10/8/7), def grip for me. most drops because i couldnt keep my fingers over my thumb. most reps were power. muscle snatch here and there and noticed a faster cycle.

Holden Rethwill
Holden Rethwill
May 8, 2015 12:21 pm

Session 1
Randy: 3:26 (up from 3:33 Tuesday).. Went 25-20/5-15/10 with 15 foot transitions as well as run up and run through at the end.. improvment but never satisfied!

Session 2
Tommy V:

Nathaniel Olsen
Nathaniel Olsen
May 8, 2015 11:16 am

Randy: Had a 15 foot run up and a 15 foot finish while moving the bar 15 feet every 25 reps. Finished at 3:18. Improvement from a few days ago! I went 25, 15/10, 15/10. Was tempted to muscle snatch in the beginning but just stuck with a slight hit hip and dip on each snatch and I think it helped in the long run. Assault Bike Cool Down done. Will hit Tommy V in a couple hours.

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 8, 2015 10:20 am

Randy: 415 Tuesday, 349 today with run up to the bar, 15ft between sets, and run to the finish. Went 25/25/5-4-5-4-4-3. Next time gonna try to split up the second set, really started to slow down in the second half of that set bc of my grip. Man, not being sick makes a world of a difference, i can breathe again!!

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 10:35 am

So glad you’re feeling better! Keep up the good work!

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 8, 2015 10:45 am

Awesome work Laura! So glad you’re feeling better!

Jessi Howald
Jessi Howald
May 8, 2015 11:39 am

That’s fantastic! Great job!

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 8, 2015 12:02 pm

Go girl!!!

Jessi Howald
Jessi Howald
May 8, 2015 9:00 am

“Randy” today I finished in 4:05 compared to 4:30 on Monday. I’m happy I improved, but not with my overall time. Need to get it under 4! My forearms are completely shot from this week. They hurt way worse today on Randy.

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 8, 2015 10:45 am
Reply to  Jessi Howald

You’ll get there! So close, and already showing the ability to make a huge improvement.

Jessi Howald
Jessi Howald
May 8, 2015 11:38 am
Reply to  Cj Martin

Thank you, CJ! I think I need to try it a couple more times to figure out what works best for me. Thanks!

Ruben Martinez
Ruben Martinez
May 8, 2015 8:51 am

A. Done
B. 3:33, with a short run to and from the bar up from 3:48 last time.
Slower cycle time but larger sets, and yes it is possible to fail a 75# snatch.
C. 10 min AB
D. Doing



Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 8, 2015 10:45 am
Reply to  Ruben Martinez

Solid improvement Ruben!

Jessi Howald
Jessi Howald
May 8, 2015 11:39 am
Reply to  Ruben Martinez

Awesome job!

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 8, 2015 7:08 am

A. Set this up in my very uneven back yard with plywood boards. This was 15 ft last week was not an accurate measurement (too short) but today with a sprint to finish I went 3:37 compared to 4:01 I’m happy especially since I could get my bar even on the last set of 25. Now let’s hope I improve my embarrassing Tommy V later on!

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 7:40 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

You made a good improvement too! What was your rep scheme? This time I tried 25/15-10/15-10 and next time I’m thinking to see if I can go 25/25/15-10 and just hold on tight?….it’s my grip that goes out.

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 8, 2015 8:11 am

I went 25/15-10/11-8-6 I had some issues being on uneven ground so I want to hold on tight to that last set. But I’ve thought the same thing trying to go
25 on the second round!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 8, 2015 8:40 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Great improvement Lacy! Now get after those rope climbs!!

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 8, 2015 8:46 am
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thanks! I’m going too!!

Jessi Howald
Jessi Howald
May 8, 2015 8:58 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Awesome job!!!

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 8, 2015 9:23 am
Reply to  Jessi Howald

Awesome job to you too!!! Huge improvement!!!:))

Jessi Howald
Jessi Howald
May 8, 2015 11:40 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Thanks honey!

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 8, 2015 10:21 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Hell of an improvement, nice work!!

Mitchall Heady
Mitchall Heady
May 8, 2015 6:56 am

CJ would you suggest the teams to the same as individuals but with the team workouts?

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 8, 2015 8:40 am
Reply to  Mitchall Heady

If you have decided the team start playing with different combinations and strategising the best way to tackle the workouts.

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 8, 2015 10:46 am
Reply to  Mitchall Heady

Tino is correct, you need to start playing with the Team events and determining which members will serve the different roles.

Mitchall Heady
Mitchall Heady
May 21, 2015 6:13 pm
Reply to  Cj Martin

We have done that and are running through everything this weekend to mock regionals. Thanks for your program! We are hoping to represent it well in the central super region next week.

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 5:29 am

Morning session
Randy- 3:43! Decent improvement from 4:11. I stole Lauren’s rep scheme and that seemed to help 🙂

Lauren Gravatt
Lauren Gravatt
May 8, 2015 6:43 am

Big improvement, most excellent Shannon!

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 6:54 am
Reply to  Lauren Gravatt

Thanks! I think I’d like to try one more rep scheme experiment, but I’m happy with the improvement!

Lauren Gravatt
Lauren Gravatt
May 8, 2015 1:35 pm

yes, Im sure we will get the chance. What other scheme were you thinking?

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 11, 2015 9:07 am
Reply to  Lauren Gravatt

I keep hoping I can just go back to 25/25/try harder to hold on super tight for bigger sets…. haha

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
May 8, 2015 7:26 am

That’s a huge improvement girly!!

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 7:54 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Thanks! You did great too!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
May 8, 2015 8:39 am

Solid improvement Shannon!

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 8:48 am
Reply to  Tino Marini

Thank you! 🙂

Laura Tobias (Northwest)
Laura Tobias (Northwest)
May 8, 2015 10:22 am

Wooooo nice work, killin it!

Shannon Zimmerman
Shannon Zimmerman
May 8, 2015 10:35 am

Thanks! Major improvement to you too!

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
May 8, 2015 10:47 am

Wow! Great improvement Shannon!

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