Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 22X1
Goal is to complete all 8 sets at last week’s heavy or more.
Five sets of:
60 seconds to establish 3 Clean & Jerks
Rest exactly 2 minutes
You get the full 60 seconds to put up 3 clean & jerks. Use the time wisely. Note scores for each set:
1. 315 x 3
2. 325 x 2
3. 315 x 3
4. 320 x 3
5. 325 x 3
Five rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climbs (15′) or 4 Bar Muscle-Ups if you’re at Point Loma
3 Clean & Jerks (225/155 lbs)
Two sets for times of:
60 Seconds of L-Sit – accumulated if you don’t make all 60 seconds on the first attempt
Rest 2-3 minutes
Optional Additional Training Session
Three sets for times of:
10 Meter Handstand Walk
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double-Unders
10 Meter Handstand Walk
Rest 3-5 minutes
Treat this as if each set was a Regionals event. The goal is to figure out if you can speed up your handstand walk and maintain control if your placement in the event depends on it.
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets) for time:
Row 15/12 Calories
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
4 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs)
A. Built to 195 – 5# more than last week
B. 155, 165, 170, 175, 180
C. 7:43 – subbed in BMU because those are a huge weakness. Did all rounds UB, definitely the best I’ve done on BMU!!
A. 2:00, 1:49, 1:57 – accidentally did 20 TTB because sometimes I just don’t pay attention. At least it was more work?
B. 1:30, 1:29, 1:30, 1:29, 1:37, 1:37, 1:40, 1:40
Skipped DB BBSO to make sure I could go UB on everything else.
I feel ya on those bar muscle ups! Glad yours felt good!
A) 305/315/325/335/345/355/365/370 Feeling stronger week after week
B) 260, 265, 270, 275, 285
C) 5:20 Went with a split jerk on every clean and jerk. Seemed to work well.
D) Done.
A) 1:20, 1:20, 1:24
B) Done. 18 pulls on each row. UB c2b and shspu. Finished each round around 1:35. Felt great.
Session 1
A. worked up to 320#
B. 245/265/275/280/285×2
D. Held full minute for first then 45sec and 15sec
Session 2
B. finished all rounds about 1:50
I Did this in a different order. Wanted to prioritize the conditioning:
Conditioning Part B:
1:59, 2:01, 1:58, 1:56, 1:58, 1:48. 1:48, 1:52
Main session-
D) :40/:20, :32/28
A) worked up to 235 by 7th and 8th set. Got the 7th, but failed the 8th. Up 5lbs from last week.
B) 155×3
**all power cleans. Idk if that’s ok :/
C) 8:35 embarrassed to post that ridiculous score. I was out of juice by this part. Prob could’ve gone faster if I wasn’t training alone :/ but no excuses. Bad time.
A. 165 x 2, 175 x 3, 180 x 3
B. 135×3, 145×3, 155×2, 150×3, 150×3
C modified to 4 bar mu, 3 cleans @ 145. 6:00
D. Set 1: 38, 18, 2
Set 2: 30, 10, 10, 10
A) up to 215.
B) 135×3 135×3 145×3 155×3 160×3
C) 8:28. Jerks felt heavy :/
A) 3:54 4:33 4:50 (did a min of HS walking each time.) I will get this!
B) 2:08 2:15 2:20 2:16 2:24 2:13 2:10 2:19. (Slow times, had to walk to all my equipment. Took rest before c2b’s since this is the first time I do these many. Shoulder felt a little tight, but no pain so far!)
only time for one training session today. wasnt able to push it as much as i would have liked, sleeps been limited these past 2 nights. looking forward to epsom salt bath & quality sleep tonight! A. last week maxed out at 220#. this week went 220 x 2; 225 x 4; 230, 230 (f) B. 170 x 3; 175 x 3; 175 x 3; 178 x 3, 180 x 3. these got tough! first time doin jerks in over a week, shoulder felt good (knock on wood)! C. 7:45. could have pushed harder, too much rest b/w rope climbs.… Read more »
hope you were able to get some sleep and are feeling better today! glad your shoulder is improving!
Today I opted to workout at home… I didn’t have to modify much, I miss bein home and seeing my husband and I’m starting to come down with something. Anyways… Lol A.185(5)-190(2)-195 all easy I finally figured out how to hold my core tight lol 10# heavier than last week B. 155-165-170(2 sets)-175 all in the time cap and no misses C. Modified to 4 bar muscle ups 7:16 rx the 155# D. Had to accumulate on rings ouch A.208-224-234 uneven grass so not unbroken but worked on control on my hands B. Modified for skill 12 burpees, 8 butterfly… Read more »
noooo! no getting sick allowed!
Today was one of those days I want to frame the page of my journal and draw hearts and unicorns and smiley faces all over it! The good training days are so few so I’m trying to be happy and grateful and enjoy them as much as possible when they come! All in one evening session: A & B. Skipped for separate Oly program C. 5:41 I really liked this workout D. 60 secs hold on first attempt! PR! Second attempt I broke it 30-30. I tried no shoes, pointed my toes hard, and focused on locking out my arms… Read more »
hell ya shannon! awesome job today 🙂 hoping this continues throughout the rest of the week for ya!
Thank you! haha me too that’d be awesome!
Thanks girl!
A. Build up to 200#
B. 135 x 3/145 x 3/150 x 3/155 x 3/165 x 3/175 x 3
C. 7:02 – felt good doing normal rope climbs!
A. 2:20, 2:20, 2:13
B. Strict hspus are still a major weakness for me, so I cut down the reps in half except the row. Finished each set between 1:28-1:34.
A. 335×4, 345×2, 355×1, 365F (struggling on squats still) B. 185-225-255-275×1-275×2 Im pretty fried from overdoing a heavy thruster marathon (below) yesterday. Things are off today and my collarbone hurts like hell. C. 7:55 oh my god my arms. never straying from to blog again! Optional: D from primary. First round “ub”, there was a little (a lot) of fading around :50, second round 1:15 (:45 on, :15 off, :15 on) A. 1:12 (all UB), 1:12 (all UB), 1:13 (one du miss) B. skipped, no way this would be quality. putting on the marc pro instead 21-15-9 185 thruster/pullup 15-12-9… Read more »
session 1
A. 300lbs all sets * hamstring tight from Saturdays lunges
B. 275×3
275×3 * ben smith style
275×2 BS style…shouldn’t of rushed it.
275X3 BS Style
275×3 * from dip to Split no re dip
275×3 with 3 different techniques…..26secs
C. 7:23
1:18,1:18,1:24,1:15,1:18…..20 secs transition between rounds
D. 58+2….30+15+7+8
Session 2
A. 1:16,1:13,1:11
B. 1:21,1:23,1:21,1:21,1:21,1:22,1:19,1:14
* All UB
Row took 35-40 secs.
Session 1:
A. 120kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg, 145kg, 150kg, 145kg, 145kg
90kg x 3
100kg x 3
110kg x 3
115kg x 3
120kg x 2
C. 7:23
D. Done
Session 2:
A. 2:00, 2:27, 2:30
B. 1:46, 1:46, 1:51, 1:50, 1:49, 2:07, 2:06, 2:10
A-295/315/335/345/355/375/390/400 fail this is 5lbs off my PR, couldn’t keep my hips under the weight when ascending. Would get stuck half way up.
B-295/315/315/315/315 stayed at 315(85%) because my 3rd jerks were very sloppy
C- 5:44 I was all over the place on this… did 5 c&js on the first rnd and then stopped for 30sec at the end of the 4th rnd, thought I was done. Started again at 4:50 and finished last rnd
Session 2
Ran out of time had to work
A) 225-280
B) 215-255 No misses
C) 7:46, wish I could of done this with the rest of my team…I think I could of been a minute or so faster with a push.
A) 2:13,2:15,2:08
B) Did first 3 minutes RX…then did 3 more sets 15 calories, 4 c2b,6 SHSPU, 2 burpee over
Did a team competition (Northern Europe vs. Russia) in Brussels this weekend. Included some max lifts and all out efforts, so took it easy today:
A: 140-150kg across.
B: 120×3, 130×3, 130×3, 135×2, 135×2.
C: 5.20
D: 38, 11, 11s first round. 34, 16, 10s the second round.
A: 1.49, 1.50, 1.47 rounds with 3 min rest between rounds.
Hope the competition went well Filip!
It did, my European team got away with the win 🙂 Tied my post-injury pr of 160kg in CnJ and did a lot of barbell cycling in a team WOD 🙂 Thanks!
Session 1
A. Up to 365, 375f
B. 245-255-265 miss 1-265-265.. tweaked my upper back here and it tightened up pretty good on me so I skipped C and D to do some mobility and see if I could get it to loosen up
Be very cautious for the next few days. Make sure you’re not going to make the problem worse by trying to train through it. A lot of athletes get panicky this time of year and forget to listen to their body. Trust that your body will be prepared and ready if it’s given the time to heal.
Will do! Thanks CJ! I’ll make sure to take care of it! Just a little tweak I should be fine in a day or two!
Get well soon brotha!
Thanks bud! Nothin to serious just a little tweak! I should be good to go in a day or two, will just take it a little easy til then!
A: 240, 245, 250, 250, 250, 250, 255, 260f
B: 215 across
C: 6:46
A. 325-330-335-340-345-350-355-360f
B. 255-265-275-285-295
C. 5:10, felt good pushed at some points and it paid off and others it hurt me
D. Hah done.
Well done Ruben!
Thanks coach!
A) 295# across
B)Five sets of:60 seconds to establish 3 Clean & Jerks
Rest exactly 2 minutes
255/260/265/270/275 no misses
C)Five rounds for time of:
2 Rope Climbs (15′)
3 Clean & Jerks (225/155 lbs)