Workout of the Day
Gymnastics Play Session
Take 15 minutes to mess around with efficiency with any 2-4 gymnastics movements of your choice:
** HSPU, Deficit HSPU, Ring HSPU, Freestanding HSPU, Freestanding Handstand Hold, Handstand Walk
** Ring Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up with Roll Over
** Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows, L-Sit
** Butterfly Pull-Ups, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, Chin Over Vertical Plane Pull-Ups
** Pistols, Pistols with Weight Overhead
** Rope Climbs
** Ring Dips
** Double-Unders, Backwards Double-Unders, Triple Unders
** Box Jumps (different standards), Box Jump-Overs, Lateral Box Jumps
** etc…
Please choose something that you need work with, or that you believe you could be more efficient with. Note what movements you selected and the rep scheme and sets performed.
Six rounds for time of:
6 Muscle-Ups
9 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
12 Bar-Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
For time:
30 Overhead Walking Lunges (155/105 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
30 Front-Racked Walking Lunges (155/105 lbs)
Optional Additional Conditioning Session
Every 12 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 sets):
Run 1600 Meters @ 85% of 1600m PR pace
Still haven’t received an answer, so I’m posting again hoping that someone will answer this time…thanks!
We are going to be competing at Regionals May 15-17 as a team. We tought the team workouts were going to start today? Will there be team workouts in the programming, and if so, when do they start? Also, as we understood it, from this weekend and onwards, there’s gonna be training on Saturday and Sunday, and rest day on Monday? Would be super good to know so that we could plan. Not much time left now. Thanks!
B) Six rounds for time of:6 Muscle-Ups
9 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
12 Bar-Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
Oly session No snatches still… 🙁 This is getting slightly depressing Midhang cleans 3×1 @ 85% 190lbs A) short on time so I prioritized to make time for the conditioning work B) scaled MUs to strict pull-ups…was going to do bar MU but my hands were super raw for some reason. Unbroken jerked thrusters (pressing still isn’t comfortable) but slow bar facing burpees. 14:16. C) 5:15 Conditioning Pouring rain so I used a treadmill which was actually nice because it forced me to keep my pace! Haven’t tried to PR my mile time in over a year. Ran all 3… Read more »
Session 1 A. Worked to max deficit SHSPU.. Got 15″.. Head couldn’t touch when I went further.. Then did a bunch of free standing handstand work after B. 17:00Rx.. All MU’s done 4/2, everything else UB.. Burpees at average pace (to save for MU’s) til last 2 rounds I picked them up.. 36 MU’s in a metcon and not a single miss is a huge step for me! C. 4:07 UB on the overhead (turned with bar still overhead).. T2b in 20/10.. Front rack only broke to turn around.. 155 is quite comfortable for me Didn’t have time to run… Read more »
B- 13:40rx
C- 4:15 (lunges have been a problem for me, definitely seeing improvement though)
Session 2
A. worked on bar muscle ups & triple unders. triple unders definitely need a LOT of refinement B. 16:25. scaled to 3 MU/round, didn’t want to risk re-injuring my shoulder with a high volume MU workout. MU UB each round. thrusters UB except for one round. burpees were slooooooooooow. didn’t pace this one well. C. 4:18. OH lunges UB, T2B done in 4 sets, FR lunges done in two sets (ran outta room). know i could have done the FR lunges UB if i had the room one of the guys that goes to my gym asked me to do… Read more »
A. Did a variety of gymnastics… worked on dragon press, different ring combos and bar combos
B. 17:08, mu 3/3, ub Thrusters, slow burpees
C. 6:42 (had to reset and turn around every 5 steps ugh)
Hitting track in a bit
We are going to be competing at Regionals May 15-17 as a team. We tought the team workouts were going to start today? Will there be team workouts in the programming, and if so, when do they start? Also, as we understood it, from this weekend and onwards, is there gonna be training on Saturday and Sunday, and rest day on Monday? Would be super good to know so that we could plan. Not much time left now. Thanks!
I don’t know anything about teams. .. but I do know starting Monday will be swimming only (active rest) and Thursdays will become full rest days… so
Monday = swim
Tues = 2 session
Wed = 2 sessions
Thurs = full rest
Fri, Sat, sun = doubles
Ok, thanks Dylan! What about tomorrow then? Two sessions or rest?
Not too sure… My guess would be still rest day because the new schedule doesn’t change until April 27th… one of the invictus coaches will most likely comment to answer correctly however
A. rope muscle ups
B. 17:55 (mu UB, thrusters broken all over the place)
C. 5:17 (arms buckled with 3 left on the overhead)
Did some of yesterdays with todays work! Trying to hit my goats this week… Yesterday Went swimming then did a Mash Row 1000m @ 3:39 then did 50 wall balls unbroken. Today A. Snatch 205×4 (820) 215×5 (1075) 225×5 (1125) L-sit Hold 50 secs Wod 3:56 Power Clean and Jerk EMOM 5′ @ 275LBS *Worked on deficit HSPU for 10 mins *Worked on Kipping HSPU for 10 mins Wod on main site run1 mile 10 hang squat cleans (185) 20 yds front rack walking lunges 1.8:44 mile time 6:48 2.9:33 *7:03 3.9:38 *7:13 Hit the regional legless as a 3… Read more »
A. Handstand walking and legless
B. 23:00 i had to share my rings with partners.
C. 6:00
A. More HS Walking.
B. 20:18 (with only 3 MUs per round. Trying to still take it easy on the shoulder. So far so good though! All thrusters UB.
C. 8:02 (happy to be able to do the OH lunges without “pinching” pain!)
B. 19:46 – MU´s UB. Thrusters UB first sett – 6+3 x 5
C. 6:50
OPTIONAL from yesterday:
8:43, 8:32, 8:58
B. 17:25
Muscle-Ups all ub
Thrusters all ub
Burpees at a fair pace until round 4.
Rested long between sets to ensure going ub but I think on some sets I played it too safe. Later rounds tried to push that boundary.
C. 5:44
10/10/10, had to turn around each time
10/10/5/5, triceps were burning bad very odd.
10/10/10, same turn around each time but these felt light and I moved and picked them up quick. Stoked about how easy these were..
A.parralette hspu both strict and kipping/handstand walk/ butterfly pull ups just to keep them in tact
B. 17:54 rx I was happy with this took it out conservative went 3/3 on all muscle up sets but 2 and all thrusters unbroken I think burpees got a little quicker each round
C. About 10-15 min post B 4:50 almost had overhead walking lunge at 15/15 but had a break at 24 grrr. T2b in 4 quick sets and walkin lunge could’ve been unbroken but had to drop and reset to turn around
All in all… Decent training day!
A. Handstand Walk, pirouette, handstand hold, and all that. Felt good
B. 3 rounds took 16:51… Mild pinching feeling on the right shoulder at the bottom of the dip position
C. 8:53
be careful with that shoulder! thats exactly how my shoulder issue began. i somewhat ignored that feeling and now im regretting it because it developed into a bigger issue.
My orthopaedic told me it’s inflammation in the ligament and should go away soon if rested enough. I’m trying not to push too much with muscle ups for now.. Thank for the comment, Laura!