Workout of the Day
The following should be done and light to moderate intensity. It is designed to get your blood circulating and for you to feel your way through common movements. Perform this by feel, and make sure you’re ready to be at your very best on Thursday night or Friday – whenever you plan to hit the first qualifier event.
Three sets, not for times, of:
Row 1000 Meters @ 75-80%
4 Clean & Jerks (LIGHT for you, technique only)
6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (20″”)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Rest as needed
As soon as the qualifier events are announced, our team of coaches will frantically work to prepare our thoughts about strategies for those events. The first thing we will release is our preferred sequence for you to perform the events. Look for that on Thursday night!
3 rounds : check 🙂
Great way to wrap up the wonderful programming this last month. I appreciate the challenge, diversity, and layout of the masters plan you provided for us. I’m not in the mix to make top 20, but I plan on putting it to the test for MQ and moving up in the ranks! Looking forward to hearing your tips and strategies !
Thank you again, last year I followed your lead too and will continue to in the future because I will be back stronger and fitter next year 🙂
Snatch practice with SW then did this, but subbed ring rows for C2B. Saving hands.
Thanks Invictus for your brilliant programming. I am fitter, faster, more skilled and motivated to compete than I have ever been in my life.
Wishing all who train and post here great success over the weekend.
Lite WOD done, C2b were done right today, feel good, woohoo!
Thank you Invictus for this wonderful programing, I really worked hard to follow on whatever you threw at us:)
I feel ready, nervous and excited for this weekend
Good luck everyone and have fun! Let’s do this
Good luck to everyone. Hope to see you in Carson. I know I’m going to be there, now to find out if I’ll be participating.
Light WOD done…now relax my mind and get ready for Friday !
Statistically I’m to far out… Still laying it out… See you next year!
That’s good stuff!! Good luck guys!!
Thank you Invictus for amazing programming! I feel prepared and excited to tackle whatever comes our way!! I’m excited for this weekend but also excited to continue the journey and work on getting stronger, faster and staying healthy:)
Good luck to everyone this Weekend!! Get After it!!
Thanks Keith – Last year I was sitting 110 after the open and didn’t really have a statistical chance but this year I’m right in the mix so hopefully I can really turn it on tomorrow.
Gabriel – I am sure the coaches will give great advice but just from last year I thought what worked great for me was: do the strength lift Thursday night as this will not make you sore. there will probably be a WOD that will make you pretty sore like last year the 100 pull up/100 Wall Ball. I saved this for last. (Monday afternoon) I did the other 2 WOD’s 2 times as they did not wreck me too bad. I improved my time on both the second time…. I did one Friday, 2 Saturday and one Sunday. I… Read more »
Do you have any game-day advice? Obviously for me. sitting at 39th I need to leave it out on the floor to make the cut. Should you go for the WOD in your “wheelhouse” straight away or do the more challenging WOd first?
I’m WODing Thursday night
We will be providing you guys with some guidance once the workouts are released and Cj and I have some time to lay out strategy!