Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Dip to Upper Arm Support x 8-10 reps
(if you don’t have access to parallel bars, these can be performed on jerk blocks or stacked boxes)
Bar Muscle Ups x 2-3 reps
L-Sit x 30-45 seconds
Progressions for Bar Muscle Ups:
Band Assisted Bar Muscle Ups x 1-5 reps
*Resistance of the band may vary depending on the athlete
Jerk Footwork Drills and Jerk Positioning
Start by marking your feet properly, as demonstrated by Coach Cody Burgener in this video.
Perform 10 “Jump and Land” without a barbell using the foot work markings, then 5 with an empty barbell, and then…
Four sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed
*Build in load but don’t sacrifice speed & mechanics
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Sets 4-8 – 1 rep @ 90+%
Rest as needed
Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.
Every minute on the Minute for 30 minutes
Minute 1- Run 200 Meters (or 200 Meter Row)
Minute 2- Max Muscle-Ups in 30 seconds
Minute 3- Dumbbell Walking Lunges x 10 reps per leg (20 total)
40-44: 32 kg/24 kg
45-54: 24 kg/16 kg
55+: 16 kg/12 kg
*If no muscle ups, then please do jumping muscle ups (height will vary on the athlete)
Optional Skill and Conditioning Session
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 5 reps per position
Pectoral SMR with Lacrosse Ball x 60 seconds per side
DB Ext Rotation x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to perform 5% more than last week
Three sets of:
Banded Hip Bridges x 40 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Pendlay Row x 5 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Weighted Hip Extension w/Y overhead Hold x 8 reps @ 2011
Rest 90 seconds
Weighted Pronated-Grip Pull-Up x 4 reps @ 3111
Rest 90 seconds
A. Done
B. Done
C. #155 – 235
D. Mu’s 7 reps – across *they felt really strong!
A. #135 – across
B. Done
A. 8 reps on jerk boxes, BMU green, blue, red bands x5, Lsit done
B. Done
C. Tall jerks 53,63,73,83 … Split jerks 93,108,123,138
D. 30 mins – did the runs, injured thumb wrists so did 3 strict ring pull ups to chest – 53# KB each hand cut this back to 5rds 10 lunges/ 5rds 5 lunges
Optional work
A. 38-43-48-53-58
B. Done pendaly row 65-75-75, weighted PU 5#
A. Pressed hard for time today. Did my normal mobility and skipped this portion.
B. Done.
C. All done at #115. Had another Coach watch and adjust my tech. Very Helpful.
Then: 145/165/185/205(4-8).
D. Did 21 minutes. 2 MU each round, still getting them back after slight pull of my peck.
A Done
B Skipped this cause of my neck. Chiropractor visit today.
D Did this for 15 minutes with 2x24kg KB, competition this weekend.
4-5 MU per round. Running was really challenging, hard to go under the minute with walking lunges-legs…:)
Optional B done.
Oh hey legs!
Barbell work with SW, focus on snatch
A. done (banded dips)
B. done
C. up to #105
D. done (jumpung MUs, 2 per round, and had to drop to #20 BBs after rd 5)
A. done #30
B. done
A. 8 dips to support, 5 MU banded(tiny band and I feel like I’m doing ALL the work, but can’t put the pieces together without it), :40-:45 second sits B.Done C. Worked up to 135, missed 140#. Even though the weight isn’t much, my mechanics felt best ever today. I’m getting more help with these. D. 3 MU, 200m, 20 lunges@16K. Wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to hang on about the 15 minute mark, but pushed through. Only got 27 minutes because I was way late to pick up my son! Optional: Mobility complete-thank you, my… Read more »
A. Done
B. Done
C.worked up to 135,focusing on targets for split
D. Row 200m
2-3 MU attempts,, shoulders feeling fatigued
24kg lunges one side .. Still have hammy pull from 3 wks ago 🙁
Take care of that hamstring Gina!
C-Up to 155
D-Up to 225×4 Felt slow and weak
E-Went to box and suckered into doing class;
A-3x400m Row
B-PS EMOM 10 min up to 175
C- 2 rounds plus 23 reps
9 MU
15 HC
21 BS
15 min cap
Wow probably a bit to much today we will see?
Hmmmm if you are saying that now then yes!
A. done with banded bar MU transitions. Was having a hard time with these today.
D. Minute 1 – row about 150/Minute 2 – one MU/ Minute 3 – 10 DB lunges 35#
B. Done
C. bar, 65, 65, 65 then 90, 115, 125, rest at 115 to work technique
1030 (Optional work)
A. 55, 60, 65, 70×4, 75×4
B. Two sets – rows at 75, no weight on PU, no weight on hip extension with Y
A. 10 dips/3 MU/30sec. L-sit
B. Complete
C. Finished Tall Jerk with 95. 1st time doing this and struggled not to bounce the bar.
D. 200m run/2 unbroken MU’s (except Rd 6 when sweat in hands caused me to slip out of rings)/20 lunges w/ 53# kb – glad to have had a workout partner to push through this one.
Nice work keeping those MU unbroken!
A. Bar MU progressions/fails, L-sits good.
B. Done
C. 135-215, 225fail
D. 50# dbs, 2-3 MUs/rd., run approx 180m
Optional session: Mobility done.
A. 95-115
B. Hip bridges, Hip Extensions, Pull-ups w/35#
A. Dip to upper arm support x 8 reps; BMUʻs x 3 reps; L-Sits x 30-35 secs B. Done C. Tall jerks – 65, 65, 75, 85# Split jerks – 125×3; 150×2; 170×2; 185xmiss; 175×1; 175×1; 175×1; 175×1 ***These felt awful today…actually everything felt awful today. One of those days…so decided to not force the situation and dropped the weight back around 80% and worked there. D. Modified this….did 200m rows (1st min); 12 swings on rings with non-false grip (2nd min); 20 Russian KBS 24kg (3rd min). Only had time for 7 rounds for a total of 21 mins.… Read more »
Hi! I will prob be in Maui at the end of June – you and Troy should come down!
A) did 2 mu/30″ l-sit
C)tall jerk up to 85
D) all runs at 50″/3 muscle ups each round/20 walking lunges misread 25lb each db:)
A) Did Bar MU and holds – didn’t have boxes available
B) Tall Jerk – 40kg
C) Squat clean and jerk until 65kg
D) RX 45-49 – 200 run – 2 unbroken MU – 16 lunges
I did also A and B activation with 15kg dumbells
A. Done
B. Up to 155 lbs
C. Up to 220 not going to lie, had a hard time at heavier weight staying in the bottom for 1 sec.
D. 200m run, 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-4 MUs 15 lunges w/50lb KBS great work on all who got 20 reps! Looks like I need more work.
A. Completed
B. Done
C. Stayed light with the tall jerks #155.
Jerks: #170, #200, #230, #265X4
D. First two rounds RX then had to Scaled the run 100m Cut the Lunges to 10. This was horrible.
A – done with 2 BMUs per round and a band for dip to upper arm support B – done C – upper body felt very fatigued today so went a little lighter than last week: 105#, 115, 130, 140, 145, 150, 150, 155 missed and decided to move on (got 160# last week) D – done; was only able to get one MU per round (but happy to make all ten with an elevated heart rate and overall fatigue I felt today); 35# DB on lunges, 200 m run each round. Went in last night for a snatch session… Read more »
I felt the exact same today Teesh!!! Tomorrow is a new day! 🙂
Thank goodness :)!!
Nice job on the snatch!
Thank you 🙂
Optional session:
Part 1 – Strict press 35/65/70/75/77/80# all 6 reps
Part 2 – Done x 3 rounds; pendlay row to 95#, 5 strict pull-ups no weight, 10# on hip ext, red band on hip raises
Great work on hitting a new snatch PR!
A. Done
B. Done
C. up to 215. Still better at push jerks but trying to get better at split.
D. Done (1-2 MU per round and 53# KB’s) Have done MU’s 3 times in last 5 days so getting a little worn out. Lunges were tough but good.
A. Shoulder isn’t good. Dips, MUs, L-sits were out.
B. Done
C. 160-235lb
D. Subbed C2B for MUs. Took 1min off on a run round 7, a set of C2B round 8, and set of lunges round 9.
Hey Greg – do you get any bodywork done? I might suggest some ART to help work on your shoulder.
I have had extensive PT get regular massage. I had regular chiropractic treatment as well. Had several visits with an Airrosti practitioner as well. I had an MRI that said there was no tear but then was told later that if there was no dye injection the MRI might not show a tear. I have days when it’s tough to do a push-up. I can sometimes work through the pain but then I usually pay the price for several days.
Sounds like you have pursued all ways to adequately take care of it. You are super tuned in to your body so if it tells you something, listen to it (whether that be to train or not) 🙂
Thanks Nichole. I’m looking into an ART practitioner in the area. If nothing changes between now and the MQ I’ll schedule a visit with the sports med Dr. and take it from there.
A: Done
B: Done
C: Done 65-100kg
D: Rowing 200m/MU 4-4-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-2/KB 24kg