Workout of the Day
Session I
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Snatch with 3-Second Pause in Receiving Position x 1 rep @ 75-85%
(feeling positions, making each lift technically perfect)
followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Snatch + Overhead Squat @ 80-85%
Four sets of:
4-Stop Halting Snatch Deadlift x 1 rep
(pause for 2 full seconds at each position – 2″ off the floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh and high hang)
Rest as needed
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 40% x 5 reps
*Set 2 – 50% x 4 reps
*Set 3 – 60-65% x 3 reps
*Set 4 – 75% x 2 reps
Rest no more than 60 seconds – or the time it takes you to put weight on the barbell – between these first four sets!
*Set 5 – 85% x 1 rep
*Set 6 – 90% x 1 rep
*Set 7 – 90-95% x 1 rep
*Set 8 – 90-95% x 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets for the last four sets.
Three sets, not for time, of:
Bent-Over Barbell Row x 6 reps @ 2110
Rest as needed
Powell Raises x 10 reps @ 2020
Rest as needed
Session II
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times:
Row 500 Meters
5 Burpees Over the Erg
Note times for each round. Treat each set as if you were being scored against the competition such that there would be eight total scoring points for the event. That means you can’t give up too much ground, but you also can’t lose it all after the second set. Post times for each of the eight sets.
Session 1
A) 165-185#, then 175-185# (off 215max)
B) 185-235#
C) 145-335# (off 355#)
D) 135# rows, 15# Powell raises (these are rough!)
Session 2
A) 1:57/1:53/1:52/2:01/2:03/2:03/2:02/1:58
Was keeping up with my 25 year old teammate until the TSN turning point of round 4. Then old and fat kicked in 😉
Sitting at 26th in the NW after the open so I’m not sure if I’ll make it or not but I figured I’d be better off training like I am so I can be prepared if I do!
Session 1
A. 185×3, 195×4, 205×1… Then 205×4 and 215×1
B. Done at 235
C. Based off 440, heaviest set at 415
D. Done with 155# and an 8# DB
Session 2
1:49/1:49/1:49/1:49/1:49/1:49/1:50/1:47 (all rows at a 1:36-1:37 pace)
Low back definitely feeling it towards the end.
Session 1
A. 100/105
B. 125-145
C. Off of 250…felt really heavy today
B: 135
D: done
Session 2:
A.200 no misses
B. 315 across
C.170/215/275/315 all done in 1:34 then 360/385/395/405 felt heavy
D. 155#/15# those powell raise were so easy the first five last five crippling
Session 2
A. 1:49/1:50/1:55/1:59/1:58/1:57/1:58/1:56
Ha! Glad you liked the powell raises buddy!
I have never felt so feeble in my life. I will be adding this in to my trainning a lot more!
Session 1:
A) 165/ 176
B) 255
C)done based on 355
D)rows at 155 / Powell raise 17.5
Session 2:
Row/ burpee
1:58. 1:59
2:02. 1:58
1:57. 1:58
1:53. 1:56
Session 1
A. 185/185/195/205/205/210/215/225fail
B. All at 205
C. Worked up to 360
D. Done
Session 2
Solid consistency Mack!
A. 115-120#
B. 150-155#
C. 225# for the final two sets. Surprised at how good these felt considering I haven’t squatted very heavy since before the Open.
D. Done
A. 2:12
Session 1
A. 130-135
B. 170
C. skipped – did my squat cycle yesterday. Will we be squatting on Tuesdays? Should I plan my cycle for these days?
D. 105# Rows – 10# Powell
Session 2
2:05, 2:05, 2:10, 2:10, 2:10, 2:12, 2:10, 2:09
Yes, I believe we will squat most Tuesdays.
Session I: Did an Oly session w my weightlifting coach in place of A+B (notes at bottom A+B C. Did w Oly session D. Did these in am session Session II (I did this first, 10:30-11:30am) A. Row split/round split: 1:49.7/2:12 1:53.3/2:12 1:54.2/2:10 1:55.0/2:09 1:54.4/2:09 1:55.0/2:10 1:56.9/2:11 1:54.9/2:09 I’m happy with this effort! I started with a 1:50 pace bc wanted to see if I could hold it. I realized that wasn’t going to happen but I was able to make up a lot of time by changing burpee technique(staying low as I jumped over) and improved my splits. Oly… Read more »
Awesome work Christy! Great consistency around the rowing intervals.
Thanks CJ!
Did all in 1 session
A.105(2)-110(2)-115(2)-120(2) like this
Then 125(3)-130-135 solid
B.165 this was new to me didn’t really feel heavy but wanted to hit all positions properly
C.125-155-175-190 205-215-220(f)-215 I’m embarassed to post this! My back squat decreased so bad this cycle. I struggle with it anyway but before the open cycle I hitting percentages easily but I was squatting more volume is this something I should add back in myself? Because this squat isn’t acceptable my front squat is stronger.
A.2:17/2:15/2:13/2:14/2:13/2:14/2:13/2:11 I had more to give at the end! Not a fun one to do alone.
I would not add in more back squat this time of year. Accept that your back squat may go down a bit this time of year because it is not a focus through the Open or Regionals. Instead we shift the pattern more toward upright torso squatting – cleans, front squat, overhead squat, thrusters, etc…. Adding volume could be a problem as we try to taper and peak for regionals.
Thanks, CJ! I fully trust your programming and advice and will follow. I was just very frustrated!:)
Session I
185×4, 195×4
195×2, 205×1, 210×2
210×1, 245×3
singles, 405 (this was extra since squat felt off), 430, 455 fail
shut it down after this. was supposed to go onto 470 and 480 but my back felt tweaky.
Session II
2:01, 2:03, 2:05, 2:07, 2:05, 2:05, 2:02, 2:01
(my partner kept going faster so it was everything i had to stay a few seconds ahead of her!)
My man, don’t take this as overly harsh, but I know you well enough to tell you those efforts are not acceptable. I didn’t have a single male in my gym post times over 2:00 for a single round…you should not have had eight rounds slower than my slowest males slowest round.
yikes. thanks CJ, ill come in Saturday and mess around with a few rounds and see what was up.
Session 1
A. 4 @185, 4 @195
Then… 3 @ 200, 2 @ 210 (couldn’t drop anything, they were feeling good, would’ve went a bit higher if I could’ve drooped weights)
B. @250
C. 160/200/260/300/340/360/370/380
D. 135/185/205 rows
7.5/15/17.5 raises
Session 2
Great job on the rowing intervals Dylan!
A) 225, 225, 235, 235, 245, 245, 225, 225
B) 225×4
C) 225, 245, 260, 270
D) 175, 225, 295, 335, 385, 405×3
E) 205# – 10#
Session 2
Take out the first and last interval and those are some solid rowing efforts.
Session 1:
A. Worked up to #200
B. #205 all sets
C. 315, 365, 400, 400
D. Done.
Session 2:
A. 1:48, 1:58, 1:52, 1:55, 1:53, 1:54, 1:53, 1:48
What happened on that second set? I love seeing the sub-1:50, but would have loved to see a little better consistency.
It may have been because the rower went blank just before my first pull so the meters weren’t counting for the first several pulls it seemed like.
Session 1
A. 120 all sets
B. 120 all sets
C. Different squat cycle
D. 105 for rows, 10 for powell raise
Session 2
A. 2:32, 2:30, 2:27, 2:25, 2:23, 2:23, 2:19, 2:23
Session 1
1. 90kg all sets
2. 95kg all sets
B.100kg, 105kg, 105kg, 105kg
C. 75kg, 95kg, 125kg, 140kg, 160kg, 170kg, 180kg, 180kg
D. Done
Row: 60kg
Powell: 7kg DB
Session 2
A. 1:48, 1:51, 1:50, 1:50, 1:49, 1:51, 1:52, 151
Awesome rowing intervals!
A. Worked with 125 , then 135 no misses
B. 160/175/175/180
C. Up to 230
D. Skipped due time
I didin’t four hours i just did after C because i had to work
Session 2:
Great job Anita! Very good consistency in your efforts.
A) 165-185, then 185lbs for the 5 min emom
B) 205lbs….probably should of went heavier
C) Worked up to 325lbs
D) Done
Session 2
1:58, 2:01, 1:56, 2:03, 2:00, 1:54, 1:53, 1:48.
Session 1:
A. 107/107/112/112/112/117/117/117#……then 117/117/117/119/119#
B. All sets done at 129#
C. 118/145/185/220/250/263/273/278#
D. done, used 75/80/80# for rows, 10# DB for powell raises