Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Ankle Pulses x 30 seconds per side
Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per hip
Rack Squat
x 5 reps with a 10 second hold at bottom position
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
6 Alternating Pistols
2/1 Muscle-Ups (or 6/4 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups)
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 80-85% (based on feel)
Three rounds for time of:
20 Wall Ball Shots
10 Ground to Overhead
40-54: 20/14 lbs; 135/95 lbs
55+: 20/10 lbs to a 9′ target; 95/65 lbs
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Weighted Stationary Dips x 3-4 reps @ 1112
Rest 20 seconds
Stationary Dips x Max Reps @ 1011
Rest 2 minutes
Whether your goal is to make it to the Masters Qualifier or participate with a group of your friends at the gym for fun, we want to know how you are doing! This season, we want to collect Open data from all those following the Masters Program to analyze, study and utilize to tweak our programs to better suit you all. The data we collect will help us with a few things:
1. Assess our athletes’ strengths (what were the best events or areas where we collectively excelled)
2. Assess our athletes’ weaknesses (where did our athletes struggle, and how can we improve those results)
3. Determine how many of you are moving on to the Masters Qualifier and will need help ensuring that you are at your very best for those events. We may even be sending out invitations to all qualified masters to come join us in San Diego for the days of the qualifiers to get some on-site assistance and motivation from your peers.
In order for us to collect this data, we ask that you submit your scores with us AFTER you’ve submitted them on the CrossFit Games site. Please click here to submit your data!
The more data we collect, the better direction we have when planning future programming, so please help us out!
A. Done
B. 320 across
C. 6:58 (felt tired today)
D. Done
A. Done – 4 strict c2b
B. 215#
C. 8:43 rx
D. done
A. done with Jumping Muscle Ups
B. 153#
C. 10:48 Rx
D. Done!
Mobility & A – Done
B. 100-120-120-125-125-100 in kilos
C. first round with 60kg, last two 55kg – Time 8:15
D. Done
Mob and act done
A. done
B. at 165
C. with S2OH instead of G2OH
D. done (no weight on dips)
Thank you for taking the time to collect all that data and use it to improve the programming – NOT that I think it needs improvement, but I appreciate all the hard work that goes into this! Switching to the master’s programming has been a very smart move for me. I no longer have to scale the other programming, which I did for two years. Thank you for all you do!
A. Done. All UB at 6/2
B. Done @ 320 (85%)
C. 5:58 rx
D. 8 reps with 10lbs on GHD (working up with these)
weighted dips x 4 with 70lbs
Max effort went 26, 22, 20 (these fell apart more than I thought they would)
A. 6/2, 6/1, 6/2, 6/1, 6/6 x 5 C2B,
B. 295# Felt Very Heavy
C. 9:21
D. Skipped as class was starting.
A. Done
B. 125/145/145/155/165/155
C. 9:17 rx
D. Done
A.. battled with right leg on pistols/have permanent talar dome defect-it’s a balancing act on my toes everytime; left side is beautiful…did E3MOM made it thru 6 MU with RX Smart Rings, finished pistols
C. 6:50; fun couplet (had Grace secretly hidden inside-just wasn’t moving Grace fast)
A. Worked on trying to get a muscle up. Getting close…just hanging at the bottom of the dip.
B. 3 sets at 135 lbs, 3 sets at 145 lbs.
C. 10:39 Rx
D. Did not complete
A. Done. MU felt good and smooth.
C. 5:59 Rx WB ub. Singles on C&J. Ouchy!!!!!
D. Couldnt get to D Because of class but jumped in on class and hit 10 thrusters otm for 10. 17 second average on thrusters. Legs are toast!
F, 40, CW
A. Done with 1 MU
B. Done with 225lbs
C. As rx’d in 8:42
D. 6/5/4 on dips
A. Done w/ 6 chest to bars
B. Done @245lbs
C. Done 9:28 w/ 30 lb med ball
D. Done. 10/10/9 on dips
A: Done
B: Did Strict Press instead since I did Front Squats at the Gym Yesterday
C: 6:56
D: Max Reps went 15-13-13
MOB + Activation done
A) Done w/mu attempts and banded transitions
B) 170#
C) 6:16 RX
D) Done
A. Done w/ MU’s
B. Done @ 315#
C. 6:17
D. Done.
A. Done w/ MUs. super fun too.
B. Skipped (snuck in some squats yesterday)
C. 6:06 rx snatched-all singles.
D. Currently in progress
A) done felt great
B) 3 at 285 3 at 305
C) 7:16 first two wb unbroken all g2oh single clean and jerks
A. Pistols, weighted pull-ups, MU work
B. 215 only 75%, every 2 minutes
C. 7:04 15#wb
Mobility done
A.done with ctb and pistol squats
C.13:47 had 9′ target so used 20# wb
D. Had to go to daughters tennis lesson, will pick up another day