Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
Press in Snatch
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x 5 reps
Thoracic Spine SMR on Roller x 30 seconds
Rack-Assisted Pec Stretch x 30 seconds
Five sets of:
Snatch Balance (HEAVY)
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Snatch x 1.1 @ 80% of 1-RM
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Four sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull @ 95-100%
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Weighted GHD Hip Extension x 8 reps @ 4022
Rest 60 seconds
Tempo Ring Dips x 10-15 reps @ 1112
(pause one second at the bottom, and two seconds at the top)
Rest 60 seconds
A. Done #75
B. 55/65/68 for the rest
C. 75
D. Done, dips banded
mobility done
D.25lb/banded x 15reps
A. 125/135/145/155/165 Heavier than last time.
B. 135#. Worked on speed under the bar and fast hand turn over.
Mob and Act done
A. up to 100
B. most at 85, a few at 95 but it irritated my collar bone so went back down
C. 125
D. done
40, F, CW Training has been all ovah the place. Gym closed Saturday for an oly meet. Sunday drove up to Saskatoon for a funeral. Did the WOD at Crossfit Brio Sunday evening. Yesterday was a travel day back post service. Mixed up Monday and Tuesday tonight. A. 2 MU, 12 T2B, 10 box jumps – 1:16, 1:09, 1:16 B. Snatches 1.1 OTM at 80% (95lbs) – done, felt good C. Cleans 115-170lbs, felt really good tonight D. Did Mondays OTM with 20 DU +10 T2B, 10 BBJO, 20 DU + 6 RD – dips turned into sad singles in… Read more »
A. 225 lbs across
B. 180lbs across
C. 220lbs across Loved this!
D. Pass w/45lb plate.
Mobility Done
A. 85/95/105/110/115/120
B. 95/95F/85/85/85/85/90/90/90/95/95F
C. 115
D 8 HE/10RD w band
A. Up to 185
B. 155 x 6 / 160,160,165,165
C. 185-195
D. Done
A. 165, 175, 175, 185, 195.
B. 145# For all sets
C. 190#
D. Done.
A. 140 not heavy, but I was feeling slow under the bar.
B. 120#
C. 150#
D. Hip extensions
Passed on dips. Shoulder is no bueno.
A. Snatch balance did yesterday up to 160, 15# pr 🙂
B. worked up to 80% snatch off blocks below knee yesterday, 115
C. Did yesterday’s 12 min clean today
Started at 105 up to 185, felt good, been a while since I’ve hit
A little running, rope climb, WB Metcon followed by 1 hr of tennis:)
Major PR for snatch balance! You know what that means … you’ll be pulling under that weight in no time!
Thanks Nichole….same thing my Oly coach said!
A. 115-145
B. 115
C. 145
D. Done. GHD w/25#, 3×10 ring dips
Active recovery + mobility tomorrow, I’m doing 15.1 in a throwdown at our box Thursday night.
A & B complete @80% 1RM
C. Complete at 100% of 1 RM
D. Complete #14 med ball with throws onto wall.
MOB and ACT done
A)Done up to 75#. I do not like doing these at all! They are super hard on my shoulders.
B) Done at 65#
C) Done at 90#
D) will do later
Mobility & Activation: done
A. 115/135/145/165/185 (fail)
B. 125×10
C. 145/165×3
D. GHD: 8/8/8 @ 25#
RD: 10/10/10
mobility done
A. 85/90/90/95/95
B. 85 for all sets
C. 95/100/100/105
D. hip extensions with 15#; subbed axle barbell curls for dips…shoulders sore 🙂
Mobility done
A) 40kg
B) 42.5kg
C) 52.5kg
D) Done with 8GHD and 8 strict tempo Ring Dips
A. 85#
B. 76# theses felt great!!!
C. 100#
D. 25# for GHD…tempo got challenging on ring dips!
A. 75#
B. 65#
C. 85#
D. Done
A. Managed another PR on the snatch balance, 65 kilos. I think this is my mobility allowing me to approximate my OHS weights, little by little.
B. Snatched at 45 kilos. Doing my best here to do proper squat snatches. Mobility seems to be improving, as my grip is narrowing.
C. 105 kilos.
D. Done.