Workout of the Day
MEN & WOMEN 40-59
Three sets, not for time, of:
15′ Rope Climbs x 2-3 ascents
Handstand Walk x 10-15 meters
Pistols x 5 reps per leg @ 3111
15′ Rope Climb x 1 ascent
Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Single Leg Squat to a Box x 5 reps @ 3111
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Five sets for times of:
5 Power Cleans (205/135 lbs)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
MEN & WOMEN 50-54
Five sets for times of:
5 Power Cleans (185/125 lbs)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
MEN & WOMEN 55-59
Five sets for times of:
5 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Five sets for times of:
5 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Five sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters
5 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Five sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters
5 Power Snatches (115/75 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
Five sets for times of:
Row 250 Meters
5 Power Snatches (95/65 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 5 minutes, and then…
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
10 Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Front Squats (115/75 lbs)
10 Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Front Squats (95/65 lbs)
10 Pull-Ups
20 Double-Unders
Did an OLY seminar all weekend. Learned a lot 🙂
A) Did 2 rope climbs each set, subbed 10 Handstand pushups for handstand walk, Pistols RX
B) 16:03- (125lbs)
C) 15:56 – (85lbs)
Didn’t get to do D today, hands were starting to rip. Will do it this week though.
A. Done. No handstand walk anymore ( wall facing holds), pistols to 12in” box.
B. 21:40 (205)
C. 18:30 (135)
D. 2 + 15
Late post just did this Sunday
A. Pass. Tempo Pistols were tough for right leg going down. Left was good.
B. .49, .43, .56, 1.04, 1.18
C. 1.14, 1.18, 1.22, 1.20, 1.24
D. 3+17 (fun!!)
A. 2 leg less + 1 rope climb each round
HS walk getting consistent 25-30′ each time
Pistols felt good
B. :50/:58/1:05/1:15/1:30. Got heavy.
C. 1:20/1:30/1:33/1:36/1:34
D. 3 rounds. Wow this was a good test to push hard.
A) done
B) 1:44 (125), 1:37 (115), 1:38 (115), 1:40 (115), 1:34(115).
C) 2:57, 3:01, 3:16, 3:03, 3:35. All at 85#
D) 2 rounds + 24 reps rx
Did partial workout on Sunday – fighting a cold so worked out in my home gym so didn’t have all the equipment and limited going to hard. Worked on form in lifts.
A. No rope, Nose to Wall handstand holds, Pistols 5 per leg
B. NFT – 5 sets – 5 power cleans @ 102# / 10 C2B
C. NFT – 5 sets – 5 power snatches @ 72# (no rower)
D. 3 rounds used 72#
A. 3 RNFT 2x rope climb (15′), 10m HS walk – still working on UB HS walk, 5x pistols (each leg)
B. 1:26, 1:47, 1:29, 1:54, 1:50 – scaled power clean to 175 (205 is my PC 1RM), C2B Rx’d
C. 2:37, 2:05, 2:40, 2:05, 2:15 Rx’d
D. 3 rds Rx’d
A. Done(no rope so did 3 set of 10 rep rope pullups)
B. 10:45 (did 155# on PC which is 95% of 1 RM)
C. 16:10
D. Completed 2 RD’S (DU’s were terrible, couldn’t string together)
NFT work was modified due to lack of rope for climbing–rope pulls up were the modification
Cleans–strong–pullup off rings-programmed EMOM to finish looking human
Row/Snatch scaled weight to protect shoulder–should have gone heavier (seems a consistent theme for me–a good thing)
D) 100 reps–
Saturday and weekend for me is only aerobic endurance, can’t hit box. Cause it’s winter did 60 minutes cross-country skiing for 60 minutes per day with low BPM @60-70%.
Still trying to fit Sat wod within Mon-Fri but haven’t found good way. Next week I try to double day on Wed where I hit Sat wod afternoon and early morning Wed wod.
Oh wow – skiing for 60 minutes sounds like a pretty good workout to me!
It is, I love it. It’s so perfect for building heart capacity, scientists says that it’s one of the best to make your heart bigger and build those micro blood pipes for oxygen without stressing your muscles too much. Especially traditional style that I use is very sensitive for your legs and shoulders and it’s very easy to make constant move with constant low heart beat from 60 minutes up to 180 minutes. Running stress too much legs and joints as well the rowing if you take longer duration like 60 minutes – Marathon with rower is very hard workout… Read more »
A. Walks felt good, made a change with my hands to go wider from a coaches tip and made all the difference. 3 rope climbs, one leg less each round. Like the tempo for the pistols.
B. @125# 1:13,1:36,1:29,1:25,1:18
C. Started at 90, then after first round I finally got my hips to the bar and went to 95#. Although my times still sucks this was a big accomplishment as my snatches felt better each round
So happy to see 95 lbs on that bar!
A. Complete HSW were ok but not great today, & no rope at home in winter
B. :33/:40/1:17/1:22/1:01 total time with Rx rest 8:53
C. 1:21/1:23/1:24/1:23/1:22 total time with Rx rest 10:53
D. Will edit & place score here when I complete tonoght at my work gym I got called out to work during my session 😉
A. Rope Climb 3 x 3, HS Walk 3 x 15m, Pistols 3 x 5/Leg
C. 1:22/1:25/1:27/1:28/1:28
D. 3+8
A. Biceps to sore to climb. Made up yesterday’s jerks with 10 pistols between each set: 155,175,185,195,200 x 3 each set.
B. 38,42,45,47,45(Rx @185 CTB UB)
C. 1:17,1:20,1:22,1:25,1:38 Rx @115
D. 3+17 rx@115
Nice workout today. I will be in Seattle next week for a wedding. Does anyone know of a gym in the area that follows Invictus? GO COWBOYS !
Check out CrossFit Marysville!
Thanks Nichole. I hope you have a great weekend!
B-.52 (205). 1:38 (205), 1:37 (205), dangerously to heavy, 1:18 (185), 1:35 (185)
C-1:42 (135), 2:20 (135) too heavy as arms were dying, 1:46 (115), 1:47 (115), 1:41 (115)
D-3 rounds 135
F – 50-54/NW
A: 2 Rope Climbs, Handstand walk attempts and 10 alt assisted pistols ea round. I’m pretty good at handstands – just need to practice walking.
B: Time 19:46.(incl rest) Did 1st Rd @ 125#, but dropped to #115 for next 4 rounds. C2B was slow, but was able to link 2-3 better
C: Time 16:28 (incl rest) 75# Power snatches. Felt good
D: 2 rounds – darn dubs kept me down
Fun Workout today!
Rope climb not so good on elbow did anyway
HSW three rounds unbroken getting better!
Pistol done no tempo just fight through’m
Off a running clock
A. 11:38 done RX 185
B. 27:28 done RX 115
C. 2 round + 20 reps I was done!
Nice work on the HS Walk!
Thanx Nicole, it’s taken me three months working on them every day to get there, practice pays off!
Been off the grid since TUE…flared my low back up after a couple of deads on WED. Had to go see the chiro and trigger point team. Trying to ease back into things. Hope to hit it hard MON.
A. completed 2 sets
*did 13.2 with another girl at the box
152 reps (2 snatches at 100#)
Coached thereafter.
Keep an eye out on that back!
A: complete
B: RX 6:28
C: RX :9:28
D: 2+10 pull-ups
Hands are toasted, but a great 1rst week!!!