January 9, 2015 – Masters Program

Workout of the Day
Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Pectoral SMR with Lacrosse Ball x 60 seconds per side
Hip and Psoas Stretch x 45 seconds each side
(contract gluteals for 10 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds x 3 sets)
Shoulder Pass Thrus x 10 reps

MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Strict Handstand Push Up x 3-6 reps

MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Strict Handstand Push Up to a 2″ riser x 3-6 reps

Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Strict Handstand Push Up to a 4″ riser x 3-6 reps

Five sets of:
Jerk with Pause

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x 3-4 reps
Rest as needed

*Dip and hold for 2 seconds, then drive.
**Use jerk blocks if possible!

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
Stationary Dip x 8-10 reps @ 2011
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
Stationary Dip x 8-10 reps @ 2011
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
Stationary Dip x 8-10 reps @ 2011
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%
Stationary Dip x 8-10 reps @ 2011
*Set 5 – 3-5 reps @ 85%
Stationary Dip x 8-10 reps @ 2011

MEN & WOMEN 40-54
Five rounds for time of:
20 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to a 9′ target)
10 Toes to Bar

Five rounds for time of:
20 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to a 9′ target)
10 Toes to Bar

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Joanne Parker
Joanne Parker
January 22, 2015 6:19 pm

a. used 2 ab mats
b. done
c. 140/165/185/200/185
d. forgot to get time

Dawn Lee South
Dawn Lee South
January 20, 2015 8:54 am

A. 8 strict but used abmat and plate.
B. 95,95,105,110,115
C. 8 dips each set. 140,160,185,195,185×4
D. 9:13. First two rounds all unbroken. RX

January 17, 2015 7:08 pm

A. Done – 6 per minute
B. 95-3, 135-3, 165-3, 185-3, 205-3
C. 255-6, 295-4, 335-2, 350-1, 335-2 + 10 reps of dips each round
D. Did not attempt…second full day in one…

January 16, 2015 5:40 pm

A. 8 x 6 strict
B. 95 to 225 ramping
C. 185 , 205 , 245 , 265 , 245 ( 5 reps easy )
D. 10.43 ( 20lbs ball )

Shaun K (F 58)
Shaun K (F 58)
January 12, 2015 6:53 pm

A) 6,6,6,6,5,3,4,3
B)75, 85, 95, 100, 105
C)120, 140, 155, 167, 4@160
D) 8:11

MasterShelley (SE 50-54)
MasterShelley (SE 50-54)
January 12, 2015 5:46 am

B. Done 75-85-95-100-100
C. Done
D. 9:57

Scott Dorrity
Scott Dorrity
January 10, 2015 3:45 pm

A. 5 first set, 3 for the rest. all strict. B. 4 reps each 185/195/205/215/225 C. Been a long time since I maxed squat. Went off a 360 1 rep. Might want to take that down a little next time. 235×6, 275X4, 305X2, 325X1 (Failed on second), 305X2 (third wasn’t happening) Dips done between two jerk boxes – 10 each set but had to break up last three 5, 3, 2 D. 8:33 – all wallballs unbroken and quick transition time (:45 per round on walllballs) so that should tell you how bad my ttb were. Lots of rest before… Read more »

January 10, 2015 2:12 pm

A. 3/3/3/3/2/2/2/3 w/ one abmat
B. built to 117
C. 135/160/175/190/175×3 kept dips to 5 each round
D. 12ish, played with some new grips to break in. Didn’t go well.

Ron Stenger
Ron Stenger
January 10, 2015 9:20 am

A. 3/3/3/3/4/5/6/6 (abmat, kipping)
B. 4x 95, 4x 95, 4x 125, 4x 145, 3x 175
C. 6x 215/10, 4x 245/10, 2x 275/10, 2x 290/10, 2x 275/10
D. 8:15 Rx’d (rds 1-3 UB, rds 4-5 WB 16+4/ T2B 5+5

January 10, 2015 4:14 am

Mobility- Done
A. 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5
B.155, 165,175, 185,185
C. Off of 295#, 10 dips each set.
D. 8:39 (only had 18# ball),

Maria Blumenthal
Maria Blumenthal
January 10, 2015 12:32 am

Finally got started
A: 8 x 4
B: just stuck with one weight and went for technique 50kg
C: off 105kg with 8 stationary dips
D: no idea of time but delighted I managed to link kipping t2b in each round as when I get puffed they go

Beau Arnold-M/45/SW
Beau Arnold-M/45/SW
January 9, 2015 10:33 pm

A: complete;
B: 185,215,225,245,275
C: off of 375#, complete
D: 6:32RX

January 16, 2015 7:54 pm

my goal will be to be close to your numbers in 10-12 weeks ! impressive , keep it up !

Beau Arnold-M/45/SW
Beau Arnold-M/45/SW
January 17, 2015 10:58 am
Reply to  Dan

Thanks man, keep at it!!!!

Andi Hodorowski (42 YOF)
Andi Hodorowski (42 YOF)
January 9, 2015 9:03 pm

A, 6/3×7
B. 85/90/95/100/105#
C. 123/143/163/173/163×4, 8 dips each set
D. 10:34 Rx

January 9, 2015 8:47 pm

A. 6-6-6-6-6-5-4-2 (KIPPING. HSPU is my KRYPTONITE!!!)
B. 135/145/165/185 chained 3 reps, last set @ 205 1.1.1
C.225/265/295/315/295×4 w/8 dips each rnd.
D.6:23 Rx. Unbroken WB’s.

January 9, 2015 8:08 pm

Mobility done
A. 6 each round, unbroken until last round.
B. 3 reps each set: 135/145/155/165/175 failed last rep, .
C. 165/185/215/225/215×3; 8 ring dips each round.
D. (40-54) 8:55 T2B unbroken, WB broken starting round 3

Jean Anne Dobrowolski
Jean Anne Dobrowolski
January 9, 2015 7:35 pm

MOD: Done
A: Used 2 Abmats. 3 reps ea round. Getting better at Strict
B: Did not Complete. I wasn’t sure about this one.
C: #120/#138/#157/#166/#157-3reps
D: 11:36

Leya Moore
Leya Moore
January 9, 2015 7:33 pm

F, 40-44, CW
A. Wasn’t sure what to use for a progression so I used the 50lb resistance band mounted to the wall with a d-hook that basically amounts to a giant, upside down jolly jumper – 3, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0. I’m open to other mod suggestions that also allow me to maintain my dignity (ha!).
B. 3 reps at 85-95-105-115-120lbs
C. 170, 195, 220, 235, 220lbsx5, 6 dips each set
D. 6:31

January 9, 2015 9:30 pm
Reply to  Leya Moore

Good work. Love the attitude!!! C and D, That would of been fun to watch!

Aimee Sargent
Aimee Sargent
January 10, 2015 8:00 am
Reply to  Leya Moore

Jolly jumpers are fun! LOL! I found this yesterday because I have kipping and not strict HSPU: https://invictusfitness.com/blog/the-handstand-push-up/

I worked on the negatives yesterday. Hope this helps!

Leya Moore
Leya Moore
January 10, 2015 2:17 pm
Reply to  Aimee Sargent

Awesome, Aimee! Definitely helpful!

Dave Rempel
Dave Rempel
January 9, 2015 7:28 pm

A: 5-5-3-3-3-2-3-4
B: Skipped to rest wrist
C: 265-305-345-365-345×4 Dips at 10
D: 7:52 all UB except last T2B 6&4

January 9, 2015 9:31 pm
Reply to  Dave Rempel

Strong squats! Thumbs up

January 9, 2015 6:56 pm

F (45-49)
A. had to use one abmat 6/5/5/5/5/5/4/4/
B. sets of 3 reps at 85/105/115/125/135
C. 160×6, 205×4, 225×2, 240×2, 225×4, 8-10 dips
D. 7:40, unbroken

January 9, 2015 6:35 pm

I just signed up this evening. Do you recommend I begin with the Jan 5 WOD and follow behind a bit or just dive in now?

Dunk Knox - (43/5'10''/80kg)
Dunk Knox - (43/5'10''/80kg)
January 10, 2015 12:07 am
Reply to  ronsams

The normal response is dive right in! I was the same during the last cycle and asked the same question. Welcome 🙂

January 10, 2015 8:59 am

Thanks Dunk!

Scott Perkins
Scott Perkins
January 10, 2015 5:27 am
Reply to  ronsams

How did you access the entire program?

January 10, 2015 8:58 am
Reply to  Scott Perkins

Hey Scott, when I click on the link for the Masters program they begin with Jan 5 WOD.

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