Invictus Athlete Online Competition – Day Two
Events 7-10 (and an 11th scoring point)
Perform the following events against a running clock consecutively without any rest between. Immediately upon completion of one event, move on to the next.
Event 7
For max reps:
3 Minutes of Shoulder to Overhead
Weights by division:
40-49: 185/125 lbs
50-59: 155/105 lbs
60+: 135/85 lbs
Immediately followed by…
Event 8
Three rounds for time of:
5 Squat Cleans
Weights and reps by division:
40-49: 185/125 lbs; 50 Double-Unders
50-59: 155/105 lbs; 40 Double-Unders
60+: 135/85 lbs; 30 Double-Unders
Immediately followed by…
Event 9
Four rounds for time of:
6 Ground-to-Overhead
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Weights and reps by division:
40-49: 155/105 lbs; 12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50-54: 135/95 lbs; 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
55-59: 115/75 lbs; 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
60+: 95/65 lbs; 8 Chin-Over-Bar Pull Ups
Immediately followed by…
Event 10
Five rounds for time of:
Wall Ball Shots
Weights and reps by division:
40-49: 25 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target); 15 Pull-Ups
50-54: 20 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target); 12 Pull-Ups
55-59: 20 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target); 12 Pull-Ups
60+: 15 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target); 10 Pull-Ups
Rules and Standards:
Athletes must work off of a running clock and note the times in which they completed each portion of the workout. There are no rest periods. Athletes may use only one barbell for all phases of the day’s events, and must strip their barbell from the starting weight to the lower weights while the clock continues to run.
Event 7: Athletes must complete as many reps as possible of shoulder to overhead in 3 minutes. The barbell must start from the floor – no rack may be used during any portion of today’s events. For the shoulder to overhead, the barbell must start from the front-rack position – you cannot jerk from behind the neck. Athletes must control the barbell overhead until their feet are directly under their hips, shoulders and barbell.
Event 8: When the running clock reaches 3:00, athletes may begin Event 8. The squat clean must start from the floor, and the athlete must pass through the bottom of a front squat position – hip crease below the top of the knee – before standing to full hip and knee extension with control of the barbell. Athletes may power clean and then front squat if they choose to do so. Double-unders may be performed either with a forward or backward rotation of the rope as long as the rope passes under the athlete twice on each jump. This event will be scored on time to completion – (Time on the Running Clock – 3:00).
Event 9: Immediately upon completing Event 8, athletes will strip their barbells down to the prescribed weights and begin Event 9. The clock will continue to run, so I suggest getting your plates stripped as quickly as possible. The ground-to-overhead may be performed in whatever style the athlete chooses so long as the barbell starts from the ground and finishes directly over fully extended knees, hips and elbows. Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups must start from full extension and finish with the athlete’s chest making contact with the pull-up bar. This event will be scored on time to completion – (Time on the Running Clock – Time at Completion of Event 8).
Event 10: Immediately upon completing Event 9, athletes will begin Event 10. These are standard wall ball shots, hip crease below the top of the knee at the bottom and ball must make contact with the target. Pull-ups must start from full extension and finish with chin above the horizontal plane of the top of the pull-up bar. This event will be scored on time to completion – (Time on the Running Clock – Time at Completion of Event 9).
Scored Event 11: The fifth scoring data point for day two will be the total time to completion of all the events. This will be the time entered noting the completion of Event 10.
Scoring: Athletes must provide four separate scores for today’s events. Scores should be entered as follows:
Event 7 – # of Reps Completed in 3 Minutes
Event 8 – Time on the Running clock
Event 9 – Time on the Running clock
Event 10 – Time on the Running clock
DO NOT RESET THE CLOCK OR DO MATH. Your job is simply to note the time on the running clock when you complete each event. Event 8 starts with 3 minutes on the clock.
Athletes will receive five scores from today’s events. The first scored event is number of reps achieved in 3 minutes. The next three scores received will be the times it took the athlete to complete those individual events. NOTE – our scoring system will calculate the times in which it took to complete each individual section…please do not attempt to do so yourself when you enter your score. The fifth and final scoring point for the day will be the total time it took to complete today’s events. That will be the same number that the athlete enters for their Event 10 time.
This means that while you may beat an athlete in the overall time, you may still place below them on one or two components of the workout. Pace yourself accordingly, and understand that if you’re too conservative in the pacing it could bite you on the early events.
7) 2 reps (2,5kg from my c&j pr… I have to be satisfied)
8) 14:28 (2 first rounds with 85kg and 2 last 80kg)
9) 29:00 (2 first round la with 70, last 2 60kg)
10) 35:37 – unfortunately I had to stop after 2 rounds because lack of time
Last week I was at vacation and sick for 3 days and I still feel it….
7) 8 rx
8) 10:30 RX
9)21:55 RX
10) 32:45 RX
Had to clean then front squat 🙁 for event 8
7) 5
8) 12:09
9) 23:23
10) 36:21
Male 40 years
7. 17 reps
8. 6:50
9. 15:38
Mike McKinney – 54 yr old M….laughably pathetic day
Event 7 – 3
Event 8 – 17:44 1st round Rx then had to scale to 155
Event 9 – 34:10 1st round Rx then had to scale to 135
Event 10 – 54:20 scaled WB reps to 20
Day 3 done – scores will be posted when comments are opened under 17th page, those are now off. Be strong mentally and you’ll be fine – have fun on last day of this great competition with such a great events.
did the main web page guess i am still wanting to be 25 🙂
ttime 36:16
mentally it was tough after the first round of wall balls i really wanted to stop….
CJ, comments are off for 17th workout.
Kelly Doran 44 183lb
A. 15
B. 10:42
C. 25:10
D. DNF. DAMMIT! Started but so much stomach pain and nausea from the meds i just could squat anymore. I tried to start 3 times and just hurt too bad. Nothing like tasting antibiotics in your mouth while shoulder to overhead. Tried my hardest but it just wasn’t in me. So so so mad at myself. I never quit, ever! but just couldn’t squat one more time. 🙁 I hate this damn stomach thing!!
Does anyone know how many more days/events there are for this online comp?
i think just 1. you can check the main comp and has info too as this is the same.
Wednesday is the final day.
E7. 28
E8. 10:19
E9 18:31 (Nasty metcon)
E10. 23:50
Really struggled through all of this tonight.
40 male
7. 16
8. 7.17 (POWERCLEAN at 205)
9. 16.13
10. 25.58′
Note, did PC instead of SC, as my back is fried from yesterday and have struggled for 2 months now.
So, I am out of the competition.
That was a tough day!
well done to everyone who struggled through.
Power clean @205 is super gangster! You’re a strong fella. Keep ya head up!
looks who is talking Big Steve, think you did a pretty alright job there! 🙂 not strong at all, as you can see from the push jerk score
44 M
7. 21
8. 10:03
9. 22:59
10. 37:57
7. 28
8. 8:39
9. 19:07
10. 31:56
Stuck to my rep scheme plan 100%, however I did not stick to the rest plan. Oppsies….
Truth be told I am just glad it’s over.
You did awesome! Holy cow 28 STO, that is incredible! Phew, rest up for tomorrow:)
Well done! 🙂
7. 22
8. 9:11
9. 21:04
10. 38:13
Sub 10mins on Event 8! Thats bad ass.
Thanks Steve! those wallballs sucked the life outta me..
7: 16
8: 10:37
9: 21:58
10: 35:37
7) 22
8) 10:28
9) 23:57
10) 39:58
This workout literally broke me. Took everything I had to finish and to add insult my wallball strings broke. Great job to the low 30min time athletes as you have some awesome endurance.
7) 10
8) 10:42
9) 21:54
10) 38:54
Rx. Tough.
Jamie Damgar (39 M)
7) 28
8) 8:29
9) 17:55
10) 30:57
Nice work that’s a fast time!