Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets), complete:
High Hang Clean + Mid Thigh Clean + Jerk @ 75-80%
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%
Every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ 75%
Reset the barbell every time on the floor…do not perform these touch and go.
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes:
Minute 1 – Burpee Box Jump or Step Overs (24″/20″)
(40-49 = 10 reps; 50-59 = 8 reps; 60+ = 6 reps)
Minute 2 – 6 Squat Clean & Jerk
(40-49 = 135/95 lbs; 50-59 = 115/75 lbs; 60+ = 95/65 lbs)
Minute 3 – 20 Double-Unders + Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
(40-49 = 8 reps; 50-59 = 6 reps; 60+ = 4 reps)
A. 215#
B. 255#, 305#, 355#, 405#, 455#
C. 380#
D. Pass- scaled Burpee BJumps to 7 reps for 20 secs rest before C&J’s. Friggin Spicy.
A. 110
B. 130/155/180/205/230×1
C. 185
D. 10 HR Push ups and 10 Step Overs (sorry, no jumping for me still)
4 at 85#
all Du’s and CTB
A. 190
B. 230/275/320/365/410
C. 340
D. Not sure which rounds I did what after 3 rounds but scaled BBJO to 6 & 7 through-out. C&J at 115 were fine. DUs were hit and miss. Gave myself 25 seconds worth then on to C2B, which felt good today. Agree with everyone else, these EMOMs are really tough, but that’s why we’re here, right?
A: 140,142,145,147,150,152
C: Done at 260
A. HHsquatclean + power jerk: kg60/70/80failed PJ HHsquatclean: 90/90 – double squat clean from twice indicates I start to be ready to break 100kg squat clean line B. kg70/90/110/125/150 and 80 C. Holy shit – took advice and passed as: 10 box over 6 squat clean 8 CTB / 20 DU every other round alternating It’s been since early days that I have had to go laying down (not on back still :-)) and shout on pain but this metcon was unbelievable – but best ever done – so painful that in the middle I had no faith to survive… Read more »
A. 185
B. 225,255,295.335,370
D. 8,8,8,8,8,6,6,6(BBJ)
6,6,6,6,6,5,6,6(c&j) Rx at 115
20/6 x 8
Hang Cleans felt very difficult today. DL’s went well. Tough Met Con but really good combo. I like the volume that these emom ‘s allow.
A. Done at 60%, back is feeling better but not ready to push it.
B & C. Skipped
D. (50-59) scaled to 5 power clean & Jerks, also missed a rep a couple times on the burpee box jumps. Not much energy tonight; so wanted to stop after the second round, this also made it a damn long 24 min.
A. 115 B. 125/145/170/195/220 C. 185 D. These EMOMS are really challenging for me mentally, I had no idea what to expect the first time I did one a few weeks ago and seriously thought I was going to die. They look so innocent. I’ve done a lot of EMOMS but never have I felt like I have these last few Wednesdays! So, I tried scaling right from the start in hopes of maintaining reps. I did all rounds at 8 burpees box jump overs/6 c&j @75#/10 d.u.+4 c2b. My double unders are coming back and the c2b felt good,… Read more »
Yay, fantastic to hear Dawn!!!
A: #135/135/135/140/140/140 – felt good – worked hard to keep shoulders behind bar on HHC! B: #175(8) / 205(6) / 240(4) / 270(2) / 300(2) – all felt strong! C: #245 for all 6 sets – solid. Up from last week (#235). D: DNF. Did 1 round and just called it. Didn’t have enough time to rest after C and ran out of time – so the WOD was not happening for me. My back was tight after the DL so was ok not pushing it today. Heading to L.A tomorrow morning for a week! Reg. program will be interrupted… Read more »
Have so much fun Sarah and take care of your back!
Scaled right out of the gate! Nursing fatigued back and just wanted to keep moving and not hit a wall.
8 BB box overs
85# power clean & jerk
Did regular pull-ups.
Felt great and very happy I scaled!!!!
Hope your back is doing better Karen!
I never really know where to scale on these longer ones. Looks like I should have scaled the BBJ. Anyone have thoughts on this for future scaling of these doozies?
It depends on what takes the most out of you or if there is a higher skill movement that takes long for you to complete. Sometimes just cutting the reps down on the aerobic based piece (BBJ) can help – or if DU take you a while to complete then cutting the reps down there. It just depends on what you area is weaker for you. Looking at your numbers below, I may have had you scale the weight of the cleans instead of the reps and take your c2b down to 4 instead of 5.
I apologize in advance….feeling DEFEATED!!!
A: 140
B. 155/185/215/245/275×1 smoked
C. 230
D: don’t even know where to start.
Basically I finished 7 rounds in 24:30 and I scaled the cleans to 4 reps and the C2B to 5 reps.
This was tough, however I ate about 50 pieces of candy and 2 slices of pie today AND deadlifts crush me everytime.
End rant.
Head up new day tomorrow! Boom!
D. Holy crap this got hard really quick. I scaled from the beginning but obviously not enough.
1.. 8,5,20-8 2.. 8,5,20-8 3.. 8,4,20-8 4.. 6,4,20-6 5.. 6,3,20-6 6.. 6,4,20-6 7.. 6,4,20-6 8.. 6,4,20-8
First day with Invictus. I have been training with one of the other big names for a couple years. I have heard a lot about Invictus, so made the transfer over. Look forward to the change. This Metcon was pretty vicious. I am fresh off a wrist injury so I was behind in the WOD after 10 mins (C&J’s) but RX’D…
Welcome aboard and if you got through this conditioning Rx you’ve got a great start.
Ha… Thanks John, I guess when I said RX I should have qualified it by reiterating that I was behind after 10 mins into it. I maintained pretty well but was probably at about a 1:20 round. Nonetheless, plenty of work to do to get back into it!
Don’t be afraid to scale. I learned that the hard way. Every day is tough but good, but tough! Well at least for me. I had to scale the C&Js reps today as well, just to keep up.
Thanks Kelly.
Glad you are here!
Welcome! Happy to have you on board! Make sure to post your numbers and any questions you have about the program!
Thanks Nicole, Will do….
Welcome DTH!
Thanks Greg.
A) 95, 95, 95, 100, 100, 100
B) 100, 120, 140, 160, 180
C) 150
D) Ha, well this was hard. After the first round, I dropped my clean and jerks from 6 to 4 at 75#, then after round three I dropped my burpee box jumpovers from 8 to 6, and then I dropped the CTBs to regular pullups after round 4, all so I could make the intervals. Wow.
A. 155/165 x 5 sets
B. 215/255/305/335/385
C. 315
D. This one got ugly quickly; happy to keep moving for the 24 mins. BBJ 10/10/10/10/8/8/6/6, SQJ – did power cleans/jerks 6/6/4/4/4/4/4/4, DU/C2B completed – really surprised that I could get all of the C2Bs.
Great work on the c2b!
A) Mistakenly did only Power Cleans: 185/185/185/185/205/205
B) 225/275/315/365/405
C) 315
D) Holy shit, this got real right away! Had to start shaving reps by round 3:
all dubs unbroken then 8/8/6/5/4/4/8/4
It so got real! So damn fast! And when reading it, I thought, eh.. No prob for at least half of it! Wrong. So so wrong!
Btw, tell your wife to keep up the HSPUs, and keep posting her progress!
A. 105# for all 6 sets
B. 135/160/185/215/240
C. 195# for all 8 sets
D. Was able to keep all the reps and weight except the last four rounds went to 7 BBJ, or more like a crawl over, trying to catch my breathe to keep with it. C2B felt great today, that’s a shocker. Super happy and surprised that both my weaker movements(c2b and cleans) I was able to hang on. Very close to losing my lunch on this one! I needed a good beat down! Nice job everyone!!
Fantastic work! So happy to hear about the progress in your c2b and cleans!
A. 235 x2 245×2 & 255×2
B. 275 x8 335×6 385 x4 440×2 475 x2
C. All at 415
D. Made it through 18 OTM then 2 rounds to finish not OTM 🙁
Great work!
A. All at 185
B. 225/255/300/340/385 all touch and go
C. 320
Part 1: Round 1 burpees, 2-8 box jump overs
Part 2: round 1-4, 6teps, round 5 5reps, round 6-8 4reps. Had 20 sec left but
Part 3: Rx (round 3-5 accidentally did 30 DUs)
Man that was a tough WOD!