Workout of the Day
Mash quads with a 45 lbs plate for 60 seconds per side
and then …
Three sets, not for time, of:
Monster Walks x 10 reps fwd/back
Lateral Walks x 10 reps per side
Banded Squats x 8-10 reps @ 3211
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
followed by…
One set of:
Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 85%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Immediately followed by…
Six sets of:
Jerk with Pause x 2 reps
(Dip and hold for 2 seconds at the bottom of the dip, then drive.)
Rest as needed
Increase by 5% on last weeks results. Use Jerk Blocks if possible.
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
5 Push Press (155/105 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
10 Push Press (135/95 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
15 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
5 Push Press (135/95 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
10 Push Press (115/83 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
15 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
5 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
10 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes, and then…
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
50 Double Unders
15 Push Press (65/45 lbs)
Had to push myself today a lot because lack of time. Basically no rest during the whole workout session. Extremely exhausted after session
A. Done
B. Squats up to 125kg
C. Jerk with pause up to 75kg (60-65-70-75-75)
D. This was though because rest times were minimal
1. 2 rounds + 50du
2. 1 round + 50 + 8
3. 1 round + 50 + 6
D. 2+52/2+22/2+42 breathing….WOW!!!
A. 1 round done
B. Worked up to 230 for 3 reps. Then 7 reps at 85% 210#
C. 75/95/115; 3 rounds at 135 then 3 rounds at 155.
D. (50-59) 2+47, 1+51, 1+51 DU unbroken first set each round, then broken up to keep from tripping up. The weight felt ok in warming up for this but shoulders got real tired after the DU making the weight feel heavy – this slowed me down a lot.
A. Done
B. 275/315/330/350/375 tight back so skipped max unbroken
C. worked up to 205
D. 4 / 3 / 2 + 55
A. Pass
B. 225#, 260#, 285#, 315#, 325# – 305# 9x
C1. Tall Jerks – 115#
C2. Pause Jerks- 225#2x, 230#2x, 235#2x, 240#2x, 245#2x, 255#2x (Off Blocks..Sweet.)
D. 1st AMRAP: 3RDs+ 30 Dubs
3rd AMRAP: 2RDS+ 27 Dubs
A. Complete
B. 230,265,280,300,320, 300×4 so close to 5
C. 95,115,115–185,195,215,225,225,235
A. Done
B. 225,260,275,295,315
C. Tall jerk -95,115,135
Jerk x 2- 185,195,205,215,225,240
D. 3 plus 6 double unders
2 plus 8 double unders
1 plus 50 du and 12 pp
A-Completed. Added 3×10 c2b
B/C-Left knee still fragil, worked up to 3x5x225
D-2+3pp, 2+13DU, and 2 (Most DU’s performed in a while)
A. One round of each(time restraints)
B.done off 320 : 205,240,255,275,295,275×6
C. 145,165,185,195,205,205
D. 3+50, 3, 2+49(Rx 50-55)
A. Done
B. 155/175/190/200/210/200×7
C. 75/85/95
Really having a difficult time not double dipping so again I stayed light: 105/115/120/125/130/135
D.40-49: This workout is my worst nightmare. Light barbell plus dubs. It’s the heavy breathing…however I am definitely making progress.
3+5 dubs
2+38 dubs
2+37 dubs
A. Done
B. 185,220,235,250,265 3@250
C. Tall 75# / Jerk Pause 135# – first time doing Jerks since wrist injury. Just didn’t feel confident going up in weight.
D. 2+5, 2+7, 2
A. Done
B. 155,180,190,205,215 3@205
C Tall Jerks @65, Jerk Pause 83,113,123,128,133,138
D. 2+7, 1+50,1+50. Christine I wish I had as much fun as you! There may or may not have been a little double under fit during this workout!
Haha sometimes it happens Dawn!
A: Done B: Because I can never seem to get anywhere on 85% test, I’ve decided to try lightening up percentages across the board (all strength lifts) during training this week, and see if it makes me feel better, more sustainable. #165(6) / 195(4) / 215(2) / 235(2) / 245(1) – then 10 UB Reps @ #165 C: Tall Jerks @ #75 Jerks w/ Pause x 2: #95/105/115/125/135/135 (not increased from last week, but tech felt solid today!) D: My DU’s are atrocious. Some days/ months they hit and I’m fine, but this past couple of months they have fallen… Read more »
A. Done
B. 135/155/165/175/185 3@175
C. Tall jerks @65, Jerk pause 95/105/115/125/115. Fixed my extra dip, then had to back off weight.
D. 4+11, 4+22(in my frenzy I only did 5 PP here accidentally, darn it), 3+ 50. This was fun!
A. Done
B. 245, 280, 300, 320, 340 – 320×4
C. 65, 85, 85 – 135, 155, 175, 185, 195, 205. (Jerk blocks way better)
D. 2+26, 2+8, 2+15
Man that 155 killed me! My shoulder to overhead needs some serious work!!
Jerk blocks make such a big difference!
Hi Nichole, if you use jerk blocks does that mean you can drop after the 1st rep then reset for the 2nd?
Yes! It alleviates the hassle of brining the weight down to your shoulders and helps save your shoulders!
Great. Thank you. I will do that for sure next time.
A. Done
B. 100/115/120/130/135/ 5×127.5kg
C. Done at 20kg then 70/76/80/85/90/92.5kg x 1
Missed D due to no time. Missed Friday/Saturday last week due to illness, feeling better today.
Glad you are feeling better!
Thank you!
A) Done
B) 120, 140, 150, 160, 170, 6@ 160. Still felt I had strength but no breath.
C) Done at 55 #, then 85, 95, 100, 100, 100, 100
D) 1 +54, 1 + 50, 1 + 60 RX
Day 1 back from a weeks vacation.
B. Lighter percentages
C. Tall Jerks at 60X3; Jerk with pause 65-70-75-80 (4 sets)
D. 2+51/2/2+3 95/85/65#
Felt good to be back to weights. Lots of burpees while on vacation.
A. Done
B. 215/245/260/275/295/275×7
C. Just some light bar work/footwork
D. 2+39/2+10/2+25 First sets of DUs good, next sets choppy.
A. Done
B. 275, 345, 375, 395, 425 then 395 by 12
C. Worked up to 265 for 2
D. Did Competitors WOD instead. Double unders agrivate a bone spur in my heal 🙁
4 rounds of 250M row 12 thrusters 95 12 C2B pull ups 2 minutes rest
RND1: 2:05
RND2: 2:10
RND3: 2:19
RND4: 2:21
C2B got me, I have to learn to butterfly
Thanks for another great Monday!!
Come to the Camp and we will work on butterfly pull ups!