Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Supine Hip Bridge x 8-10 reps @ 3012
Hollow Rocks/Hold x 30 seconds
Banded Squats x 8-10 reps @ 3211
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
followed by…
One set of:
Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 83%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)
Three sets of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Immediately followed by…
Six sets of:
Jerk with Pause x 3-4 reps
(Dip and hold for 2 seconds at the bottom of the dip, then drive.)
Rest as needed
Increase by 2% on last weeks results. Use Jerk Blocks if possible.
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Against a 3-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
Run 400 Meters
2 Rope Climbs (15′)
135/95 lb Thrusters x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets.
MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Against a 3-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
Run 400 Meters
2 Rope Climbs (15′)
115/75 lb Thrusters x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets.
Against a 3-minute running clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
Run 400 Meters
1 Rope Climb (15′)
95/65 lb Thrusters x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets.
PROGRAM NOTE – Some of you may have noticed a slight shift in the priorities of the work and the schedule of the week. Some minor changes were made based on requests from some of our masters athletes that we sync up some of the progressions and movement patterns with those posted on our competition blog. I believe that a solid community is an important part of keeping training fun, and hearing that many of you are training with younger athletes (and still whipping their butts), I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you all to still train with the kids in your gym following the Invictus Competition blog, while still receiving a more focused program for the needs of masters. Your movement patterns should be aligned, and some of your progressions (like the jerk progressions this week) will be the same or similar. This should allow you to perform portions of the work with your friends, and then split off at other times to hit something slightly different. Please continue to show the younger kids who is boss. 🙂
A. Not done, short on time.
B. Off 315, 265×6 on last set
C. Jerks 135,155,165,175,185,195 x3, then 5 singles at 215
D. 9,7,6,7 thrusters (Rx @115)
A. Complete
B. 230,265,280,300,315, …290×5
C. No Time & No Blocks
D. Modified due to weather (rope is outside too)
Row 500, 4 burpee, 50# dumbell thrusters.
1.8 thrusters
2. 8 thrusters
3. 8 thrusters
4. 7 thrusters
A. Short on time tonight, just did some basic stretching/warm up.
B. I’ve been following a 5X5 type squat program the past 6 weeks, worked up to 92% (225) for 3 reps. Then did max reps at 83% (205) for 7 reps.
C. Tall Jerks 45/75/95. Jerks with pause worked up to 145 for 3 reps, straight up from bottom with no additional dip to get the bar moving. First 3 set were awkward, last 3 felt pretty good.
D. (50-59) No room in the gym tonight for rope climbs, so sub with 10 strict pull ups. 8/5/3/3
A. Done
B. 215#, 230#, 275#, 315#, 325# – 295.5# 10 reps
C. Tall Jerks 55#, 95#, 115#
C.2 Jerks: 225# 4reps across all sets
Rested 3 mins btwn sets
D. 40- 49 Metcon:
RD 1 400M 1:20, 2rc, 10 thr, RD 2 400M 1:24, 2Rc, 10 thrusters, RD3 400m 1:45, 2RC, 6 Thrusters, RD4 400M 1:37, 2RC, 3 Thrusters. (Last rd shitty w/ a capital yuck..)
A. Done.
B. off 275. 180/205/220/235/250 then 230X5. Felt good in the bottom as I am continuing to work on hip and lower back mobility.
C. 75/95/110 then 125(4)/145(4)/155(3)/155(4)/165(3)/165(3)
D. Had to skip due to time constraints. Had to do the workout after work and then had family commitment.
A. Done B. 155,180,190,205,215 C. 2@ 200#, goofed up my squats! Worked off one max on Monday and a different max on Saturday and today. So that would explain why they felt so much heavier. D. 3,1,0, 0, unless you want to give me some kind of credit for doing a really fast squat clean. My runs are between snail and turtle so I felt really good that I kept them consistent and didn’t trudge. I can face one quick 400 but beyond that I mentally cry. Love ropes, feel good at thrusters, would have liked to do a few… Read more »
Did Sat workout Sun and boy did I pissoff my lower back. Was very uncooperative this morning and today but much better now. Not sure what I did to pissoff my lower back but hopefully all is forgiven tomorrow so I can go back to work.
A. Completed
B. 125/145/165/175/185. 7 @ 165, felt stronger than last week here.
C. Had to skip tall jerks limited time and cut the pj’s to 4 sets, 95/115/125/130(2) this is a difficult skill for me trying to hold my breath to keep tight with the extra pause.
D. Rowed 500m instead, very icy on our sidewalks here. 5/4/3/4.
Thank you for the note about the programming. Very excited to be able to train with the girls, instead of being on an island. Looking forward to whatever you throw at us:)
D. Had to run inside due to ice and snow and don’t think we’ve marked this very well, stairs, hallways in a rink…only did 3 rounds due to time crunch
Round 1&2 got thru rope climbs, didn’t make to bar
Round 3 got 1 thruster
A complete
B. 160,215,230,245,260. 8×245
C. Up to 150
D rowed 500m. 5,3,3,3
A. Done
B. 155/175/190/200/210
C.tall jerks: 55/75/85
Jerk w/pause: 115/125/130/130/135/135 was starting to feel and see a redip so stayed light on the weight.
D. Honestly didn’t know if I would survive it. Felt mentally weak today so I am stoked I kept with it.
40-49: 7/6/6/6
You’re one tough girl, good job getting it done!
Thanks! You’re the tough one. All you guys with ice and snow and still getting the work done. I am stressing out when it’s less than 70 in So Cal. Pathetic, I know. ; )
A. Done
B. 215/245/260/275/295/270×7, last week 260×6
C. Tall jerks with empty bar, pause jerks up to 155 working on foot positioning
D. 3/3/2/1 with 500m rows (1:47/1:48/1:49/1:52)
A. Done
B. 240/280/300/315/335. 305X8.
C. Tall Jerks #85. then 135/155/175/195/205/225X3. Jerks w/pause.
D. 1.10 Thrusters RX.
Gym moved to new location and no ropes up yet. Also, my training partner/coach was out of town this morning, so I did the class WOD and then Sat. back squats that I missed.
Class WOD:
8 min EMOM of 3 strict pull ups. Then 12 min AMRAP of 12 unbroken medball clusters and 6 burpee T2B. 8 rounds + 2.
83/103/133/158 then 173/188/208/213 PR!/223 (f)/218 (f)
Accidentally loaded bar too heavy and didn’t notice because I was socializing! But this lead to a new PR. 🙂
Nice Loretta, you should do more socializing:)
Yes, I agree! 🙂 Thanks!
Today would have been a perfect day to train together. Argh!!
It sure would have! I’m done with antibiotics today and almost back to full capacity. What’s next week look like for you? 🙂
A. Done B. 130/150/160/170/180/166×4 C. Skipped Tall Jerks 6 sets of Push Jerks (no pause) at 102# 4 reps each set D.1/3/3/3 with a 400m Row instead of a run. I would’ve preferred running on this one!! Also, the last time I did 95# Thrusters, I was doing singles!! This time linked 3 without problem! (except that first round..time snuck up on me quick!) Skipped Tall Jerks…my toe is still super sore. Feel like a sissy saying it, but broke it almost 2 weeks ago and the tall jerks, and pause jerks even to a standard landing position was quite… Read more »
Great work on those thrusters Andi! And we are happy to hear you are enjoying the program and community. 🙂
A. Done
B. 245,280, 300, 320, 340 — 315 x 5
C. 45,45,65 (first time doing tall jerks) – 3x 135,155,175,185,205, 1×225
That was tough without jerk blocks, time to finish them (all cut out, just need to put together).
D. 8,7,7,7 Rx. (Yikes)
Nice work today, solid back squats!
Thanks! They are one of my better lifts (I really enjoy them). Well that and running the mile (but don’t enjoy it).
Shoulder to overhead is definitely not one of my better lifts and am hoping the progressions here will help with that.
This is a great start to my second week
Question, When doing tall jerks, do you not go full split jerk? Saw the invictus youtube video and wasn’t sure?
You should drop into your full split jerk.
Thank you. After first set, that is what I did.
A) done
B) 225/255/275/295/315/280×5
C) up to 205#
D) will do later today maybe
Yes, do it Jarrod! 😉
Did it 😉
good work Jarrod!
A Done
B (140kg) Up to 126kg
83%, 116×5 reps.
C 50kgx3 tall jerk
Up to 85kgx3. No jerkboxes, takes a lot of power to bring it down every time.
D 6-6-6-6 thrusters. Late autumn in Sweden, wind, rain and 3 degrees celsius welcomed me… Mental toughness training! 😉
Yikes, you are very strong to be getting out there in that type of weather!
You Swedes are crazy!
Ha ha!
A: Done
B: 6x100kg/4x120kg/3x140kg/2x150kg/160kg(f) – 7 reps @ 125kg
C: Tall jerk @ 60kg
1-4 sets 3 reps @ 82.5kg / 5-6 set 3 reps @ 80kg (needed to re-rack between reps).
D: Skipped due to weather & no rope. EMOE: 1 rep, 10mins Squat Clean @ 100kg.
A. Done
B. 100/115/120/130135kg then 125kg x 6
C. 20/30/40kg then 65/70/75/80/85/90kg
D. Thrusters 12/12/9
Only got 3 rnds in on WOD as I was kicked out of the hall I was climbing in.
Solid score for those 3 sets!