Workout of the Day
MEN & WOMEN 40-54
Three sets, not for time, of:
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 10-12 reps
Double Unders x 50 reps unbroken
MEN & WOMEN 55-59
Three sets, not for time, of:
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 8-10 reps with a 2″ riser
Double Unders x 50 reps unbroken
Three sets, not for time, of:
Toes to Bar x 10-12 reps
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 6-8 reps with a 4″ riser
Double Unders x 30 reps unbroken
For time:
10 Deadlifts
20 Pull-Ups
30 Box Jumps
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double-Unders
40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Box Jumps
20 Pull-Ups
10 Deadlifts
Deadlift Loads:
45-49 – 275/195 pounds
50-54 – 255/175 pounds
55-59 – 245/155 pounds
60+ – 225/135 pounds
Box Heights:
45-54 – 24″/20″
55+ – 20″ step-up
I’ve been behind with the program due to…err.. social events (we Masters have so many distractions)
A: Done – sets 12 + UB DUs
B: 13:24RX.
Time to re-focus.
Did this today as I’ve been out sick for last few days. And boy has it affected my cardio and endurance! 🙁
A. Done — thanks, this was all three of my goats in one! DU getting better, T2B working on UB, and lots of progress on SHSPU, down to one abmat.
B. 13:37 and had to scale way way down due to feeling like I was dying! 🙁 Hoping the antibiotics kick in more tomorrow…
A. Completed 12/12/12 12/1212 sets of 50 UB
B. 14:48Rx wow this was a good one.
A-Completed, added 3 sets L sits.
B-13:10 RX 40-49
Took yesterday off as was feeling fatigued. Last couple nights limited sleep as muscles were aching and keeping me awake.
Anther catch up day
A. Press, 1@72.5kg, equal PR
B: 10.19 for Games Chipper
AM: Cannonsburg Fire Department 5k 23:39.7
A. 12,12,12,- 12,12,12, – 50,50,50
B. 12:55
A. 3 set 10/10/50 all unbroken. Not so bad when you’re not doing them for time.
B. 18:26 DL at 215#, a major weakness, first set unbroken last set done in twos. KB at 53#, all movements broke into sets of 10 except DU where I tripped up twice. It didn’t feel like it but there was too much rest time between set.
A. Done
B. 12:05 295# deadlift/ 70# swings
A: Done (T2B 6/6; HSPU 3/3/3/3; DU super broken:()
B: 18:11 Rx. Atrocious.
Finished it! New week coming up. Clean slate!
A. Done (HSPU and Du’s not unbroken)
B 15:37 RX (with a broken toe! Du’s challenging! I consistently have 50ub no problem)
A. Done with the exception of the last round of dubs. Achillies is feeling aggravated.
B. 10:44
195# deads/ PUs: 10/10, 10/5/3/2 oops, step downs on the BJs, 35# swings went real light sets of 20, tripped 3 times on dubs… : /. Singles on all deads because I am overly cautious.
A. Done
B. 11:59 135# DL/35# KB
This is the 2012 masters chipper from the games.
Kettlebell Loads:
Men 45-54 – 53 pounds
Men 55+ – 44 pounds
Women 45-54 – 35 pounds
Women 55+ – 26 pounds
Even though it says 44# for 55+ we used 35#.
A. Done
B. 14:01 155#/44#KB
Back injury end of January. Happy to be doing DL. No racing or rushing on those. 😉
A. Done. Used 30# DB for seated strict press and GHD sit ups due to pec/shoulder still limiting those movements.
B. Used 255# for DL since that is about 78% of my 1rm and 53# KB as well as strict deficit ring rows again due to shoulder. 19:19
A. Done – 2″ deficit hspu
B. 32 degrees this a.m. in the garage. I think winter finally hit Ohio. 70# kb – 14:27 – surprisingly kb swings were the most difficult broke into 10 going back up. Love chippers.
40-44 I assume is the weight as noted above for 45-49? What is the KB weight for 40-44 women? 53#?