Workout of the Day
MEN & WOMEN 40-59
Three sets, not for time, of:
Chest to Bar Pull Ups x 6-10 reps (work on rhythm and mechanics)
Handstand Walk x 10-15 meters
(use spotter or Handstand Wall Runs if you need to modify)
L-Sit Hold x 45 seconds (accumulate time)
Three sets, not for time, of:
Chin over Bar Pull Ups x 6-10 reps (work on rhythm and mechanics)
Wall Climbs x 2-3 reps
L-Sit Hold x 30-40 seconds (accumulate time)
“2013 Games Finale”
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
For time:
100 Double-unders
100 meter Run
4 Rope Climbs
100 meter Run
30 Axle Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
100 meter Run
100 meter Farmer carry (70/50 lbs)
20 Dumbbell snatch, alternating
100 meter Run
MEN & WOMEN 50-54
For time:
100 Double-unders
100 meter Run
4 Rope Climbs
100 meter Run
30 Axle Front Squats (135/85 lbs)
100 meter Run
100 meter Farmer carry (70/40 lbs)
20 Dumbbell snatch, alternating
100 meter Run
MEN & WOMEN 55-59
For time:
100 Double-unders
100 meter Run
3 Rope Climbs
100 meter Run
30 Axle Front Squats (115/75 lbs)
100 meter Run
100 meter Farmer carry (50/35 lbs)
20 Dumbbell snatch, alternating
100 meter Run
For time:
50 Double-unders
100 meter Run
3 Rope Climbs
100 meter Run
30 Axle Front Squats (105/55 lbs)
100 meter Run
100 meter Farmer carry (45/20 lbs)
20 Dumbbell snatch, alternating
100 meter Run
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Most of you probably don’t have access to an axle bar. If not, that’s ok, just use a regular barbell. You’ll snatch the same dumbbells that you farmer’s carry.
A. Done
B. 11:18 no axle bar, 53lb kettle bells.
A. Completed. No spotter so did handstand shoulder touches
B. 12:12 rx
A. Completed CTB pullups, First time to go unbroken on the handstand walks getting a lot better. 15-20 sec. at a time on L-sit need a lot work here.
B. 11:23 RX.
B; 7.52
A. Ctb 3×10, hs walks 3x40ft., l- sit 3x 30 sec.
B. 11:30 (only had 60 lbs. db)
A-Completed-alternate ring rows in place c2b.
B-Need Help-Frustrated. Didn’t have equipment to attempt Games Finally, So thought I would test myself with 14.2 since I struggled in the open, I know I’m way more in shape endurance, cadio, and strength. I did 3 less reps today than in open????? My arms start to feel like cement by start of 3rd set of 12 c2b. My OHS are solid all unbroken. I need suggestions on how to improve my endurance on C2B. Currently I kip my C2B?
Did “pilchuck” today. 35:06 RX.
A. Completed. HS walks got better and finally made it about 35ft on the last one.
B. 9:13. DU unbroken, up down on the rope no problem, 30 FS broke 10/10/10 no axle bar, farmer carry liked this rest, DB snatch scale to 40# because my technique needs work. Super fun! Loved the workout!
C. Hit the strict press from yesterday, missed the workout due to Halloween and other pressing gym/work stuff. 90/95/100/105. Felt great:)
A. Complete HS walks about the same today about 4 ft without assistance
B. 12:30 – Shuttle run’s = 100m due to nasty weather
A. Complete
B. 11:00, subbed 55# DBS for FW and snatch, took bar from rack for FS, back was a little tight but not too bad so I wanted to play it safe. Plus I pretty much dogged it, oh we’ll got some work in.
C. A little dead lift work for weakness training.
A: Not done. Due to last night’s Halloween Chipper (which was pretty much 20 min of HSPU, DU’s, and C2B) I skipped this today and did a nice rowing and mobility warmup.
B: Had all the equipment. 12:40 Rx.
DU – most def broken
Axel FS – 3 x 10 (harder than I thought – breathing wise)
All else UB.
Yay you had an axel bar!
A. sub ring rows for C2B and worked on tempo with a pause at the top; seated DB press with 35# DB pausing at top to hold for 3 count; L-sit holding one foot up at a time which is an improvement. Modifications for pec/shoulder. B. sub the following: 24 ring rows in place of rope climb, 53# KB for FW and 25# DB snatches. 60 UB DU’s which is a PR for me. 13:05 This week was about seeing what moves would involve pec contraction. All my bruising is gone. I am a chiro and have been doing treatments… Read more »
Nice work on the UB double unders! Glad to see there is some progress with the pec!
A. Done
B. 10:01 Did 4 rope climbs and 60# DBs. Did this in July in 9:40 with only 3 rope climbs. Did 24 FS unbroken then took way too long to pick up the bar for the last 6. Unbroken on the Snatches. I wasn’t 100% mentally in it today but still feel good about my conditioning getting better. Runs felt much better.
A. Walks got better each set.
C2B: 10 bfly/10 bfly/ 10 kipping
L sits: first 2 sets in a L on rings. Last set knees up on rings.
B. Disappointing. 11:31. Rope climbs with epic rest between all. Didn’t go unbroken on FS did sets of 10. : /
Used 53# KBx2 for farmer carry and 35# kb for snatch.
The good news is 80 UB dubs. Stopped at 80 because “I was uncomfortable”. Mental break.
A. Done. Handstand walks getting a little better each session.
B. 40-49: 13:58 no axle bar. Got initial 83 consecutive dubs, which is a PR for me. Rope climbs are improving. Nice week of programming, good mix, thanks!
Nice work on the double under PR!
A. Done
B. 9:30
A. Done
B. 13:05 85# front squat, still healing calf so rowed 300 m in place of DUs and 125 m for each 100 m run. 44# Farmers Carry and 26# KB snatch
Awesome work!!!
A. Done
B. 14:51 95# – 2 53# KB Farmers Carry – Heaviest DB’s are 25’s. Went with 26# KB Snatch.
Great work Tracy!
A Done
B (40-49) 10:45
I only had two pairs of 20kg dumbells. It was to easy. I did 150 meters FW but the snatch was light weight as Mr Coleman would say…:)
Fun workout!
Haha light weight!