Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Ankle Pulse x 15 per side x 60-90 seconds
(demo starts at 3:15)
Squat Snatch Press x 5 reps @ 2113
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets), complete:
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Build over the course of the 5 sets to today’s heavy.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 90+, 90+
MEN & WOMEN 40-54
Three sets for times of:
600 Meter Run
Deadlift x 10 reps (275/185 lbs)
Pull Ups x 15 reps
Rest 4 minutes
Three sets for times of:
600 Meter Run
Deadlift x 10 reps (225/135 lbs)
Pull Ups x 15 reps
Rest 4 minutes
A. Done
B. 115-125-135-140-145
C. 95-105-115-125-135-145-145-150-150-155
D. 3:09, 3:12, 3:25 (all reps unbroken) 600 meters was guestimate
A. Done
B. 95-105-115-125-135
C. 95-105-115-125-135-140-150-160-165-170 (current max 175). Felt good with weight overhead and and solid in the landing position
D. 4:18-3:45-4:35 (subbed 100 double-unders for runs due to rain, and because they are a goat)
Did mondays workout today(Tuesday) a day behind, due to work schedule
A. Done
B. 115/125/135/145/155
C. worked off of 200. Got 195 on set 9 and missed 200 behind me which would tie my PR. So I guess my pull was good!
D. 4:07/4:05/4:17 felt pretty good on DL surprisingly, my biggest weakness, my max is only around happy with the results
A. Done
B. 40/45/47.5/52.5/55kg increase on last week
C. 40/40/42.5/45/50/52.5/55/60/62.5/65 failed
D. RX with 750m Row 5:30/6:17/6:35
Day behind again this week unfortunately.
Felt great snatching today. My PR for squat snatch is 65kg and I’m only a few sessions back in to it. Probably best snatch in 6 months.
Took my time on DL in part D. No DLs for quiet a few months and getting over lower back injury but got through it feeling “good”?!
Hey guys, this is day 1 for me on this program. I’m very excited to get started and into the work!
South Central, 40yo
A. Done
B. 65-95-115-115-115#
C. 95-100-110-115-125-135-145-145-155-155 (repeated ones that I had trouble dropping under)
D. 4:22, 4:08, 4:37
Welcome Chris!
A: gymnastics work and mobility
B: not feeling it today, kept it light at 65kg
C: same with snatches, stayed at 90%
D: 3.18/3.16/3.16
A: Done
B: 115-135-145-155-165
C: 110-120-130-140-150-160-170-180F-180F-180
D: 4:30-4:16-4:53
A. Done
B. Built to 115#, feeling better with these but not entirely steady.
C. Stalled at 85%, kept dumping the bar forward.
D. (40-54) scaled DL to 185#; 4:21, 4:27, 4:11.
A. Done
B. 63/68/73/78/83 (up 5 # from last week) 🙂
C. 53/58/63/68/73/78/83/88 (f)/88/93(f) had trouble dropping under bar fast
D. Rx 5:30/5:15/5:20 still having to do PU in 3s
Lots of modifications due to pec injury. A. only able to do ankle work. other movements caused pec pain. B. EMOM for 10 min X3 snatch grip DL shrug focusing on good mechanics of knees back and butt down and really squeezing the shrug, attempting to work up to snatch PR weight. 95/115/115/125/125/135/135/135/145/145. This did not hurt pec attachment. C. unable to perform comfortably D. 3 sets for time: 600m run, DL X10 (185), box jump overs X15, rest 4min. 4:15, 4:17, 4:30. Feeling defeated due to pec injury. This is day 1 of the recovery but I feel like… Read more »
Be patient Ralph, you need to give your body time to heal properly so you’re not heading into the new year with nagging injuries.
A. ✔
B. 55/75/85/95/105
C. 80/85/90/100/105/115/120/125/125/130 (93%)
D. 40-54: 4:00, 4:09, 4:34 I am overly cautious on deads and did all singles.
B-125, 135, 155, 165, 175
C-115, 125, 135, 145, 155 (missed 3x before hitting, very frustrating), 165, 175×2 missed both. First time trying 175. Not quite getting under bar enough, not sure if pull is to light or I’m just too slow?
D-4:20, 4:20, 4:28. Runs still tough but making positive progress. DL 5×2 each round and PU 15×2 and 9/6.
A. Complete
B. 155,160,170,180,205
C. off 205=115,125,135,145,155,165,175,185f,190,195f
D. 3:35,3:42,4:11
A. Complete
B. 155,160,170,180,205
C. off 205=115,125,135,145,155,165,175,185f,190,195f
D. 3:35,3:42,4:11
A. Done
B/C. Skipped..shoulders starting to ache. going to give time to rest
D. 3:07, 3:12, 3:30
A. Done. Seeing some improvement with squat snatch press.
B. 95/115/115/125/135
C. 95/95/105/115/125/125f/115/115/115 Geared it down to work on speed under the bar and bottom position instead of multiple fails at higher weights.
D. 40-54: 3:54, 4:10, 4:39 Rx Broke up PUs big time in rounds 2 & 3. Another good conditioning session, keep them coming…
A. Done
B. 85/95/105/110/115
C. 65/85/90/95/100/105/105(f)/105(f)105(f)/100. Sooo frustrating!!
D. 3:30, 3:26, 3:28. All unbroken, hard to motivate for this. Endurance workout kicked my butt yesterday:)
A. Done
B. 115,125,135,145,155
C. 115,125,135,145,155,165,170, 175f,175f,(still not doing full squat snatches because of quad injury, 5lbs up from last week) trying to think of foot work but when weight gets heavier my feet don’t move. I end up catching on balls of feet with legs in initial set up position.
D. 4;13, 4:28,4:22 (50-54)
Gotta have fast feet and good footwork buddy! Keep your focus there and it will pay dividends.
Thanks CJ. I really appreciate your input. By the way, I am really bummed that I won’t be able to make the Athletes Camp on Oahu. I have a commitment that weekend that I can’t get out of. Let me know if you are going to make it over to Maui. My wife and I really enjoyed meeting your family. They all seem like really special people. Please pass on our Aloha.
A: Done w/ #55
B: #75/85/95/105/115
C: #75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115/115
D: 3 Rounds – RUN (600 M ish – mapped with car) / #185 DL all sets unbroken / 10 x Kip C2Rings (MU rings / no pull up rig avail)
Sets 1-3 : 3:55 / 4:02 / 4:04
A: Done
B: 50kg/55kg/55kg/60kg/65kg
C: 60kg/62.5kg/65kg/65kg/65kg(f)/67.5kg/67.5kg/70kg(f)/70kg/70kg.
D: No time today 🙁