Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Freestanding Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
(have a spotter help if needed, and if no spotter is available change to Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold)
Bar Muscle Ups x 2-4 reps
L-Sit Hold x 35-50 seconds
(accumulate the time if unable to perform unbroken)
Four sets of:
Tall Jerk
x 3 reps
Rest as needed
immediately followed by…
Split Jerk
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes, complete:
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 6-8 – 1 rep @ 95+%
Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
40 Double-Unders
2/1 Muscle-Ups
4 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
8 Push Press (135/95 lbs)
MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
40 Double-Unders
2/1 Muscle-Ups
4 Power Cleans (125/83 lbs)
8 Push Press (125/83 lbs)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
30 Double-Unders
4 Power Cleans (95/65 lbs)
8 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
10 Chin Over the Vertical Plane Pull Ups
Two sets of:
Weighted Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up x 2-3 reps
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Ring Dips x Max Unbroken Reps
(MEN & WOMEN 60+ – Perform Max Unbroken Matador Dips)
Rest 3 minutes
A. 3 rounds of:
30 seconds nose-to-wall HS
5 butterfly C2Bs (no clearance for bar MUs)
35 seconds accumulated L-sits
B. Tall Jerks Done
Split Jerks: 135/155/165/175/185/195/205/215#s
C. 3+1 Clean (subbed/scalled 6 C2Bs for 2 MUs)
D. Weighted C2Bs:15#s x 2, 15 x 3
Strict ring dips: 10, 10
A. Hnadstands with a spot/Spotted Bar MU/3x10s L-sits
B. Tall Jerks Done
C. Split Jerks done up to 110lbs (max 115)
D. 2+22RX–really pleased with this. Double Unders are getting better, still takes about 2 minutes to get 40, but pleased with progress. 85lb Push Press done UB! Awesome 🙂
A. All done. Nose to wall HS. C2B/dips. L sits accumulated time 35s
B. Tall jerks done, Split jerks based off 100kg done – felt good.
C. 4 rnds and 50
D. C2B 20kg x 3, 24kg x 2/2 (dumbbell between feet)
Strict dips (no rings) 15/15/12
At the moment working out in a less than Crossfit friendly gym. Having to improvise to get workouts complete. No facility to do muscle ups so did C2B and standard dips for today. But moving next week to a base with functional fitness area! Yay!
A: all done. Averaged freestanding about 10 seconds each time I went up.
B: Up to 165lbs
C: 5+45…those push press got nasty fast!
D: Didn’t get a chance to do it as had to get to work!
A: Freestanding Holds with a spotter-Bar MU x 4 – L sit :35s
B: 45-75-95-115Lb
Split Jerks: 165-190-205-215-230-240F-240-245F
C: 5Rds plus 1MU
D: C2B with20Lb vest x 3
Dips 12-14
Did our annual “Adam Brown” yesterday for Canadian thanksgiving at our box and ya defiantly felt it today-However I still feel I’m leaving a bit in the tank and not going all the way to 100% effort!!
A. No spotter so did handstand walk 3 x 40 ft.
L-sit 35,35,30
3 x 4 MU
B. Off 230 up to 220
C. 5+41
D. Ring dips 26 and 23
A. Holds went 5-10 sec. accumulated 30 sec.
Bar MU: 3/4/4 haven’t done these in months felt good.
L sit: accumulated 35 sec on parallettes
B. Tall jerks complete
Split jerk: 125/145/150/160/170/175/180/180
C. 5 rounds + 37 dubs @ 95#
Got hung up on the MU on round 2. Failed it twice, but got it on the 3rd attempt. Argh!
D. ran out of time.
A. 3 Sets: Freestanding Handstand Hold ~20 seconds (getting better), 4 Bar Muscle Ups, L-Sit Hold accumulated to 30 sec (abs still a bit sore from TTB).
B. Failed at 95% so finished last 2 sets at 90% (185). Weight was feeling heavy tonight.
C. (50-59) 4 + 28DUs
D. CTB 3, 2 @ 18lbs; Strict Ring Dips 15, 14
So I was right about the cold coming on last night. Bummer. Took the day off work to rest. Just did the following:
8 or 9 ring trainer muscle-ups, first few unweighted then weighted up to 55#
3 x 3 weighted pull-ups at 26#
3 sets max strict ring dips – 6/6/5
3 max L-sit holds – around 30 seconds each
Hoping to feel better tomorrow.
A. Done subbed 3 C2B’s and ring dips for bar MU
B. Completed tall jerks. Split Jerks worked up to 190 lbs
C. 4 rds + 30 du’s Subbed c2b and ring dips for muscle up
D. Used 16 lb for C2b ring dips 12 and 10
A. Practiced free standing hand stand, 3X3 banded muscle up progressions + 3X3 strict ring dips, knees halfway between an L sit and chest 40, 45, 45 sec.
B. Done with empty bar and then based jerks off 110#
C. 4 + 31 DU at 75# using same mu progression as above
D. Strict CTB X3 with 8 lbs, second round tried at 11 lbs. and could get the height but not touch chest to bar, ring dips were 8, 4 (on the last set my coach had me externally rotate, so they were much harder (and prettier).
A. Banded bar mu B. I just used the bar. Really like these. First time doing them. Split jerk: 100/105/115/120/125/135 x 3. Went a little lower on percentages. Haven’t hit my max in a while so really tried to work on being solid w my lift. C. 4 rounds + 40 dubs/ 3 Ctb/3 power cleans. Worked out early and wasn’t sure of the sub for mu. Still don’t have it yet. PP Ub first round then split them in half for the the rest of the rounds. Wanted them all UB. Shoulders and maybe the brain were a factor.… Read more »
I have not felt well overall today; increased fatigue not directly related to training. A. Nose2Wall, C2BX3 and strict Ring Dips X3, working on really exploding belly button to the bar, knees to parallel sits for 35 Sec. B. Tall jerk; played around with split vs push – 45, 55, 55. Any thoughts? Then worked off 190# (125,145,155,160,170,180f,180,180) C. since I didn’t feel well I turned off the clock and the heart rate monitor and did 2 rounds at RX weight. D. strict C2B X2 each round no additional weight and 2,3 strict ring dips. On the C2B I am… Read more »
Tom H.
A. worked on freestanding HS hold..getting better
bar MU’s x 4 each set…easy movement for me
L-sit..horrible at these, only about 12-15 sec at a time
B. done
worked up to 225 for last three sets, need improvement on getting under bar faster
C. (40-49) 6 rounds complete Rx, push press were the limiting factor for me.
D. C2B 25lbsx3/ 25lbsx3 strict ring dips 14/14
A. Done. Nose-to-wall HS. Ring MUs. L-sit holds to 35 sec each, need to accumulate time to 50 sec next time.
B. Worked up to 195. Trying to get more aggressive with split feet position, and getting lower/faster under the bar. Work in progress.
C. 40-49: 5 Rx. Struggled but made each MU.
D. 2 sets of 3×35#KB C2Bs, then 15, 12 ring dips. Tough.
A. Done
B. 140,165,175,185,205,215,215,215
C. 40-49 5 + 13DU struggled with mu
D. 20# chest to bar 5,5 / ring dips 10,8
Nice work!
A. Worked on hips to bar. nose to wall HS. skipped L-sits due to shoulder.
B. 165, 190, 200, 215, 225, 240F, 235, 240
C. 3+30 DU. Really struggling with DUs lately. I was very good at them but lately I feel like I’m learning them all over. Very frustrating but I keep working them. Three MU attempts first round. Just didn’t have them today. Subbed C2B and ring dips.
A-Bar MU 4, 4, 4, Ring L-hold 35, 38, 27
B-145, 160, 170, 185, 205, 225, 235, 245 (missed 1st time then repeated successful) #5PR
C-4+50 reps (Bar MU-no MU rings). Didn’t pace well today, to many 5/10 second breaks.
(40-49, 47y)
A. Complete. Wall holds, jumping BMU, :45 l-sits each round
B. Tall Jerks-never done these. 35/45/45
C. 5+ 25. Shoulders were tired:)
D. 3 pullups weighted at 35#, 8 dips. 2 pullups at 35#, 9 dips. Kicked the legs a bit to get the chin over. Fun programming guys!
I had never done Tall Jerks either! I have dated tall jerks, however.
Nice work girl!
A. Done. Used band for BMU. Still chicken-winging it on right side.
B. Tall Jerks done at 35#. Super helpful for working my (lack) speed dropping under bar. Split Jerks done 83/93/103/108/113/118/118/123
C. Did 78# for 4 + DU and 1 CTB/ring dips. No MUs so subbed CTB + Ring Dips (w/band). Was going to attempt the 93# then thought better of it due to push press not being one of my strong suits. Glad I went lighter.
D. Subbed strict PU and strict ring dips. Got my first strict ring dip!! 🙂
Congrats on getting your first strict ring dip!
Congrats Loretta!
Awesome on that strict dip! Waiting on mine 🙁
Thanks! 🙂