Workout of the DayThree sets, not for time – slow and perfect:
Three sets, not for time – slow and perfect:
Air Squats with Slingshot or Mini-Band Around Knees x 10-15 reps
Bird Dogs
x 10 reps per side
Side-Lying Clam Shells x 10 reps per side @ 1011
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
3-Position Clean @ 70-75% of 1-RM
Five sets of:
Front Squat with a Pause x 3-4 reps @ 3211
(MUST move up in weight from last week)
Rest 3 minutes
MEN & WOMEN 40-49
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete:
400 Meter Run
70/55 lbs Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 12 reps
MEN & WOMEN 50-59
Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes, complete:
400 Meter Run
70/55 lbs Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 8 reps
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes, complete:
400 Meter Run
55/35 lbs Alternating Dumbbell Snatch x 10 reps
Note times for each set.
A. Done
B. 180/185/185/190/195
C. all sets @205x3reps
D. All 6 rounds completed between 2:40-2:45RX runs were averaging about 1:42. Felt better on the runs
A. Complete
B. 60/70/75/80/85kg
C. 80 x4/80 x4/80 x4/85 x4/90kg x4
D. No run option so rowed 500m at approx 2min/500m
30kg/66lb DB
2:55, 3:11, 3:08, 3:06, 2:53
A. Complete
B. 175#s
C. 185#x5-205×4-215×3-220×3-220×3
D. Not feeling so hot, fighting off a cold. Did something a little shorter. 3 rounds of 500m row for time with a 3 minute rest between rounds.
A.) Done
B.) 85# X 5
C.) 95# X 5
D.) 2:53, 2:53, 3:00, 3:00, 3:00, 3:10, subbing 500m row and 35# dumbbell
Light on the lifts due to injury recovery. I could not have done 55#.
I always do Wednesdays WODs on Thursday.
A. Done
B. 175, 180, 185, 185, 185. Felt really good. Quick under the bar today.
C. 200, 220, 235, 245, 255 x 4 reps all rounds. 10lbs more than last week but felt better.
D. I was dreading this as running is a weakness. I actually felt pretty good. Used a 75lb KB. Didn’t get my exact run times but every full round was within 3 seconds of 2:25
A Done
B 65kg
C 60kg
D 2:42-2:50/round.
Groin/hip feels better and better. 10kg more from last week FS.
A. Done
B. 155, 165,165,165,175
C. 165, 175, 185, 195, 195
D. 2:40,2:40,245.2:50,2:50,2:42 heaviest db in gym was 60lb.
A. Done
B. 125, 135, 145, 145, 135
C. 145, 155, 160, 160,160 all 3 reps
D. 2:14, 2:11, 2:14, 2:14, 2:08, 2:06
didn’t have a 55# db so I did 35# kb snatch
B-#190 × 5 no misses (Based on #250 PR)
C-Worked up to #225 with #10 increase on each set from last week.(5×4)
D-Went to track today w/#57 kb x 16 kb alternating snatches each round
Runs were 1:36, 1:41, 1:55, 1:58, 2:01, 1:57
(40-49, 47y)
A. Done
B. 83/88/88/88/93
C. Had to cut out squats today due to limited time
D. 55# was too heavy to do in this workout but next weight down was 35# so used that but think it was a bit light. Tried to focus on keeping runs at same pace each round. 2:30/2:46/2:46/2:53/2:53/2:54
Where in so cal are you?
I’m in Escondido. Are you in so cal too??
Yes! Temecula. We must get together sometime. : )
A. Done
B. 5 x 205
C. 5 x 5 at 240
D. 2:05/2:10/2:15/2:20/2:15/2:00
A. Completed B. Based off 142#. All sets at 115#, really need this technique work! Feeling quick and efficient. C. 125/135/140/135/137. 3 reps each time, the 140# third rep I felt my back round, which is why I went back down. Up 5# from last week. D. 2:54/2:44/2:43/2:44/2;33(got mad here)/2:38/2:40. scaled weight to 45# for right arm and 40# for left, my bum shoulder and my lack of coordination couldn’t get the 45# up without pressing it out. I vowed during team regionals two years ago I would get better at these before I start loading weight. I guess that… Read more »
Getting mad seems to work, nice job! 😉
A. Done B. 100# C. 5×120# x 4 Reps (5# more than last week) LOVE these!! D. 3:25/3:14/3:23/3:21/3:22/3:28 @ 40# DB (1st rd with 45#, but crappy on the left, so dropped to 40#) I picked up a 55# just to try..i think I have a new DB snatch PR! whoa For the 5 sets of Front Squats (C), were all sets to be at same weight, or increase weight over the sets? I was under the impression all sets at same weight, but I see others posting increasing weight each set. I did last weeks sets all at the… Read more »
A) Done
B) Based on 280 – 215/215/215/215/215 (no misses)
C) All at 245#, reps were 4/4/4/3/4
D) 400m times: 1:36/1:34/1:32/1:34/1:36/1:34
total time each round: 2:23/2:17/2:15/2:24/2:21/2:18 – had to use 70# kettle bell.
* I feel like today’s metcon was the scolding I needed for my “Nancy” performance on Monday… 🙂
Fast rounds Jarrod, nice job!
Thanks Christine, my running is not the best so days like Monday and today are good for me.
A. Done. These really helped out opening the hips for later.
B. 135/135/140/145/150. Could have done heavier but my current 1rm is 185 so that would have kept me at 135# but they felt good so I moved up the weights.
C. 150(4), 165(4), 165(4), 175(4), 180(4); heavier than last week
D. only had time for 4 rds. We only have 80# DB and that is way too heavy so I did 45# but did 16 reps. 2:30/2:20/2:35/2:35 with all the runs 1:35-1:40.
A: Done B: Used #135 for all 5 Sets. Priority was correcting the high-hang position. Videotaped and focused on cues from Nichole: Engage lats on set up, stay connected (saw this slip sometimes on full clean), keeping drive vertical – shoulders behind the bar / staying in heels as long as possible. Def had to fight the urge to let shoulders dip in front of bar. Good tech session! C: 145×4/ 155×3/165×3/165×3/165×3 – felt fine D: All Rounds w/ #55 DB: Total time 18:48 Rx 1: 3:04 (Run 1:57 / DB 1:07) 2: 3:04 (Run 1:57 / DB 1:07) 3:… Read more »
Awesome work Sarah!
Nice Work!!
Yeah Sarah you rocked that!
Very impressive Metcon!!!
A. Done
B. 123/123/133/143/143
C. 113/128/143/153/163 5# heavier than last week
D. Scaled to 45#, doing 55# would have turned it into an AMRAP for me
Pause squats are solid Karen, I could use some of your strength!
I’ll trade you a quad for a lat???
A. Done.
B. 155 straight across. “Fast elbows”
C. 185(4), 195(4), 205(3), 215(3), 215(3)
D. 3:22, 3:12, 3:07, 3:07, 3:08, 3:06 Run felt fine, snatches required my full attention – keep the hips engaged. Looking forward to active recovery day tomorrow.
A.Complete- (must be doing clam shells wrong I feel nothing)
B. 185
C. 215×4, 220×4, 220×4, 220×4, 230×4
D. 2:14-2:24-2:25-2:28-2:33-2:30
Your flute should be burning!
lol not flute, glute
Haha glute feels ok low back is toast. Should know more tender areas tomorrow 😉
What is a good substitute for 70# dumbbell snatches?
KB snatches may be a good alt.
#24K KB maybe do 16 reps